Secure Arkansas has had a presence at the Arkansas Capitol since 2008, and we have closely observed and been involved with many different legislative issues plaguing our state. We cannot overlook how the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) controls far too many legislators and Arkansas’ laws being written behind closed doors by those who take their marching orders from the corporate body of ALEC. One of these nasty pieces of legislation — Ballot Issue 1 — is actually coming up for a vote in November 2018, and YOU have an opportunity to vote against it!
Listen to a 30-second media spot about Ballot Issue 1 here!
Secure Arkansas strongly OPPOSES Ballot Issue 1. Why?
Let’s begin by looking at the sinister history behind this foul Ballot Issue 1…
In 2017, global player, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), along with high pressure lobbyists, front groups, and corporate interests lobbied the legislators into introducing the Tort Reform legislation fraudulently which was used for Ballot Issue 1.
ALEC produced a document “Tort Reform Boot Camp” that was used in the model legislation for Ballot Issue 1. In case you weren’t aware, the Arkansas State Legislature is allowed to refer up to three Constitutional amendments to the ballot for each General Election. SJR8 (Tort Reform) was the hyped-up legislation that became Ballot Issue 1. The lead sponsor of SJR 8 was the unethical Mtn. View Arkansas Senator Missy Irvin (ALEC broad member), along with the dishonest Berryville Representative Bob Ballinger (ALEC member), who was recently elected in the primary as the Republican candidate for Arkansas Senate District 5. Unbelievable!
Speaking of unprincipled legislators…
Bully Bob Ballinger verbally attacks the audience in this video! Watch and listen to the fireworks from a group assembled in Fayetteville properly opposed to Ballot Issue 1. Attorney/Representative Bob Ballinger was verbally attacking and railing at the audience about the mistreatment of his legislator friends while defending the legislators as being only servants… and had the audacity to say that not ONE of them is benefitting from being in Little Rock!
As you can tell from watching the video, the audience WAS NOT buying into Bob Ballinger’s lies.
Remember: he was the attorney who handled the GIF grants directed to Springdale, Arkansas’ Ecclesia College whose former president, Oren Paris III, pled guilty to fraud in a kick-back scheme. This is an abuse of the public trust!
During the debate in Fayetteville between Bob Ballinger and former Supreme Court Justice Paul Danielson at the political animals club on Friday:
Ballinger claimed that Issue 1 does not set a cap on damages, but merely just a floor that the legislature can adjust. He stated he did not want the legislature to drastically change the substantive rules of procedure or evidence if given that power under Issue 1.
However, if Ballot Issue 1 passes, it WOULD drastically change the substantive rules of procedure or evidence! Ballinger’s “wants” are a moot point! Seems that Ballinger, a mouthpiece for ALEC, is twisting the truth and/or dodging the obvious! The separation of powers is an integral part of our government system, and legislators should NOT have the power to control the outcome of any lawsuit; it should remain within the court system.
And how can we trust a legislator like Bob Ballinger if he’s not even honest in reporting his own financial interest? He’s not being transparent OR accountable!
When a dishonorable legislator sides with crooks and special interests, he should expect to be rebuked by the public and held accountable!
The problem is, many more federal indictments may be forthcoming for Bob’s criminal friends at the legislature along with more healthcare scandal! Secure Arkansas would NOT be surprised if Bob Ballinger himself is indicted and this scandalous ballot measure gets kicked off the November 2018 ballot.
You may recall that Ballot Issue 1 was added by fraud! Several corrupt legislators were paid bribes to get it onto the ballot. A lawsuit has been filed in the Pulaski County Circuit Court. The misconduct by several guilty legislators has already been proven. We are currently awaiting a judge to rule on whether this despicable measure will be disqualified from the ballot or not! A breach of trust has occurred against the Arkansas general public regarding this issue.
Several of the criminal Arkansas legislators who supported this corrupt Issue 1 are now being investigated by the FBI and are under indictment or have already pled guilty to fraud, bribes, and/or money laundering.
If you’ve read any of our previous articles about ALEC, you’re aware that this underhanded organization has recruited their own politicians to do their corporate bidding in each state! The ALEC Senate State Chair for Arkansas is Senator Missy Irvin, and their House State Chair is Representative Jim Dotson. Remember, all American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Chairs pledge an oath to put ALEC first, not to the people or to the Arkansas Constitution or to the U.S. Constitution! Both Irvin and Dotson should be called traitors by all Arkansans.
What has happened to the honor and integrity of our legislators?
What happened to the oath of office that lawmakers take to protect and defend the Arkansas and U.S. Constitutions? It appears it may have been replaced by the ALEC loyalty oath that must be signed by ALEC Arkansas State Chairs Senator Missy Irvin and Representative Jim Dotson:
“I will act with care and loyalty and put the interests of the organization first.”
(See pages 19, 20, and 21 of this link for the disturbing ALEC loyalty oath.)
Open your eyes, dear reader! ALEC does not represent YOU. This means YOUR voice is silenced! It’s ALEC and their foreboding politicians serving the ALEC Corporate interests that are writing bills to govern your life! The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is sustained on corporate funding and lucrative memberships to support them. ALEC then recruits and provides the lawmakers for each state! That way, corporations can write the law, and their politicians carry and implement their legislation in each state!
That’s why ALEC has recruited elected officials to chair and serve on their Task Force teams made up of non-profits, legislators, and different industry groups.
If you don’t believe us, let’s begin by looking at ALEC’s Drug Liability Act legislation here. This would block lawsuits by you or your family members killed or injured from drugs or medical devices approved by the FDA! This legislation prevents ALEC’s partners in crime — the drug companies and the medical device industry for example — from being held liable, even if the drugs or devices are recalled by the manufacturers. Do you think you or your family might ever need just compensation, folks?
If drugs are so “good”, why is this legislation even necessary? It sounds like the drugs and/or implants aren’t being throughly tested before they are released to the general public. FDA, CDC, and ALEC CANNOT be trusted.
Just read the side effects on the medications you’re currently taking!
ALEC Corporate Members vote to bring this type of misfortunate legislation to EVERY state! Yes, these appalling and cruel laws are written behind closed doors, with no public or press allowed!
So, how did this terrible piece of legislation get put on the ballot for November 2018?
Ballot Issue 1 (so-called Tort Reform) was one of those amendments that will be voted on November 6, 2018.
Reminder to everyone: On Election Day, you WILL NOT be able to read the entire amendment, known as Ballot Issue 1. You will only see the popular name and title on the ballot, so click here to read the full wording, folks: “Issue 1 – An Amendment Concerning Civil Lawsuits And The Powers Of The General Assembly And Supreme Court To Adopt Court Rules”
In Section 3 (above) of this intolerable amendment is where you will find the corrupt legislature trying to take over the courts. Unbelieveable nepotism!
Voters, don’t be duped! We cannot stand by and let the corrupt legislature take over the court proceedings and how much a jury can award!
The question that the voters of Arkansas need to ask themselves is: “Am I going to let ALEC, corporate interests, and lobbyists deny my right to compensation if I am injured, disabled, or killed from any wrongdoing or negligence?”
There’s a lot of money and political power at stake here, and many more manipulative, powerful players with deep pockets behind the scenes involved in our political overthrow.
If you value your family, please vote AGAINST Ballot Issue 1.
In closing, if you would like to have a qualified speaker come to your area regarding this matter, then contact us, and we will be sure to help. There would be no charge for a speaker to come so you will have an opportunity to ask more questions. You may email Secure Arkansas at
Ballot Issue 1 must be stopped, right here, right NOW!
We will have more to come on this topic including who will be harmed if Ballot Issue 1 passes… as well as who will unjustly benefit and profit!
Stay aware, stay involved, and stay vigilant… and remember to stay tuned!
And, as always, FOLLOW THE MONEY!
Remember: eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
As always, you can find our email articles posted on our website: The Search box is a handy tool. For more information about a topic (such as FLUORIDE), just type it into the Search box on our website, and click Enter!
Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas