Tami Greever’s highly acclaimed documentary about the dangers of the mandated fluoridation of drinking water in Arkansas is linked below.
“Fluoride – Arkansas’ Protected Poison”
Published on Sept. 14, 2015
The video lasts 1 ½ hours.
This video is about rights. It should be the decision that the local water district makes, not the un-elected officials at the Arkansas Department of Health.
Delta Dental paid off the elected legislative officials in the form of campaign donations in order to get SB359/Act 197 fluoridation mandate passed.
Adding fluoride to the public water supply is not ethical or safe. Fluoride should be a choice, NOT a mandate.
Andy Anderson, District Chairman for Ozark Mtn. Regional Public Water Association, is interviewed on this program and has said recently that some municipalities may stop paying if fluoride is added to their water supply.
This is one of the best documentaries we have ever seen! PLEASE share this important report about Arkansas’ toxic poisoned water with everyone you know.
We will have this up on our website soon.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas