HIGH ALERT: More information to be submitted to the Jonesboro City Council for their consideration BEFORE their meeting on Tues, Sept. 16, 2014
PART 3: A Radical Restructuring of Jonesboro and the Surrounding Area
Click here to read Part 1: A Radical Restructuring of Jonesboro and the Surrounding Area (in case you haven’t read it yet). It consists of information regarding current Jonesboro Mayor Harold Perrin.
Click here to read Part 2: A Radical Restructuring of Jonesboro and the Surrounding Area (in case you haven’t read it yet). It questions whether there is a possible conflict of interest between individuals on the Jonesboro Comprehensive Planning Advisory Committee (CPAC) – such as Mark Young, Sherry Stringer, Jerry Halsey Jr, Roddy Thrasher, and Gary Harpole – and Jonesboro Vision 2030 and the Greensboro Village plan.
As always, be sure to hang in there with us for the whole email because this is a long one. Click the links we’ve made available throughout. They’re important for your understanding. This should open your eyes as to how Jonesboro seems to be implementing U.N. Agenda 21!
Last Minute Reminder:
Please attend the Jonesboro City Council which meets Tuesday, September 16, 2014, at 5:30 pm at the Jonesboro Municipal Center, and also call and email all the Jonesboro City Council and voice your opposition to the Jonesboro Vision 2030 and the Greensboro Village Plan. The FINAL VOTE will be taken that night regarding the Greensboro Village Plan!
In any Redevelopment District, the property owner will be assessed a “special” assessment on top of their regular assessment within that redevelopment district. It is the policy committee that is the decision-making body for the planning organization. The policy committee is made up of appointees and not elected officials.
The Metropolitan Planning District is often created by federal mandates and is governed by appointed non-governmental representatives of the people. These appointed representatives serve the districts rather than the people within Metropolitan Planning District.
The governing body of the Redevelopment District is appointed within its own council. Property owners have no real voice in local politics within the Metropolitan Planning District. These are unelected appointed officials controlling private property use, property taxes, and zoning.
History of Regionalism
We first noticed that the Council of Governments was implementing Regionalism. Now it is the Metropolitan Planning Organizations that are implementing Regionalism. This page has more information about it.
From their page:
Regionalism means, in the words of David Rusk written in his publication entitled “Upstate NY A House Divided…” (1), the “little box voices” (meaning you and your local elected officials) must be silenced so that unelected regional bureaucrats – the “big box voices” – can dictate what happens in your local area. Note the word unelected. If you disagree with what is happening around your area, you will have no ability to do anything about it. There will be no “elected” official that can be “fired” at the ballot box. Regionalism silences you.
The following excerpts are from a book written in 1973 entitled Beware Metro and Regional Government by Phoebe Courtney which can be read in its entirety here. It is a well written expose on metro and regional government. Few people understand what is meant by regionalism. In a nutshell it means the elimination of your voice in what is happening in your village, town, county, state and eventually your entire country by eliminating your local elected officials. The largest regional area they are creating is a one world government with the UN at the helm. Think that isn’t true? Think again. How much say do the citizens of the nations that are members of the European Union have in anything the EU heads want to do?
Council of Governments (COG)
COGs are region-wide associations of local governments – regional bodies, typically defined to serve an area of several counties to address issues such as 1) regional and municipal planning, 2) economic and community development, 3) cartography and Government Information Systems (GIS), 4) hazard mitigation and emergency planning, 5) aging services, 6) water use, 7) pollution control, 8) transit administration, 9) and transportation planning.
COGs run your town and your county from behind the scenes. Federal funds allocated to COGs coordinate the local implementation of Agenda 21. This link has good information about COGs and MPOs (Metropolitan Planning Organizations).
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
MPOs are federally mandated, and like COGs, are the instruments for restructuring American government. They are setting up an infrastructure for a new economic system based on public private partnership to replace free enterprise.
COGs and MPOs are federalized organizations that break down America’s constitutionally formulated government structure. Their purpose is to control and direct local government from behind the scenes.
Today, they propel the federal injection of the globalist agenda into local government policy and thereby negate the protections afforded by our constitutional system of government. This violation of the American essence and of our natural rights must stop!
In the words of Charlotte Iserbyt, former Department of Education official and author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, “Regionalism is Communism.”
Regionalism promotes soviet-style councils that develop policy that is then rubber-stamped by elected officials, with no meaningful public oversight. It is an extra level of government that operates outside the provisions of the Constitution, thus advancing globalist objectives whilst insulating most elected officials. Some elected officials are the appointees to COG management authority.
In short, American regionalism is the instrument used to advance the globalist goals of political restructure:
Sustainable Development involves taxpayer money and a boatload of federal regulations. Property tax is calculated by multiplying the property’s taxable value by the tax rates applicable to it and is an estimate of what an owner not benefiting from any exemptions would pay. The rates are expressed as millages (i.e the actual rates multiplied by 1000).
Total tax is obtained by adding special improvement district assessment, which is a flat rate levied for the provided service.
Actual taxes might differ from the figures displayed here due to various abatement and financial assistance programs.
ACT 210 covers the special assessment of the Special Improvement District Assessment
An overview of Arkansas Tax Increment Financing District Law
This document explains some of the inter workings of the Arkansas Tax Increment Financing District Law.
The following information below covers Constitutional Amendments and laws enacted to allow the establishment of Economic Redevelopment, Economic Development and Improvement Districts. This is Regionalism where unelected appointees are running the show instead of elected officials. Regionalism is Communism. Here is Regionalism in China, and it’s being directed all over the planet.
Constitution of the State of Arkansas Amendment 78 (City and County Government Redevelopment)
ACT 1197 was enacted by the 2001 Arkansas General Assembly to implement the provisions of Amendment 78
Constitution of the State of Arkansas Amendment 82 (Obligation Bonds for Economic Development)
Constitution of the State of Arkansas Amendment 90 [(Bonds for Economic Development) (HJR 1007 amends Arkansas Constitution Amendment 82)]
§ 14-168-312 (Supp. 2001 Arkansas)
2010 Arkansas Code
Title 14 – Local Government
Subtitle 10 – Economic Development And Tourism Generally
2010 Arkansas Code
Title 14 – Local Government
Subtitle 11 – Economic Development Improvement Districts, Facilities, and Authorities
In Part 1 and Part 2 released previously, the question was raised about whether a possible conflict of interest exists with some of the people involved with the Jonesboro Metropolitan Area Planning Commission. Arkansas Code § 14-188-107 states:
“Interest of commissioners or employees prohibited”. The code that follows 14-188-107. Interest of commissioners or employees prohibited.
(a) (1) No commissioner or employee of a rural development authority shall directly or indirectly acquire any interest in any development project or in any property included, or planned to be included, in any projectM.
(2) Nor shall a commissioner or employee have any direct or indirect interest in any contract or proposed contract for materials or services to be furnished for use in connection with any project.
(b) (1) If any commissioner or employee of an authority owns or controls a direct or indirect interest in property included, or planned to be included, in any project, he immediately shall disclose it in writing to the authority. This disclosure shall be entered upon the minutes of the authority.
(2) Failure to disclose his interest shall constitute misconduct in office.
Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. Arkansas may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources for yourself.
[yellow highlight and bold emphasis ours]
Metropolitan Area Planning Commission – Members
Roberts, Lonnie Jr.
Hoelscher, Paul
Kelton, Ron
Schrantz, Kim – County Appointment
Bailey, Kevin – County Appointment
Perkins, Brant
Reece, Jerry
Scurlock, Jim
Doing some online searching on government websites and publicly-accessible sites, we found some interesting information about the individuals shown above (highlighted in yellow). The following public information below was found by going to the Arkansas Secretary of State website, entering the name we wanted to search for in the blank for Registered Agent (RA), and clicking on Search.
Lonnie Roberts Jr. – Register Agent for the following Corporations:
Paul Hoelscher – Register Agent for the following Corporations:
Brant Perkins – Register Agent for the following Corporations:
City of Jonesboro Master Land Use Plan
Land Use Advisory Committee Members:
William Hall Carroll Caldwell
Daren May Eric Scarbough
Jerry Halsey Jr. Jim Sanders
Kevan Inboden Mark Enos
Nadine Straitt Pam Alexander
Rusty Trevathan Shawnie Carrier
Steve Smith Terry Bare
Todd Burton Wixson Huffstetler
The following public information below was found by going to the Arkansas Secretary of State website, entering the name we wanted to search for in the blank for Registered Agent (RA), and clicking on Search.
Jerry Halsey, Jr. – Register Agent for the following Corporations:
Kevan Inboden – Register Agent for the following Corporations:
Terry Bare – Register Agent for the following Corporations:
Carroll Caldwell – Register Agent for the following Corporations:
Pam Alexander – Register Agent for the following Corporations:
Greensborough Village Town Center
The 200 acre tract of land is owned by Greensboro Investments LLC of Jonesboro, that is run by Mickey Seeman and John Conner. The land was purchased in 2013 for $5.4 million from the Frank Snellgrove family.
Halsey Thrasher Harpole, a commercial real estate and development company in Jonesboro, has been directly involved with the property for two years. It worked with the Snellgrove family to decide whether selling it or developing it was the best option, and when the decision was made to sell, it approached Greensboro Investments with the idea of a mixed-use development and the genesis of plans for the area.
After the firm purchased the land, Halsey Thrasher Harpole was hired on to develop the land. Could this be a possible conflict of interest?
We decided to look into any developments or investments with which Mickey Seeman and John Conner were affiliated. Here’s what we found.
The following public information below was found by going to the Arkansas Secretary of State website, entering the name we wanted to search for in the blank for Registered Agent (RA), and clicking on Search.
Mickey Seeman – Register Agent
The following public information below was found by going to the Arkansas Secretary of State website, entering the name we wanted to search for in the blank for Registered Agent (RA), and clicking on Search.
John Conner – Register Agent of the following corporations:
Interesting note: we thought there was a Greenway Equipment company that was supporting the White River Watershed National Blueway. We’re wondering if John Conner’s company (with the same name above) is that company.
Mickey Seeman – Register Agent of the following corporations:
Other smaller businesses can very easily be rooted out by these bigger players, and some of you small business owners know what we’re talking about!
CALL TO ACTION: Good people of Jonesboro and from all over America, PLEASE help us oppose these Jonesboro Vision 2030 and Greensboro Village plans (mentioned in our previous 2 emails). Call these city council members immediately and let them know how serious implementing these highly-restrictive plans can be: these plans usually create problems with population density, crime, traffic congestion (wait until no cars are allowed!), and conflict of interest. Remember: the city council is meeting next Tuesday, Sept. 16 at 5:30 pm, so they must hear from you ASAP!
Here are their email addresses if you’d just like to copy and paste them into your “To” box in your email server, then separate by either a comma or semicolon:
To summarize this: the agenda for global governance will rip apart established human society, and it looks like we will become completely managed. The United Nations wants to manage society so completely that they are dictating the process for our housing development, our education, our food, and our industry. You can bet the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) will have their hands in that. We’ll try to include information about the EPA in Part 4. Stay tuned!
Please forward this email to your family and friends.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas