The RINO Republican Legislators have gone after our election process this session, including our ballot initiative process. Where does our new Republican governor stand on this?
We cannot overlook how the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) controls far too many legislators and Arkansas’ laws being written behind closed doors by those who take their marching orders from the corporate body of ALEC. Our legislature is full of ALEC agents.
This HORRIBLE BILL, HB1419, sponsored by an attorney, Rep. Kenneth Underwood (R) from Cave Springs and by a realtor, Sen. Jim Dotson (R) from Bentonville, Arkansas, is absolutely unacceptable! An absolute slap-in-the-face to the voters. A similar bill was rejected by the voters in 2020, thank goodness… BUT now it’s back in a more sinister way. Shown below, the traitorous faces of the sponsors of this new anti-American bill…
Rep. Kendon Underwood
HB1419 Sponsor
Phone: (479) 644-8461
Senator Jim Dotson
HB1419 Sponsor
Phone: (479) 222-1234
Ooh. See how “nice” the wording sounds and how their terminology SEEMS positive and protective when you only read the title of the bill? BUT OH, MY, there’s more to it!
Remember the story of Little Red Riding Hood?
Little Red Riding Hood to fake Grandma: “My, what pretty teeth you have!”
Fake Grandma/ Wolf: “The better to EAT you with, my dear…”
Watch those teeth!
One MUST look deeper and read the entire piece of legislation to see the dirty details!!
ATTENTION! This nasty bill has already passed in the House 79-19 and now, it has passed out of the Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs. So, it’s on the agenda to go before the full Senate THIS COMING MONDAY, March 6, 2023. This is our last chance to stop it. PLEASE HELP!
Go back and see the anti-American House Votes linked above. Please think about these things for our present and future:
How dare they sponsor or vote for such underhanded legislation! Why is it being done? We think their corrupt politicians are bought off…
If it passes, ONLY wealthy special interest groups and the legislators will be able to put anything on the ballot with these extreme restrictions. This is anti-American and anti-Constitutional!
Secure Arkansas strongly OPPOSES this bill.
Immediate ACTION ALERT! Here’s a list of all Arkansas State Senators. Just click on their bio for all the information you will need to contact them. Or you can find a PDF of their names and contact info here. Or, you can simply call the Senate at 501-682-2902, Monday morning, March 6, 2023 and leave a message to VOTE NO on HB1419. Hopefully, the person answering will relay your message to the senators.
This dangerous bill violates our Arkansas State Constitution, but these traitorous ALEC agents do NOT care. They work to please their handlers! So, hang the constituents, be loyal to the secretive American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) corporate bill mill at all costs! (Senator Dotson is on the ALEC Board of Directors.)
The sponsors of ALEC are corrupted Corporate America that impose their will upon the people in this country. A corporate example is Big PhRMA, they are a Private Chair for the ALEC, Federalism and International Relations Task Force. AT&T, Pfizer, Delta Dental, Chambers of Commerce and Wal-Mart are a few more corporate sponsor examples. AT&T has already silenced conservative news.
The State Chairs of ALEC (like Dotson) have to take an oath binding pledge to put the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) FIRST! Sen. Jim Dotson should know, he had to take the cultist oath. “I will act with care and loyalty and put the interests of the organization first.”… etc.
What happened to the oath of office that lawmakers take to protect and defend the Arkansas and U.S. Constitutions? It appears it may have been replaced by the ALEC loyalty oath that must be signed by ALEC Arkansas State Chairs Senator Missy Irvin and Representative Jim Dotson.
How it’s done! So, open your eyes, dear reader! ALEC does not represent YOU. This means YOUR voice is silenced! It’s ALEC and their foreboding politicians serving the ALEC Corporate interests that are writing bills to govern your life! The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is sustained on corporate funding and lucrative memberships to support them. ALEC then recruits and provides the lawmakers for each state! That way, corporations can write the law, and their politicians carry and implement their legislation in each state! That’s why we have so much copy-cat legislation.
There’s a lot of money and political power at stake here, and many more manipulative, powerful players with deep pockets behind the scenes involved in our political overthrow, including those ES&S voting machines.
This shadow government and their proposed legislation that they hand out to our legislators should be exposed!
This freedom-robbing bill, HB1419, TRIPLES the number of counties from which signatures would be required to qualify for ballot initiatives and will make it WAY more difficult to get an initiative from the people on the ballot.
Currently, we need to gather registered voter signatures in 15 counties, but if this bad bill goes through, signatures would be required in at least 50 counties. 50 COUNTIES!! A similar bill was rejected by the voters in 2020, but unfortunately it’s back but in a more powerful and sinister form.
If this outrageous bill passes, then we can kiss the initiative process for the average group of people goodbye! Living in the United States, or your state, without a proper verifiable election and proper access to our initiative process will be miserable! We need to have an avenue open to us to have a redress of grievances, but it sure looks like they want to block it in every way they can.
IN ADDITION, you are probably familiar with this provoking and bad bill, too, sitting and waiting to strike us like a viper: SB250. It is sponsored by another ALEC agent, Sen. Kim Hammer (R) from Benton, Arkansas. So again, we have RINO Republican Legislators sabotaging paper ballot access. Click here for our previous article on SB250.
Sen. Kim Hammer
SB250 Sponsor
However, one top-notch Quorum Court bravely stepped up to help get their county a verifiable election. They could see that this bill violates our state constitution because the voter cannot verify or read his own vote using voting machines…
So, Cleburne County Overthrew Corrupt Voting Machines!
BIG Shout Out to the Cleburne County Quorum Court! We want to sincerely thank the Justices of the Peace (JPs) for courageously voting to go to hand-marked ballots. It was a sagacious choice. Shouldn’t the rest of our 74 counties follow suit?
Sending a sincere thank you to these courageous souls:
JP District 1
Brian Moorehead
Phone: 501-206-5433
JP District 2
Sam Henegar
Phone: 870-213-6988
JP District 3
Tim Caldwell
Phone: 501-362-4345
JP District 4
Linda Fletcher
Phone: 501-250-5350
JP District 5
Alan Malone
Phone: 501-206-7248
JP District 6
Chad Evans
Phone: 501-362-4234
JP District 7
Jacque Martin
Phone: 501-366-0640
JP District 8
Brent Foust
Phone: 501-250-7111
JP District 9
Charles Tamburo
Phone: 501-206-9112
JP District 10
Rob Owens
Phone: 501-306-5105
JP District 11
Sampson Wildmon
Phone: 910-964-3923
We’re so thankful for these JPs!
The controlling legislators should allow each quorum court to decide what is best for their counties as well, WITHOUT the additional restrictions of SB250!
Election integrity has been greatly jeopardized with the installation of computerized voting machines. We need a way to verify our elections properly, and the only way to do it is hand marked paper ballots. We must NOT accept the corrupt tabulating of bar codes or machines that tabulates the votes by reading the bar code. But this bad legislation (SB250) is an attempt to make sure electronic voting machines and tabulators are not replaced with paper ballots!
Just remember, as long as we have computerized voting machines installed in our counties, we are forever doomed in the voting booth and won’t be able to vote out a dog catcher.
The questions that the voters of Arkansas need to ask themselves is: “Am I going to let ALEC, corporate interests, and lobbyists deny my rights to a proper verifiable election using paper ballots that SB250 is trying to suppress? And can we carry an initiative that is easier to get all the needed signatures that’s already in our Arkansas Constitution, or are we going to sit by and let HB1419 pass without a whimper?”
When a dishonorable legislator sides with crooks and special interests, he should expect to be rebuked by the public and held accountable!
In closing, here is a PDF listing of ALL Arkansas legislators (representatives and senators), alphabetized by name. You can save it to your computer for future use.
The Legislative Session is starting to draw to a close, so it’s going to take you, your friends and family taking immediate action.
Quickly pass this on to others, please! Our liberty is at stake.
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas