Monthly Archives January 2011

HB1008, State Benefits for Illegal Aliens

Representative Justin Harris has sponsored HB1008, a bill which will require U.S. citizenship or lawful presence in the United States for a person to be eligible for in-state tuition. This bill has been referred to the House Education Committee. Please call the committee representatives and ask them to vote “yes” on HB 1008 tomorrow morning, January 27.

Support HB 1205, Arkansas Water Additive Accountability Act

HB1205 is critical for the health and welfare of the citizens of Arkansas. HB1205 could be one of the most important bills filed this session. Secure Arkansas backs this bill wholeheartedly and needs your help to get it passed.

HB 1053, The Healthcare Freedom Act

HB 1053, The Healthcare Freedom Act, will be heard by the Public Health Committee on Tuesday, January 25th. The Committee meets at 10:00 a.m. in Room 130. For those who can make it down to the Capital next Tuesday morning. Please do! Normally there is a time period given for people to speak either for the bill or against the bill and I would love to have a room full of people who are willing to speak for the bill.

Stop the Push for a Mandate for Water Fluoridation

Secure Arkansas has been made aware of a push for a mandate for water fluoridation. The mandate bill has not been filed, but it is coming soon. We must try and stop this action NOW.

We are asking everyone to first contact all members of the Senate and House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committees, then contact your own senator and representative AND TELL THEM TO VOTE NO TO A WATER FLUORIDATION MANDATE.

Senate Bill 3: Mandates Interpreters to Assist Non-English Speaking Employees for All Public Institutions

SB3 calls for all public institutions of higher education and public hospitals to provide an interpreter to assist non English-speaking employees in understanding English. The most alarming fact is the bill focuses on a potential employee’s oral communication skills in English. It is difficult to conceive of a job in such institutions where the ability to SPEAK, READ and WRITE in English would not be essential if not critical to performing a job.

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