Article By: Ken Borgenheimer – Mountain View, AR
It seems that these people have more influence on America than any other – influence in a most negative way.
Let’s start with politicians and lawyers – the people who make laws for the rest of the nation – who love power and control above all else.
Right now law-abiding Americans are being lambasted and smashed to smithereens by the Democrat party and Diane Feinstein, who is introducing another Assault Weapons Ban to “make America safe.” They are relentless in their destruction of America’s 2nd Amendment – blaming the NRA and its 4.5M members who shot no one today.
It doesn’t matter if the first assault weapons ban had such a negative effect on crime, but that is their agenda – has nothing to do with making America any safer.
The Sandy Hook school shooting has given them momentum to revive the AWB again. They are blaming the deaths of these wonderful kids on the AR-15 rifle, but now here this: NBC news reported that Adam Lanza left that rifle in his Mother’s car – it was not recovered in the school. What was recovered was 4 hand guns.
In listening to all the reports from the so-called media, you will only hear how evil that rifle is. Not one word is mentioned about the 4 handguns. Ms. Feinstein is calling it an assault rifle, when it is no different than most semi-auto rifles. It is not a full auto – they have been outlawed since the thirties.
Now lets get to Doctors and Psychiatrists – the people who are so much more responsible for all the school shootings than any other reason. America, you know, is a drugged-up country from our youths to our retired folks.
Almost everyone of these shootings has had some form of a mind-altering drug in the person involved. Even going back to the man who almost killed President Reagan. The two young boys at the Jonesboro school shooting were on Ritalin at the time. There is just a huge list of drugs that Psychiatrists are prescribing to the youth of America.
Here is some of the names of the drugs that make someone go crazy to kill themselves or others: Zoloft – Luvox – Prozac – Paxil – Ritalin – Effexor – Celexa – Lexapro – Xanax – Ambien – Trazodone.
Has anyone heard anything except a few words coming out against these pharmaceutical giant drug pushers? Nah! it won’t happen – they are big contributors to both parties for their re-elections.
There has been a huge increase in mind-altering drugs being administered to our youth in this country. You have boys today that want to be boys and are acting up in school because school is not a challenge for a lot of the smarter ones. I don’t even know if they have gymnasium anymore for the kids to exercise.
Teachers and principals can no longer dish out capital punishment for disruptive kids like we had when we misbehaved decades ago. Here is another “GREAT” accomplishment that psychologists and lawyers have given America. The school system is also getting more federal money when they put kids on these drugs.
The states that have pro-gun laws are the safest by far – the least safest are states like Illinois and N.Y. – with N.Y. just enacting draconian laws against protecting oneself.
Thank God for the foresight of our Forefathers, for without their wisdom and courage and love of freedom we would not have our Bill of Rights and our 2nd Amendment to protect the 1st that the media only cares about.