Governor Asa Hutchinson has called a Special Session for today (Tuesday, May 26) through Thursday, May 28, 2015. The people of Arkansas are appealing to Governor Hutchinson to allow local control of fluoridation. It would be right thing for the governor to return fluoridation back to local control, which is the will of the people. There is no need for large corporations and legislators to override the will of the people. We MUST let him know our wishes immediately, as this Special Session ends THURSDAY, May 28!
There three things that the Governor could do:
Sign an Executive Order allowing local control of fluoridation. (The Language of HB1355 of 2015 can be used.) This bill passed on the House floor. No funding is required by the State of Arkansas on this section.
Force HB1355 out of the Senate Committee to the Senate floor so that the bill can be voted on.
Do nothing and go against the will of the people
Of the three options listed above that the Governor could choose, the first one would best satisfy the wishes of the people. An EO could be signed by the Governor to return the fluoridation to local control.
Governor Hutchinson has already signed Executive Orders (EO) 15-01 through EO 15-11 since he took office in January 2015, and they are as follows:
05/15/2015 – EO 15-11
An Executive Order on the State’s Policy On Hiring.
05/08/2015 – EO 15-10
An Executive Order to Provide Funding from Hazard Mitigation Disaster Fund
04/30/2015 – EO 15-09
Executive Order to Establish the Governor’s Advisory Council on Medicaid Reform
04/23/2015 – EO 15-08
Executive Order to Create the Governor’s Working Group on Highway Funding
03/27/2015 – EO 15-07
An Executive Order Amending EO 14-13
03/12/2015 – EO 15-06
Executive Order to Establish the Governor’s Advisory Council on Medicaid Reform
03/11/2015 – EO 15-05
An Executive Executive Appropriation Hazard Mitigation Funds to Eureka Springs
02/27/2015 – EO 15-04
An Executive Order to Provide Funding from the Hazard Mitigation Disaster Fund
02/12/2015 – EO 15-03
An Executive Order to Establish the Governor’s Council on Common Core Review
01/14/2015 – EO 15-02
01/14/2015 – EO 15-01
An Executive Order on the State’s Policy on Hiring
Some Recent Recent Secure Arkansas Articles on Fluoridation:
May 22, 2015 Fluoridation Harm to African Americans
May 14, 2014 “Fluoridated Water is Public Murder on a Grand Scale” – Dr. Dean Burk
May 8, 2014 Erin Brockovich’s Letter Regarding Fluoride Poison
April 27, 2015 HHS Makes Small Gesture to Lower Fluoride Levels.. but It’s Not Enough
April 23, 2015 Fluoride Video – Arkansas Department of Health Board Meeting 4/23/15
April 15, 2015 The Tragic Death of the Fluoride-Poisoned Horses
March 23, 2015 Video – Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy
The view the Arkansas Department of Health appears to be taking on the position of water fluoridation can be seen in the cartoon below:
Take Action:
Please contact the governor’s office by clicking here and entering your message and contact information in the spaces provided. Or you may call him at his office at
(501) 682-2345. The Governor and his staff would like to hear your comments. Your message will go directly to the Governor or to the appropriate staff member.
Tell Governor Hutchinson: “We oppose the mandatory Fluoridation of the public water supplies and demand that fluoridation be returned back to local control.”
Be sure to forward this email to your family and friends!
They may also sign up to receive our Action Alerts by clicking here.
Local control of water and our freedom from fluoride poison are important!
Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas