Do you REALLY want a federal convention convened?!
The guise of “reining in the federal government” sounds good, but you had better figure out what’s going to happen there. (Here are some previous articles by Secure Arkansas about an Article V convention.)
A ‘ Convention of States’ is the last thing America needs right now.
Caution! We should take the time to focus on the delegates for the federal convention because once the convention has convened, the delegates have what is known as “plenipotentiary power”.
Concerning delegates — There is no higher power of enforcement to control them, command them, or stop them from doing anything they want to do. They have been given power to change the Constitution and are therefore above the current CONSTITUTION, above STATE LAW, above the STATE lawmakers, and are a force unto themselves.
The delegates hold power to propose amendments, OR they can write a new constitution that creates a new form of government, dear reader! Seems the lobbyist group, Convention of States (COS), leaves this vital piece of information out!
If you don’t believe this or you have supporting evidence to the contrary, SHOW IT, Mark Meckler and Tom Coburn! These men are making statements that are very misleading and unreliable which will inflict harm upon our great country. These highly-paid lobbyists have assured lawmakers that states can control the Article V convention! What a con!
Who chooses delegates — What about the delegates chosen? Does anyone have a clue as to whom will be chosen? Can we actually trust them to mediate our values and expectations on our behalf of beloved U.S. Constitution, or will they rewrite the constitution and set up a new form of government? What kind of power will the delegates have to conduct this federal convention?
Plenipotentiary powers — Delegates to the convention will have absolute powers, called “plenipotentiary powers”, because remember, they (NOT the state legislators) have FULL authority to broker the deal!!! Delegates are NOT under the authority of the states. The states have been totally duped if they think they can control delegates chosen to conduct a FEDERAL convention or pull them back from the convention.
Example: In 1779, John Jay was sent to Spain as a minister plenipotentiary.
Inherent sovereign authority — The delegates will have inherent sovereign authority to throw off both State government and federal government by proposing a new constitution with whatever new mode of ratification is deemed necessary at the time! The founders CHANGED the ratification process at the same time they threw off the old Articles of Confederation, and we believe modern day delegates will do the same. They’ll change the ratification process by exercising their right to plenipotentiary power.
Our founding fathers met in secret with instructions to amend the Articles of Confederation. Current day’s delegates could have the right to choose to meet in secret so they could not be monitored.
Power of Attorney — Once the delegates have convened, they have full power of attorney to conduct transactions on behalf of the convention and are answerable to nobody. The state laws which you are currently making are useless and in vain, lawmakers.
The delegates have the highest lawmaking ability of the land, including Congress!
And ALL of the aforementioned powers are completely legal!
Lawmakers, we want to make you aware of few terms.
Plenipotentiary Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Plenary session refers to meeting of all the members of a deliberative assembly, not just a committee. In conferences, it refers to that part of the conference which all members of all parties should attend. It is a general assembly for all participants in a conference or other formal gathering. For example, Congress of Vienna does not meet in plenary sessions.
Think before you vote, representatives! The safety of our country and state is riding on your vote on Monday! This federal convention, for which the state of Arkansas is applying to Congress to call, will meet for plenary sessions! What a circus of utter chaos it will become! Delegates will have numerous powers we’ve never seen put into action — uncontrollable by the states.
Article V shows that the convention is the deliberative body.
Plenipotentiary gets its power from its Latin roots: plenus, meaning “full,” and potens, “powerful.” … Both the adjective and the noun plenipotentiary (meaning “a person invested with full power to transact business”) appeared in the mid-17th century.
plenipotentiary from Cornell Law School
plenipotentiary – Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition – One who has full power to do a thing; a person fully commissioned to act for another. A term applied in international law to ministers and envoys of the second rank of public ministers. Wheat. Hist. Law Nat. 266.
plenipotentiary from
plen·i·po·ten·tia·ry | ˌple-nə-pə-ˈten(t)-sh(ə-)rē
Definition of plenipotentiary
(Entry 1 of 2)
1: invested with full power
2: of or relating to a plenipotentiary
Did You Know?
The adjective plenipotentiary is typically used, as in our second example, after the noun it modifies in the ranking of diplomatic hierarchy. Plenipotentiary gets its power from its Latin roots: plenus, meaning “full,” and potens, “powerful.” When government leaders dispatch their ambassador plenipotentiary, minister plenipotentiary, or envoy plenipotentiary, they are not just sending an agent to deal with foreign affairs but one having full power to act on the behalf of his or her country and government. The word extraordinary is also found in titles of government representatives-sometimes in combination with plenipotentiary (as in “Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary”)-to denote an agent assigned to a particular (or extraordinary) diplomatic mission. Both the adjective and the noun plenipotentiary (meaning “a person invested with full power to transact business”) appeared in the mid-17th century.
Examples using “plenipotentiary”:
UPDATE: The Arkansas House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee has done another amendment on SJR3 on 2/6/2019 to add the representatives listed below as co-sponsors.
If you can’t get the Representatives to pull their support and sponsorship on SJR3, you might want to think about boycotting their business listed below. After all, it’s only the state of the nation with which they are recklessly gambling…
Arkansas Representatives sponsoring the dangerous convention resolution SJR 3 who have betrayed our trust:
This is what we have found so far, and we will let you know if we find additional information.
Call, email, and/or text your Arkansas State Representatives and ask them to VOTE NO on SJR3 that calls for an Article V convention.
Click here for ALL 100 Arkansas Representatives’ names, email addresses, and phone numbers.
Latest actions today, Feb. 9, 2019: Secure Arkansas has sent FOIA requests to:
1) Bureau of Legislative Research, Arkansas
2) Doyle Webb, Chair of the Arkansas Republican Party
In closing, 26 states RAN from convening a federal convention by using Article V legislation, and may Arkansas be the next one to do the same!
Stay aware, stay involved, and stay vigilant.
Remember: eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas