in parts of Boone, Carroll, and Newton Counties
March 6 – 13, 2018
Taxes are already outrageously sky high in Arkansas… and now, the government wants MORE of your hard earned money for the Alpena #5 School District Millage… but it’s UP TO YOU VOTERS TO VOTE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY!
EARLY Voting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 6, through Friday, March 9 AND Monday, March 2018.
Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Vote Center, 414 W. Central St., Harrison
REGULAR Voting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 13 from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Alpena Community Center AND the Vote Center.
If approved, the tax increase goes into effect March 13, 2018! That’s only ONE WEEK after early voting starts!
When a millage tax is passed, it’s on MOST EVERYTHING you own, except a lawnmower! These include: cars, trucks, RVs, trailers, livestock, motorcycles, boats, airplanes, ATVs, etc.
You taxpayers either to need to WAKE UP! Or take a blank, signed check to your county tax collectors!
Your taxes are NEVER frozen — just the assessed value — and any time a millage is assessed, it affects EVERYBODY at every age and everyone who owns any assessable property whatsoever.
IF this millage tax takes effect, the wording includes the phrase “for other purposes”! Many bills at the Arkansas State Capitol read the exact same way.
Beware: other local schools are looking to follow this terrible lead of school millage, so keep an eye out in your communities, and DO NOT LET THESE MILLAGES PASS – if you want to be able to eat and pay your bills!
Also, as a taxpayer, it is YOUR RIGHT under FOIA to know how much money is set aside in the local school districts’ accounts about which you may be unaware!
BEWARE of other taxes: Carroll County even has an ambulance fee tax of 2.5 mills for 2018 passed last year by your JPs! One resident’s ambulance fee ALONE was $250!
Also, some taxpayers in Carroll County got hit with about a 5 mill millage for Berryville schools!
Another taxpayer has already commented about the NABORS’ Landfill “service fee” (trash tax) AND this ambulance fee AND this school millage, “IF this school millage passes, my taxes will go up $1,000 !”
And fire dues in some areas are ranging anywhere from $25 – $50 and could be higher! And keep in mind, those fire dues could be increased at any time!
Look at how these taxes and fees are adding up!
By the time they’re done with you all up there, your taxes could go up $1,000 also!
VOTERS and Residents: we encourage you to FULLY VET your JPs (Justices of the Peace) before you vote for them! Looks like most of them mainly just want the benefits of that office!
Karen Hardesty, Boone County Assessor, sent out a letter dated Monday, December 18, 2017, and according to that letter (quoted below), a state auditor will be coming around this year!
This looks like a threat to see that you are reporting accurately. Keep in mind: there is a penalty if you DON’T assess!
The letter says:
Attention Business/Commercial Personal Property Assessment
This letter is to inform you that the state has a new personal/commercial property auditor that is going to be checking all assessments to make sure everything is done correct and by the guidelines of law. Please make sure to turn in inventory totals and equipment used to do your business.
If you have any questions, we’ll be glad to help you. Also, using the totals you use on your income tax yearly is a good reference.
Thank you in advance for your help and understanding with this change.
Karen Hardesty
Boone County Assessor
If you have ANY questions about these fees, taxes, or millage, contact your local county assessor’s office and collector’s office.
One other topic: there have also been serious problems reported to Secure Arkansas regarding USPS mail delays and lost pieces of mail ! Mail isn’t necessarily sorted in your city — it could be sorted in a completely different region!
Example: letters mailed from Harrison to Green Forest take a LOT longer than they used to take to be delivered. The two cities are only 15 miles apart, but it takes several additional days for mail to get from one to the other! People in that area have been complaining about mail delays and poor mail service.
Now, back to the SCHOOL MILLAGE we mentioned earlier — from what we understand, the informative flyer included directly below is being WELL CIRCULATED in that area.
* * Shown directly below is the official ballot for the Alpena School District #5 Millage. Remember to VOTE NO on it, and tell your family members, friends, coworkers, and neighbors to do the same!
* * Shown below is a Harrison Daily Times article regarding the NABORS’ Landfill “service fee” (trash tax).
* * Shown directly below are the structures affected by the NABORS’ Landfill “service fee” (trash tax). For more information about that topic, read Secure Arkansas’ articles:
Part 1: Extortion in Arkansas! Tax Increase – Trash Tax for 6 Counties in Northern Ark.
Part 2: Extortion in Arkansas! Tax Increase
Remember: eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas