Michael P. Farris
Citizens for Self-Governance – Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies, head of Convention of the States Project
This one of the groups with whom Michael P. Farris is associated and which is pushing for an Article V Amendment Convention.
According to Corpus Juris Secundum 16 C.J.S 9 (a compilation of State Supreme Court findings):
The members of a Constitutional Convention are the direct representatives of the people, and as such
For the past 225 years, the Constitution has been amended without a convention because the risks of a repeat of 1787 has been, and still is, a well-known FACT.
Govenor Mike Levitt (Utah) said it outright in his 1994 White Paper regarding the planned Conference of States to be held in “historic Philadelphia” in ’95:
“CONGRESS TRIED TO LIMIT THE CONVENTION’S AUTHORITY by stating it would meet ‘for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation‘.”
“As we all know, the delegates to the great Constitutional Convention in 1787 in Philadelphia did much more than that. They threw out the Articles of Confederation and drafted a new constitution.“
Obama wants our guns! Under the 2nd Amendment, he CANNOT get our guns without throwing out the entire Constitution! If we lose that, everybody, including state legislators, loses their freedom.