By Allison K. Sanger
National Coordinator, Secure the Heartland
Recently, Secure Arkansas has been under siege from local Arkansas newspapers. I use the term “newspaper” loosely, as apparently real journalism no longer exists in the State. Perhaps instead of “newspaper,” they should be referred to as the “Arkansas leader in yellow-journalism,” since they seem to enjoy stating opinion as fact so much. This past week, the Arkansas Times proved they earned the above title when they published an article written by Gerard Mathews titled, “The political fringe finds a voice in Arkansas.” [1] If this is the best writer the Arkansas Times has on staff, then they have more important issues to deal with than the “political fringe.”
There are a couple of things that this article speaks to that I feel the need to rebut. I’ll endeavor to keep my responses short in the interest of saving time. After all, we are all busy people with demanding schedules. I hope you as the reader will stay with me, though. Instead of just clearing up some of the factual inaccuracies quoted within the article, I plan to provide some hard documentation that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a global agenda and it IS being implemented in our own communities. First though, let’s deal with those inaccuracies.
I’d like to clear up the “illegal alien” versus “undocumented immigrant” issue that was made mention of within the article. Secure Arkansas is against illegal aliens and the lack of response to their growing population in the United States and within Arkansas specifically. We are against the growing cost to us as the tax payer that illegal aliens burden us with. At no time have you ever heard that Secure Arkansas is against “undocumented immigrants,” unless of course, you are going to tell me that illegal aliens and undocumented immigrants are one and the same. The political correctness police would like us to believe that they are — though critical thinking people know different.
In fact, legally speaking, there is no such thing as an “undocumented immigrant,” since the term is an oxymoron. An immigrant [2] is a person who has been through the process to be in the U.S. legally and thus, they are given documents proving it. Undocumented and immigrant cancel each other out in the above context. You will no doubt have several reasons lined up to tell me how wrong I am and how radical and racist Secure Arkansas is. I’ll tell you what — if you want “undocumented immigrants” to be paid for by YOUR tax dollars, knock yourself out. Leave MY tax dollars alone. Problem solved.
Now, let’s talk about the President. The media, in all its glory, constantly argue that the only reason people like Secure Arkansas disagree and hate President Obama is because of his race. This argument is not based in reality and is, in fact, just another diversionary effort to distract the masses from the real issues at hand. The reality is — we could care less what “color” his skin is. We could care less what color skin ANYONE has. The average person, I think, feels the same. I think that if we didn’t have so many organizations constantly shoving politically correct terms down our throats day and night, we’d be over the race issue all together. As far as hating goes, I don’t think anyone HATES President Obama. I think it’s safe to say that I hate the politics of the Obama Administration. I hate the direction our country is taking during his presidency, but this is in no way personal. He may be a fine man. I have no way of knowing. All I know is that I think he’s a bad president who is leading us down the wrong path. That’s not hate, it’s just a difference of opinion.
While we’re already on the race issue, I’d like to point out that the term “white” was used three separate times to describe the color of specific individuals. I think the politically correct term is Caucasian, but really, if you wanted to be absolutely correct, you should refer to them as Irish-Americans, English-Americans, Dutch-Americans, or even French-Americans. As an Irish-English-Cherokee-Chickasaw-American, I am offended by the term “white,” because it neither describes me as an individual, nor accurately describes the color of my skin. Why should the Caucasian demographic, which is so under-served within the political correctness arena, be singled out in this manner? For future reference when polling “whites,” perhaps you could broaden your racial profiling to include all the different “white” ethnic groups around the globe, or better yet, you can just refer to everyone as Americans — if they are, in fact, Americans. Easy and no politically correct categories would be needed in all those polls that are funded by tax payer money guised as grants. Problem solved.
Moving right along then… Let’s address the Secure Arkansas and Tea Party issue. Contrary to what the liberal-yellow-journalism newspaper has to say, they are not one and the same. While Secure Arkansas and the Tea Party have some issues they agree on, they are not part of the same organization. Secure Arkansas [3] is an independent grassroots organization that works diligently to ensure state sovereignty and adherence to the U.S. Constitution. We believe in promoting responsible government practices, fiscal accountability and the protection of property rights and civil liberties. As can be readily seen, many of these issues are compatible with many Tea Party agendas. Thus, we at Secure Arkansas have found ourselves on the same side of the fence with The Tea Party. [4] We are not, however, the driving force of that national organization, nor do we seek to be. So, you’ll have to come up with another name for us instead of “tea-baggers.” I’m sure that won’t be a problem for you. In fact, I think we were once referred to as “nuttier-than-squirrel-turds” by one overly imaginative blogger. [5]
Speaking of crazy, let’s talk about bike paths and why Secure Arkansas was so strongly opposed to city plans to take federal grant money for it. Many of our “fans” have taken a lot of pleasure in bringing this issue up to prove how insane and fringe our organization is. However, I can prove that bikes DO play a role in a global agenda and that we as Americans are no longer being governed by the U.S. Constitution, nor our State Constitution. I can prove this with hard facts, not speculation, rumor or conspiracy.
The first check point along our “fact” path is a widely known publication from the United Nations (UN) that 178 countries, including the U.S., agreed to follow. It’s called Agenda 21. [6] I challenge all those naysayers out there, who point fingers and mock Secure Arkansas for political “fringe” behavior, to read this document. You won’t though, and we know very well that you won’t. Why would you do something as sensible as reading what is so widely publicized and readily available? After all, you don’t want proof, do you? You’d much rather sit back in your comfy office chairs and pat yourselves on the back for maintaining the status quo. I’m here to tell you, that you will regret your lack of initiative when you’re walking or biking to work instead of riding in the privacy of your own car. You’ll probably be the ones who whine the loudest when you wake up to a Global Government under United Nations’ control. All we’ll have to say is, “We told you so.” It’s right here in black and white. According to the UN, Agenda 21 is a “comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.” [7] In EVERY area in which human impacts on the environment. Man, that’s a lot of ground to cover, if you stop to think about it. The United Nations has developed a plan of action to control EVERY aspect of your life.
This takes us to the next factual United Nations document that is referred to as the “Earth Summit.” [8] The official name for this conference is the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). According to the Earth Summit, Sustainable Development (SD) is a concept which “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” [9] Sustainable Development is to be an alternative approach to one simply based on economic growth. [10] The summit worked to “find ways to halt the destruction of irreplaceable natural resources and pollution to the planet.” [11] So, in their efforts to define their agenda for sustainable development, they show us exactly where Free Trade and Capitalism rank in the grand scheme of things. Apparently, to the UN, making money is not a sustainable endeavor. Earning a daily wage to provide for your family is harmful to the environment. According to them, it seems that earth comes first. Before you know it, the government will mandate Beano, so we don’t pollute the air with noxious poison gases. That’s a public service announcement that the American tax payers would just LOVE to foot the bill for. Pardon me while I roll my eyes at my own sarcasm. You might think this is just a joke, but please remember that farmers across the United States are fighting the EPA, who wants to charge them for the gas emissions of their livestock. [12] Yeah, they really are.
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So, we have the first two building blocks to the Global Government Agenda. First, they put in place an agenda to implement a “plan of action” to govern every area in which human impacts on the environment. Then, they called all the global nations together to determine how destruction caused by “human impact” can be stopped. After all this, the UN decided they needed a department tasked with following up with all these countries who were single handily allowing their populations to wreak havoc on Mother Nature. Enter into the picture, the CSD.
The CSD is the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development. [13] It was established by the UN General Assembly to ensure effective follow up of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), or more simply, The Earth Summit. They claim that their responsibilities cover reviewing progress in the implementation of Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. [14] They take their responsibilities very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that there are approximately 31 different “topics” that are reported on to the United Nations. [15] Some of them include titles such as: Industry, Health, Human Settlements, Water, Rural Development, and of course, Transport. In regards to Transport, one report published by the CSD claims that, “Current patterns of transportation development are not sustainable and may compound both environmental and health problems” [16] and that there is, therefore, “a need for urgent action…promoting and supporting the use of non-motorized transport and developing innovative mass transit schemes.” [17] It is clear to them at least, that “support for greater use of public and non-motorized transport” [18] is the way to go. Can you say, “bikes and bike paths?”
So, you may be pedaling along your little path totally unconcerned about what these UN conferences, meetings and summits are doing to your way of life. You’d be wrong to discount it, though. All you have to do is look on the website to see thousands of search hits for the term, “sustainable development.” [19] In fact, former President Clinton even implemented The Presidents Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD). [20] Sustainable development is on every state government’s official website across America and in every Mission Statement of every government-sponsored program. Sustainable development is the new lifestyle choice as dictated by the United Nations. If you doubt me still, just take a moment to reflect on the fact that President Obama has announced that May is “National Bike Month” [21] and just about every state has issued proclamations or programs that encourage “city dwellers” to Bike-to-Work or Bike-to-School. South Carolina is even building the first ever Bicycle City where cars are not allowed. [22]
Now, all this may sound wonderful to you. Maybe these ideals meet your current lifestyle choices. The problem is that the United Nations is dictating to you how you live your life. As Americans, there was no vote to determine if we wished to change our way of life to be more “sustainable.” We weren’t given a choice on how best to meet the needs of the future. Choice is important to most of America and if it’s not to you, then you have obviously missed the whole point of the U.S. Constitution. No one has the right to take away my rights as an individual and no one has the right to dictate to me what “lifestyle” I should live. In addition, you cannot discount the fact that these plans and ideals are being brought to us by an international organization. This organization is so pervasive as to invade every aspect of our lives in every corner of the world.
So, you go ahead and laugh at our efforts to stop a bike path, especially if that’s all you are capable of seeing. I see a larger picture in which my sovereignty and my nation are being taken over by a larger global-governing body. I see a world where I have no free will to exercise my individual rights, but a place where my choices are determined by what I’m allowed to do by the UN. So, those of us at Secure Arkansas will continue to fight for our freedom and, by association, your freedom. Sadly, within our own borders there are a growing number of people who believe a socialist society is the way to go. They use words like “fair,” “equal” and “consensus.” There seems to be many people that view Capitalism as some kind of disease that needs to be eradicated, or that being wealthy is a sin against the natural order. I happen to believe it’s the backbone of our country and it’s the American dream to work to make a better future for yourself and your family. It’s NOT the American Dream to get a free ride from the Federal Government. It’s NOT the American Dream to have all your hard earned money given to others so that it’s “fair.” The individuals that make up your so called “fringe” are people from all walks of life. They share a common emotion — they are fed up with the direction our country is going. All of us will continue to be mocked and called names because, at the heart of the issue, is the inability of our trusted media to bring us the truth. So, until the powers that be wake up, we will continue to be as loud and vocal as necessary to stop the downward socialist spiral America is going in. Where is Walter Cronkite when you need him?
1. The political fringe finds a voice in Arkansas
by Gerard Matthews, February 16, 2011
2. The term Immigrant as defined by the American Visa Bureau
3. Secure Arkansas’ Mission Statement & Purpose
4. The Tea Party
5. “nuttier-than-squirrel-turds”
by one overly imaginative blogger
6. Agenda 21
The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Sustainable Development
7. Core Publications, Agenda 21 – Cover
The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Sustainable Development
8. Earth Summit
UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
9. Earth Summit
UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
10. Earth Summit
UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
11. Earth Summit
UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
12. Tax cows, hogs for passing gas, burping? VIDEO
Farmers fear EPA might do so due to methane’s impact as greenhouse gas
13. About the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Sustainable Development
14. About the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Sustainable Development
15. UN Sustainable Development Topics
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Sustainable Development
SD Topics
16. Transport, UN Sustainable Development Topic
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Sustainable Development
SD Topics
17. Transport, UN Sustainable Development Topic
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Sustainable Development
SD Topics
18. Transport, UN Sustainable Development Topic
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Sustainable Development
SD Topics
19. White House Website Search Results for Sustainable Development
The White House
Search:sustainable development
20. President’s Council on sustainable Development (PCSD)
21. National Bike to Work Day
posted by Gary Guzy
May 21, 2010
The White House
Council on Environmental Quality
22. Bicycle City, South Carolina
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