Here are some Endorsements for Conrad:
You may support him financially and donate to his campaign here via card, bank draft, or PayPal — one time or recurring.
Or you may mail a check to:
P.O. BOX 10333
CONWAY, AR 72034
Conrad is a constitutional candidate running against the Arkansas incumbent Congressman (and BANKER!) French Hill (R) in the 2nd District because Conrad is concerned about our future. He wants to put America and Arkansans first, especially considering the Deep State and the false and dangerous mainstream media reporting, not to mention the risky injection mandates… We should be concerned, also.
This Tweet and the chart below shows that RINO (Republican In Name Only) Congressman French Hill’s trading in 2021 was HIGHER than Nancy Pelosi’s! He’s in the top 3 on the list in the chart! Under Joe Biden’s presidency, Hill is doing a lot of insider trading. Biden’s legislative agenda is very dangerous, and Congressman Hill seems to go along all too compliantly with what’s being doled out from the Radical Left…
Hundreds of millions of dollars have been exchanged on the stock market by our elected officials, and the chart summarizes the corrupt political trading done in 2021. Read more here. Here’s a snippet:
Last year, Congress bought and sold nearly $290 million in stocks (corresponding to 3,500+ transactions by 105 members of Congress), $140 million in options contracts (270+ transactions by 6 members), $124 million in other securities like private equity funds (200+ transactions by 19 members), and $500k in cryptocurrencies (25 transactions by 6 members). 430 members did not take a trade in 2021. Other assets were also bought and sold…
This is our opportunity to get the RINO French Hill out of office. It might be another 10 years before a credible opponent runs against him again…
Please turn out for the fundraiser for Conrad Reynolds on Friday, February 11, 2022 in Benton — but if you’re unable to attend, please donate to this vetted and wonderful Colonel whose leadership Arkansas needs.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas