What are the weapons of Choice of the Government – Corporate Complex?
“Whereas Corporations use the impervious “Shield of Limited Liability” with great effect, it is their “Deep Coffers of Influence-Peddling” that allow them to serve their narrow and selfish interests with virtual impunity. The Government, on the other hand, uses the “Threat of Criminal Prosecution“, “Predatory Taxation” and “Oppressive Laws” to keep the citizenry from straying from the reservation.”
~ State of the Nation
There is a Plan to Replace Our Existing Constitution. No Rights — Just Privileges! When The Government colludes with the major corporations, it results in Fascism. (We will address that topic in a future article soon.)
So, what’s the MOTIVE for lawmakers calling a Constitutional Convention? Our misguided legislators are either naive or have been bought off… or they have SEARED their consciences and just don’t care about anything but their own selfish motives, including power and their pocketbook. This includes the corporate state which has taken over America.
PLEASE NOTE: There are NO RULES in the U.S. Constitution or in any law to limit a Con-Con’s purpose, procedure, agenda, or election of delegates or the subject matter! Congress has repeatedly rejected ALL bills to establish rules or procedures, so one cannot control a Constitutional Convention in advance.
We Have Been Infiltrated by Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
Many grassroots, Tea Party, and Christian groups are being infiltrated with progressive ideas by people presenting themselves as Conservatives, Christians, or Patriots. We must all be truth seekers. Don’t accept any information without checking out both the message AND the person. That includes everything. Just because someone claims to be something, that doesn’t mean they are. Everyone and everything needs to be vetted. Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow, but it is the truth.
Say NO to a Con-Con
The terrible threats and current goals to rewrite the U.S. Constitution started over 50 years ago as part of the globalist Rockefeller and Ford Foundations’ billion dollar effort to fundamentally change the Constitution and transform our form of government. This New States of America Constitution is listed on page 626 to 652 of a book “The Emerging Constitution” by Rexford G. Tugwell. Click_here for a PDF copy to your computer. The New States of America Constitution is listed from page 626 to page 652 of this document. These U.N.-type goals involving a new constitution are still in place today. Do not embrace this diabolical deception!
There are many front_groups on both the political right and the left that want do away with our existing Constitution, as we will reveal in this article. The method of their madness will be an Article V Amendment Convention that will end up as a Constitutional Convention. If this ever happens, once started and convened, you can kiss our current U.S. Constitution good-bye, and America will never be the same. Yes, you can bet change will happen for the worse because the global elite has a new U.S. Constitution waiting for us! Is this what you really want? Do you want MORE of your personal rights and private property rights further violated, subverted, and REMOVED? We are headed straight into a fascist dictatorship, but our U.S. Constitution keeps getting in the way of U.N. goals. A One World Government and a One World Religion are already in place. Yes, corporate America wants a convention!!… and they want YOU to be dumb enough to support it! The government-corporate complex has taken control of the United States.
While the Article V Amendment Convention movement appears to be a grassroots effort coming from the states, it’s quite the opposite. National groups have been conducting workshops, publishing tips, holding mock conventions, and staying very busy designing model_legislation (ALEC) for years to convince legislators to pass legislation calling for a convention.
What does Article V of the U.S. Constitution say?
Article V provides two methods of proposing amendments to our Constitution:
Congress proposes amendments and submits them to the States for ratification; or
Congress “calls” a convention if 2/3 of the States apply to Congress for a convention.
All of our existing 27 amendments were proposed using the first method. Remember, we have never had a constitutional convention! It’s a U.N. global trap, folks!
Click here to read the U.S. Constitution from the National Archives.
An important point also comes from the Necessary and Proper Clause in Article 1 of the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION regarding how the delegates are chosen:
Article I, §8, clause 17 (last clause) says:
How Does the Necessary and Proper Clause APPLY to Article V?
Legislators, pay attention! Article V delegates to Congress the power to “call” the convention. The necessary and proper clause (Article I, §8, clause 17) delegates to Congress the power to make all laws necessary and proper to carry out its power to “call” the convention.
All the States can do is call for an Article V Amendment Convention (Con-Con), and after that, Congress takes over, and the states are done! Period! (See Article I, §8, clause 17)
But Rob Natelson — author of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) handbook written for State Lawmakers and representing corporate America — deceptively insists that the necessary and proper clause does NOT delegate to Congress the power to organize & set up an Article V Convention. See Article I, §8, clause 17. We’ll address him later in the article.
Hello?! The April 11, 2014 Report R42589 “The_Article_V_Convention_to_
But apparently, some individuals want to usurp that power…
Secure Arkansas will list who we believe to be the top 10 key actors/players who want to rewrite our Constitution and/or mislead our state legislators and patriots about calling an Article V Amendment Convention (which will lead to a One World Government!). This group of corporate vultures is hovering around their prey (our country)! They are the manipulators of public and legislative opinion!
The following several pages will go into detail about EACH of the 10 actors/players, and we’ve included pictures of each person. This list may surprise you!
The Questionable and Unsavory Delivery Boys of the Convention of States:
George Soros – is bankrolling and heavily supporting the Constitution 2020 movement
Mark Meckler – Founder Convention of States, Tea Party Patriots
Lawrence Lessig – has served on boards of numerous groups financed by billionaire George Soros; Lessig is a Harvard Law Professor, former 2016 Democrat Presidential Candidate, founder of Electors Trust to legally help defend any Elector who wishes to vote their conscience in Electoral College Vote.
Cenk Uygur – Founder of Wolf Pack and a Muslim; has both U.S. and Turkish Citizenship; founder and CEO of The Young Turks, LLC, and the host of “The Young Turks”, a progressive show on YouTube.
Michael Farris – Co-founder of the Convention of States (connected to Grover G.Norquist, a Council on Foreign Relations member); Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies; President of parentalrights.org over which Grover G. Norquist is director.
Grover Norquist – Director of American Conservative Union, president of American Society of Competitiveness, contributing editor at American Spectator, founder & president of Americans for Tax Reform, advisory board member at America's Future Foundation, director for Center for the National Interest (Henry Kissinger is Honorary Chairman), member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), director of Goldwater Institute, advisory council member at GOProud, director of National Rifle Association of America, director of Parentalrights.org .
William H. Fruth – Co-founder of the BBA Task Force (BBA is Balanced Budget Amendment) — Primary legislative communicator (This would be a main contact person so the legislator can be talked through the bad bill in order to call a Con Con); President of Policom Corp. and a “so-called” economist
Rob Natelson – Author of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Legislative Handbook handbook written for State Lawmakers and representing corporate America; law professor who served 3 different universities; head of the Independence Institute’s Article V Information Center
Koch Brothers (David & Charles Koch) – billionaires and co-owners of Koch Industries, the Koch Brothers are some of the richest persons in the world. They also were major funders of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the State Policy Network (SPN), a big Think Tank.
Richard Fink – Director of Americans for Prosperity (AFP); director of Americans for Prosperity Foundation; director of Center for Study of Public Choice; president & director of the Charles Koch Foundation; director of the Fred C. & Mary R. Koch Foundation; director of the Institute for Humane Studies; president of Knowledge and Progress Fund; Chairman & CEO of Koch Companies Public Sector; Executive Vice President & Director of Koch Industries.
Now, let’s get into some details about these players…
1. George Soros – billionaire and investor
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Billionaire George Soros is Chairman of Soros Fund Management and Chairman & Founder of Open Society Foundation. He has VOWED to replace the U.S. Constitution by year 2020 and is in a position to take advantage of a convention to do so. Thus, we have Constitution 2020 movement.
Some of the reasons George Soros is a dangerous person:
Gives billions to left-wing causes using his Open Society Institute
Influences U.S. elections
Wants to end American Sovereignty
Financial backer of progressive Media Matters for America
Major funder of MoveOn.org progressive group
Supported Environmental Extremism
Currency manipulation – a large amount of Soros’ multibillion-dollar fortune has come from manipulation currencies.
Brain Trauma Foundation – director
Breakthrough Energy Coalition – member
Bretton Woods Committee – member
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) – member
Drug Policy Alliance – director
Geosor Corp. – owner
Institute for New Economic Thinking – co-founder
International Crisis Group – board member
Most Influential New Yorkers – listed
Open Society Foundations – founder & chairman
Mark Malloch Brown, Global Board Member of Open Society Foundation and administrator of United Nations Development Programme
Funded United Nations Development Programme (also funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
Quantum Fund – founder
Ready PAC – co-chair, national finance council
Refugees International – director emeritus
Soros Charitable Foundation – trustee
Soros Economic Development Fund – founder
Soros Fund Charitable Foundation – director
Soros Fund Management – founder
Soros Humanitarian Foundation – chair
Soros Strategic Partners – founder
2009 Barack Obama inaugural committee – major contributor
America Coming Together – supporter
American Bridge 21st Century – contributor
Catalist – investor
Center for American Progress – supporter
Michael Crichton (deceased) – bought Bedford (NY) estate from
Democracy Alliance – member
Earth Institute – advisory board member
Foundation to Promote Open Society – chairman
Harlem Children's Zone – benefactor
Human Rights Watch – benefactor
Immigrant Voters Win – contributor
Joint Victory Campaign – contributor
Laureate Education Inc. – investor
Majority PAC – contributor
Media Fund – contributor
MoveOn.org – contributor
NPR (formerly called National Public Radio) – benefactor
OneWest Bank Group LLC – investor
Nancy Pelosi – invited to 2013 wedding reception
Priorities USA Action – contributor
Safety & Justice – contributor
Mark Schwartz – senior advisor
Annaliese Witschak Soros – spouse
Susan Weber Soros – spouse
White House visits (2009) – visitor
Kimba M. Wood – officiated at 2013 wedding
World Economic Forum 2008 – attendee
World Economic Forum 2009 – attendee
William D. Zabel – divorce lawyer
American Constitution Society (ACS) is the main organization behind the Con-Con movement to ensure a more “progressive” constitution, having received MILLIONS of dollars from Soros’ Open Society since 2002. Here are their sponsors.
At least three previous White House advisers and officials, including President Obama’s regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, have ties to an effort funded by billionaire George Soros to push for a new “progressive” U.S. Constitution by the year 2020.
Don’t fall for the lies of the elitists. Say NO to a Con-Con or whatever label they put on it.
2. Mark Meckler
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Meckler is an attorney and political activist who specializes in internet privacy law. He is the co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots. He resigned from Tea Party Patriots in 2012 and is currently the President of Citizens for Self-Governance, the group promoting the Convention of States (Con-Con). At a September 24-25, 2011 conference at Harvard Law School, Meckler co-chaired with his good friend and a liberal progressive, Lawrence Lessig, to discuss a Constitutional Convention. Read on to learn about Lessig, and be sure to read this: Meckler – Farris – Lessig & Leftwing Association Confirmed.
3. Lawrence Lessig – Professor of Law
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Lessig is a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School pushing for an Article V Amendment convention. Lessig was also a candidate for the Democratic Party’s nomination for President of the United States in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Lessig withdrew before the primaries. At a September 24-25, 2011 conference, Lessig co-chaired with the Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator and co-founder, Mark Meckler. The Convention of States, founded by Mark Meckler, formerly of the Tea Party Patriots, was also at this conference with Lessig. Lessig testified before a Illinois House committee for Wolf PAC which was founded by Cenk Uygur.
4. Cenk Uygur – Founder of Wolf PAC
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Cenk Uygur’s Wolf PAC is a Scam
This article reports that the leftist political action committee Wolf PAC is a scam that does little to no political work and they spend the bulk of their money (donors’ money) on salaries for their employees. This also true of most 501(c)3 non- profit organizations.
One radical left group pushing for a Article V Amendment Convention (Con Con) nationwide is Wolf PAC, and their founder is Cenk_Uygur. He was born in Turkey and raised as a Muslim. Uygur is connected to the Progressive movement and is the founder and CEO of The Young Turks, LLC, and the host of “The Young Turks”, a progressive show on YouTube.
5. Michael Farris
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Michael Farris is the co-founder of the Convention of States (COS), better known as a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con). His secretive-type hand gesture shown in this picture may be signaling: “in the know”. Outsiders would be clueless about these types of gestures! Farris is also the advisory board member of Christian Freedom International and the president of Parentalrights.org in which Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member Grover G. Norquist is the director.
6. Grover Norquist
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Grover G. Norquist has MANY affiliations, so we’ve put them in bullet points below. He’s got his hands in WAY too many things, especially considering that he’s never held a position in an elected office…
American Conservative Union – director
American Society of Competitiveness – president
American Spectator – contributing editor
Americans for Tax Reform – founder & president
America's Future Foundation – advisory board member
Center for the National Interest – director
Council on Foreign Relations – member
Goldwater Institute – director
GOProud – advisory council member
National Rifle Association of America – director
Parentalrights.org – director
Jack Abramoff – political ally
Citizens for America – field director
Colbert Report – sang on finale
College Republican National Committee – executive director
Council for National Policy – director
Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy – co-founder
Janus-Merritt Strategies – co-founder
Joseph E. Seagram & Sons Inc. – lobbyist
Microsoft Corporation – lobbyist
National Taxpayers Union – executive director
Is Grover Norquist a congressional puppet master? It seems so…
Why is Grover Norquist the director of the National Rifle Association (NRA)? No wonder we have been sold out! Secure Arkansas receives many calls about the gun rights issue.
7. William H. Fruth
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William (Bill) H. Fruth is the President of Policom Corp., and Co-founder of the BBA Task Force. He is an economist who works William (Bill) Fruth is the President of Policom Corp., an independent economics research firm in Palm City, Florida and co-founder of the BBA Task Force. He is an so-called economist who works with state and local governments, trade groups, and businesses to assess their financial challenges and plot a new way forward.
Fruth wrote “Ten Amendments for Freedom” right before becoming involved in the BBA campaign as our primary legislative communicator. His book shows noble causes which sound so good… until you get to the part about a convention. IT IS A LIE THAT THE TEN AMENDMENTS CANNOT CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION. The legislators think they know how this convention will be conducted, but they do not. It is like playing Russian roulette with a slight chance of winning.
Fruth has served as vice president of a major industrial land development company and president of the business development board of Palm Beach County and during that tenure was named as Florida’s economic development professional of the year in 1987. He also served in a full-time capacity as Mayor of Tiffin, Ohio. Fruth has been traveling around the country as Policom President, promoting Sustainable Development and Agenda 21. We have several documents in our possession that show William Fruth, Policom President, going throughout our country creating sustainable cities. An example is Los Alamos, New Mexico, and we have the document to prove it, prepared in 2004 by William H. Fruth. (His middle initial “H” stands for “Harms”. No, we’re not kidding.)
Secure Arkansas called Policom today (01/16/2017) and spoke to William Fruth himself. He briefly explained the Arkansas Metropolitan Areas shown in this map (also shown below), which appear to us to be a part of U.N. Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development goals in action, with Policom apparently set to make a boatload of money from the Arkansas government.
This group, Policom Corp., has paired with American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and some governors, pushing for the states to call for a Constitutional Convention.
Here’s a link to one of our articles from 5 years ago about ALEC and Policom. You can see that Secure Arkansas has been in this fight for a while…
The question is: why did William Fruth LIE ?
8. Rob Natelson
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Natelson is on the Board of Scholars with the American Exchange Council (ALEC) and appears to have been bought and paid for to promote an Article V Amendment Convention/ Con Con.
He was a law professor for 25 years, serving three different universities. He is the Senior Fellow in Constitutional Jurisprudence at the Montana Policy Institute, at the Heartland Institute in Arlington Heights, Il, the Independence Institute in Denver, CO. He also heads the Independence Institute’s Article V Information Center.
However, do NOT let his credentials impress you! Natelson, who retired in May 2010 from University of Montana after serving 23 years as a professor in the law school to take a job as a senior fellow with the Independence Institute, was informed upon his return to Montana in June that the law school faculty had voted against granting the constitutional scholar emeritus status.
Emeritus status is granted to a retiring professor whose colleagues feel he or she is worthy of the academic recognition and prestige based on the faculty member's research, service and instruction during his teaching tenure.
Natelson claims to be the author of ALEC’s Article V Handbook. Here’s the 2016 version of that handbook. The forward was done by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Keep in mind, this handbook is very deceptive and was made for the state legislators to call for a Con Con/Article V Amendment Convention.
Prior to that version, the 2011 version was used, and it’s just as deceptive. Just reading the misleading Executive Summary from the 2011 handbook should open your eyes!
Oh, by the way, this Article V Handbook was published by ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) which is located at 1101 Vermont Avenue NW on the 11th Floor in Washington, D.C.
Remember, ALEC is made up of corporate America — some of the largest companies in the world including Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Big Insurance, BIG COMPANIES.
It states in the ALEC handbook that the American Legislative Exchange Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and public policy and educational organization, as classified by the Internal Revenue Service. ALEC is supported financially via tax-deductible gifts from individuals, philanthropic foundations, corporations, companies, or associations.
Also, it says that it is a handbook for State lawmakers for proposing Constitutional Amendments by a Convention of States.
“Amendments”… plural! We wonder if this Constitutional Convention plans more than one amendment to be proposed, if they call a Con-Con? Wonder how much of the U.S. Constitution will be rewritten?
The handbook includes the disclaimer that nothing in it should be taken as legal advice, and that readers should search out counsel in their own states.
Ya think?!
Page 4 of the handbook also says that states would be most suited to propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution requiring a balanced federal budget and that this can be accomplished by State legislators calling an Article V Convention of the States.
He’s telling the state legislators that the answer to balancing the federal budget is just to call an Article V Convention. (Do you think in the back of the members of the Convention of States' minds, they are looking to have a full blown RUNAWAY convention and replace the U.S. Constitution?)
Then the nation can go merrily on their way. Lawmakers, do you actually believe that hogwash?
And also on page 4, Natelson claims that the convention process is not “plenipotentiary” or a complete rewrite of the Constitution… but this is misleading. (Congress (not the States) controls the Article V process. See Article 1 Section 8, clause 17.)
Could he be stating that they don’t want to rewrite the entire Constitution but just a portion of it? How much of it? The reader should recall the old idiom, “Give them an inch and they’ll take mile!” Shouldn’t we be wary about making concessions to these people?
One last thing from the Page 4 Executive Summary is that Natelson addresses how the courts might be involved in the Article V process. Lovely! Just what we need: the courts getting involved! Natelson uses case law and his constitutional law background to promote this scheme. You may not know it, but the ambiguity of words is studied extensively by attorneys and others involved in the study and use of law — often to intimidate or to mislead or to win/ dominate an argument.
Note to all State Legislatures: Regarding “Balance The Budget” Propaganda — Don’t be duped by the propaganda coming from all the organizations and groups pushing for an Article V Amendment Convention. Do your own homework. Don’t be persuaded by anyone just because it is the easy way out. If you as our Elected Legislature cannot defend your position with Truth, then the only thing to do would be to VOTE NO. Most national organizations have an hidden agenda that is not obvious. You need to ask WHO is and WHO are the organizations promoting this method of amending our Constitution.
9. David and Charles Koch
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David and Charles Koch (pronounced “coke”) are billionaires and co-owners of Koch Industries. The Koch Brothers are some of the richest persons in the world. They also were major funders of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the State Policy Network (SPN), a big Think Tank. To see some of the Koch products click here.
740 Park Avenue, New York – resident
American Ballet Theatre – vice chair
American Museum of Natural History – trustee
Americans for Prosperity Foundation – chairman
Aspen Institute – trustee
Cato Institute – director
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory – honorary trustee
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation – president & director
Department of Scientific Research Met Museum committee – member
Fred C. & Mary R. Koch Foundation – director
Hospital for Special Surgery – trustee
Institute of Human Origins – director
James Madison Council of the Library of Congress – member
Johns Hopkins University – emeritus trustee
Koch Industries – EVP
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts – director, benefactor
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center – overseer
Metropolitan Museum of Art – trustee emeritus
Most Influential New Yorkers – listed
National Geographic Society – council of advisers member
National Museum of Natural History – board member
New York-Presbyterian Hospital – trustee
Prostate Cancer Foundation – director
Reason Foundation – trustee
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research – director
Bill of Rights Institute – founder
Charles Koch Foundation – founder & chairman
Charles Koch Institute – based on views of economic freedom
Fred C. & Mary R. Koch Foundation – director
Institute for Humane Studies – chairman
INTRUST Bank – director
Knowledge and Progress Fund – chairman
Koch Industries – chairman & CEO
Mercatus Center – director
Secure Arkansas has written several articles about the Koch brothers. Go to our website (SecureArkansas.com), enter “Koch” in the search bar, and you’ll find them.
Charles G. Koch has multiple indirect connections to the following people:
David H. Koch
Richard H. Fink
10. Richard Fink
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Fink has long been in the Koch Brothers’ inner circle, playing the role of both political strategist and close confidante. Some say that the Koch Empire wouldn’t be where it is today without Richard Fink.
He's been a very busy man. Check out his list of associations and his titles at each entity:
Americans for Prosperity – director
Americans for Prosperity Foundation – director
Center for Study of Public Choice – director
Charles Koch Foundation – president & director
Fred C. & Mary R. Koch Foundation – director
Institute for Humane Studies – director
Knowledge and Progress Fund – president
Koch Companies Public Sector – chairman & CEO
Koch Industries – Executive Vice President & director
Mercatus Center – co-founder & director
He’s the brains behind Koch industries. Follow Fink, and you’ll follow the money.
WHEW!!! That was a lot of information, but you needed to see how those individuals were tied together and supporting a Con-Con.
But we would be remiss if we didn’t also address The Tea Party. You probably think that it was founded organically as a grassroots organization… but it wasn’t. The Tea Party was founded, in large part, to control the political agenda, and it wouldn’t exist today without the large amount of cash from the oil billionaire Koch Brothers.
It seems that the Tea Party was created partly by the Koch brothers (David and Charles, billionaires and co-owners of Koch Industries) and by their corporate members in ALEC. The Koch Brothers are some of the richest people in the world. They also were major funders of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the State Policy Network (SPN), a big Think Tank which shapes state policy . Rick Santelli, former Vice President for an institutional trading and hedge fund account, is credited with being the catalyst in the formation of the Tea Party movement by a statement he made on February 19, 2009 from the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade.
It appears that the funds to organize and implement the Tea Party movement flow primarily through Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks.
Americans for Prosperity – organization
FreedomWorks – organization
GOP conservative wing – aligned with
Heritage Foundation – supporter
National Tea Party Federation – organization
Tea Party Express – organization
Tea Party Leadership Fund – organization
Tea Party Nation – organization
Tea Party Patriots – organization
Through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), our state legislators and their corporate members are writing and sponsoring our state laws. We and other dedicated researchers have spoken of ALEC as “the corporate bill mill”. Most of a state’s bills are NOT written by the home legislators; legislators are just given their marching orders from the shadow government!
WE MUST stand up to: American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Americans For Prosperity (AFP), Convention Of States (COS), Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party Caucus, Tea Party Express, Tea Party, Tea Party Nation, National Tea Party Federation, Tea Party Leadership Fund, and Freedomworks. ALEC is heavily involved with the Convention Of States (COS) a.k.a. Con-Con.
Most of the legislators who went to Mount Vernon for the COS meeting in December 2013 were American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) members.
The groups pushing for a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) are:
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Click_here for the 2011 ALEC Article V Handbook proposing a Constitutional Convention a.k.a. Convention of State. ALEC first published this Handbook in 2011 and updated it on June 23, 2016. Click here for the updated 2016 ALEC Article V Handbook
10 Amendments for Freedom, Inc. – chaired by William Fruth, President of POLICOM Corporation (associated with local and state governments)
Americans for Prosperity (AFP)
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Goldwater Institute
Trilateral Commission (TLC)
Tea Party Patriots (TPP), funded by Freedom Partners and Center to Protect Patient Rights
Career elitist politicians from both the Republican and Democratic parties
Mark Levin – Sponsored by Americans for Prosperity
Citizens for Self-Governance (CSG) – co-founded by Michael P. Farris, Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies, Head of Convention of the States (COS) Project (connected to Grover G.Norquist, a CFR member). This is the latest organization that’s shown an elitist goal to destroy our U.S. Constitution via a Con-Con.
American Constitution Society (ACS) – the main organization behind the Con-Con movement to ensure a more “progressive” constitution, having received MILLIONS of dollars from Soros’ Open Society since 2002. The funders for ACS are the Barbra Streisand Foundation, the Sandler Foundation, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.
Listed below are some the IRS 990 Filings of players in the Tea Party showing where the funds are being spent. A lot of funds are used on salaries and fundraisers.
Tea Party Inc. IRS 990 Filing 2014 EIN 45-3089345 Total Revenues $2,554,632
Steve Eichler, President, Total Compensation $60,000
Tim Bueker, Treasurer, Total Compensation $80,000
Dale Robertson, Director, Total Compensation $40,000
Tea Party Patriots IRS 990 Filing 2013 EIN Total Revenue $20,906,908
Jennifer Mooneyhan Martin, President, Total Compensation $228,539
Kevin Lewis Mooneyhan National Program Director, Total Compensation $114,327
Jennifer Kristine Parrish, Chief Information Officer, Total Compensation $136,400
Valerie Bradshaw, Nat’l Director of Membership & Major Giving, Total Compensation $120,000
Scott D. Crockett, Executive Director, Total Compensation $38,769
Americans for Prosperity IRS 990 Filing 2014 EIN 75-3148958 Total Revenue $2,682,125
Tim Phillips, President
Luke Hilgemann, COO
Slade O'Brien, VP Grassroots Leadership Academy
Teresa Oelke, VP State Operations
Christopher Fink, VP Development
Dennis Vegas, CMO
Jennifer Stefano, VP of Value Added Events
Nolan Ingebrigtson, Interim CFO
Victor Bernson, VP & General Counsel
Adam Stryker, Interim CTO
Robert Stuber, Director of Development
Derrick Sontag, State Director
David From, State Director
Chase Downham, Regional Director
Mark Lucas, Regional Director
John Flynn, Former General Counsel
It’s difficult to separate the Tea Parties from the Koch Brothers (American Legislative Exchange Council) because of all their corporate support!
The Koch Brothers, big tobacco, insurance companies, and the drug industry (Big Pharma) are all behind the shadowy corporate front group known as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). On the surface, ALEC is mostly comprised of thousands of state legislators, each paying a nominal fee to attend ALEC retreats and receive model legislation. In reality, corporations pay ALEC a king’s ransom (big bucks!) to access legislators to distribute radical legislation that puts corporate interests over YOU, the American workers and consumers.
So, while the membership appears to be public sector, corporate money dominates ALEC. In fact, public sector membership dues account for only around one percent (1%) of ALEC’s annual revenues. ALEC claims to be nonpartisan, but its pro-corporate, anti-consumer mission is clear.
ALEC’s main goal is privatization which has been done extensively to prisons, thus making corporations quite wealthy on prison labor, keeping prisoners in for longer periods of time. ALEC is also at the head of the pack calling for Tort Reform (our lives will be worth very little if corporatism has its way) and a Constitutional Convention, which would totally destroy the nation.
ALEC Demands Lawmakers Pledge Allegiance… to ALEC December 10, 2013
The State Chair must sign the ALEC form “The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) State Chair Job Description and Agreement” that appears on page 19 through 21 of the attached August 6, 2013 ALEC Board Meeting.
One item in the ALEC Allegiance Pledge is:
“I will act with care and loyalty and put the interests of the organization first.”
So, you see, the legislators’ loyalty is to ALEC and NOT the voters they are supposed to represent. Aren’t these legislators supposed to be safeguarding our Constitution? Did YOU vote them in to call for a convention so they can adopt changes our U.S. Constitution and/or to replace parts of it?
Attention! This is a point we should not forget! — The number one reason Koch/ALEC financed and raised up the Tea Parties was to call an Article V Amendment Convention/Constitutional Convention/Con Con!
There is absolutely, positively NO WAY that a new Constitutional Convention could be controlled – no matter how many restrictions are set prior to the convention – because a convention can write its own rules! If you want to see a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution, then keep marching to this hypnotic drumbeat!
These buzzards are birds of prey! And can you see how “birds of a feather flock together”?
What do you think of all of these con-con delivery boys and their credibility now?
Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”
MINI HISTORY LESSON: All 27 amendments to our Constitution originated in Congress and were then ratified by the states. The second method, by federal convention, has never been used because it places too much power in the hands of few. The first and only convention was held in 1787, during which our Constitution was framed.
Here are some names of other very prominent Professors of Constitutional Law who CORRECTLY claim that it is impossible to restrict the agenda of a Constitutional Convention to just one issue:
Charles Alan Wright of the University of Texas – He wrote in this letter to then-Representative Clint Hackney on April 16, 1987, “We have only one Precedent, the Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. It was summoned, ‘for the sole and express purpose of revising the Article of Confederation and reporting to Congress and the several legislatures such alterations and provisions therein.’ From the very beginning it did not feel confined by the call and gave us a totally new Constitution that completely replaced the Articles of Confederation. I see no reason to believe that a constitutional convention, 200 years later, could be more narrowly circumscribed.
We wiII have a balanced budget when we have a President and a Congress with the determination to adopt such a budget. I hope that day comes soon, but I hope even more that the day never comes when the country is exposed to the divisiveness and the possible untoward results of a constitutional convention.”
Walter Dellinger of Duke University – leading constitutional scholar and Supreme Court advocate. Here is his response paper to the question “Who Controls a Constitutional Convention?”
Charles Black of Yale University – asserted that the many hundreds of state applications for a convention to consider amendments on a limited subject matter should be considered null and void. He also maintained that state applications for a single-issue convention were practically unknown in the 19th century, implying that they were not foreseen by the founders. He also claimed that limited constitutional conventions would be constitutionally impermissible because Article V doesn’t contains any language that would authorize them.
Gerald Gunther of Stanford University (deceased) – “Perhaps Gunther's greatest contribution was the casebook, Constitutional Law, which, beginning in the 1960s, became the most widely used constitutional law text in American law schools, greatly shaping the field of constitutional law. ‘It set the gold standard for casebooks to follow,’ noted [Stanford Law School Dean Kathleen M.] Sullivan, who became co-author of the book's 13th edition, published in 1997. The late Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr. wrote in 1994 that the casebook was ‘the leading publication in the field, from which a generation of American lawyers have learned constitutional law.’ In 1990, Casper, then provost of the University of Chicago, said in an interview, ‘It is quite rare for a casebook to make an independent contribution, but his certainly has. It is a reflective, learned casebook, which places the cases and the problems in a context which is both historical and philosophical and which gives the reader Gunther's own sense that the law is a worthy subject matter, to be taken seriously, and one which is not altogether open to manipulation, by law teacher, student, lawyer or judge.’”
These constitutional law professors stand together saying that if Congress calls for a Con Con to consider just one issue, the Convention delegates can ignore that instruction and also that the delegates can set their own agenda and make their OWN rules!
This document is a Law Review on an Article V Amendment Convention.
In conclusion, Secure Arkansas should have presented a case for some doubt concerning the so-called safe way the Convention Of States actors/ players are proposing for Congress to call an Article V Amendment Convention. Remember, there are many unscrupulous players that would be involved in the process. Can you see that now? To have a Con Con should never be considered. This extremely high risk scheme will come with a United Nations agenda and price tag if a convention is convened. Surprise!
Here in Arkansas, we have 2 bills calling for an Article V Amendment Convention:
HJR1001 By: Representatives Ballinger, Womack, Gonzales, Brown, Sullivan, M. Gray, Payton, Miller, Drown, Bentley, Lundstrum, J. Williams, McCollum, Dotson
By: Senators G. Stubblefield, Hester, Bledsoe, Rice, A. Clark, Flippo, Collins-Smith, Rapert
SJR2 By: Senators G. Stubblefield, Hester, Bledsoe, Rice, A. Clark, Flippo, Collins-Smith, Rapert
By: Representatives Ballinger, Womack, Gonzales, Brown, Sullivan, M. Gray, Payton, Miller,
Drown, Bentley, Lundstrum, J. Williams, McCollum, Dotson
ARKANSAS READERS: Call your Representatives and Senators, and tell them to VOTE NO on HJR1001 and SJR2.
The Capitol switchboard numbers are as follows:
Senate Session Number: 501-682-2902
House Session Number: 501-682-6211
Please share this article far and wide because some state legislators all around the country are unfortunately being convinced that proposing an Article V Amendment Convention is the right thing to do, thanks to ALEC. The legislators behind this scheme have all been wrongly briefed and have memorized their misleading talking points.
What about YOUR state? Are they calling for a Constitutional Convention? If so, contact your state legislators, and STRONGLY URGE them to rescind the call… or don’t call for a convention at all!
LEGISLATORS: FOR THE RECORD, Secure Arkansas is AGAINST States calling for a Article V Amendment Convention (Con-Con). There is NO way that the State Legislatures can limit a convention’s purpose, procedure, agenda, or election of delegates OR the subject matter! Both the Left and the Right want an Article V Amendment Convention so they can add all their selfish, corporatist wants and desires. You’ve been warned. Let the blood be on your hands. Remember, this is all part of a global agenda operated by shadow government, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), and corporations.
Stay tuned!
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas