America is being Destroyed by the Illegals, Cartels, and the CCP
While our Tyrannical Government (Both Republican & Democrat) Stands By!
America is in a great state of emergency. The crisis at the border is war-like. It’s chaotic and highly volitional because we ARE being invaded by an unprecedented number of illegal aliens, jihadists, and Communist Chinese, with many being dangerous criminals crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. The alien encounters are up 920% from 2022!
We recommend you read this vital article to the end, if you care about this country.
See this must-watch video of Chinese Cartels coming in US.
America is being trashed and needs to be able to defend herself! Our cities are going to become slums and drug sites. This invasion could be stopped today, if the woke Biden administration would allow us to do so. The federal government’s inaction to secure the border should show us how much danger we are in now. We should defend our national sovereignty and territorial integrity!
May 16, 2023, Texas Governor Abbott calls on all Governors to help combat the border crisis. Here’s his letter. (Side note: Texas, do not ever call for an Article V Convention or pass any legislation from COS/ Convention of States promoting it!) What will Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders do regarding the border crisis? Speak up, Governor!
The Marxists are destroying this land of the free and making us captive to their insane rules and regulations. Yes, the deep state political activists have penetrated our federal agencies to employ their leftist policies, with most appointed by the corrupt Biden.
Open borders is a recipe for great danger. There is NO room for illegal aliens here, and the authorities are talking about housing illegal aliens in our school gyms. Taxpayers are already overwhelmed!
There is NO trust in our weaponized American government now! Moreover, the mainstream media is just as corrupt as both political parties. Americans are becoming less secure and less prosperous everyday.
At the barbaric border where there are coordinated tour bus loads of illegals brought in, our U.S. Government will misapply classifications and can hide many things. No, Americans are NOT safe! Crime is out-of-control!
One American News reports, Biden Corruption Informant Goes MIA While DOJ ‘Turns A Blind Eye,’ Claims GOP Rep
“Nine of the 10 people that we’ve identified that have very good knowledge with respect to the Bidens, they’re one of three things. They’re either currently in court, they’re currently in jail, or they’re currently missing… So, it’s of the utmost importance that the FBI work with us to be able to try to identify what research they’ve done, what investigations they’ve done, because we have people that want to come forward, but honestly, they fear for their lives,” Comer said.
As we are being overrun by the massive insurgence of illegals, this is what we are battling in America with the Communist Chinese because they are painfully entwined throughout America’s infrastructure. Year after year, they are acquiring more U.S. and Canadian real estate (residential, commercial, and industrial) and farmland that comes with natural resources. An example of commercial real estate is the Chinese-owned Smithfield Foods, Inc., a pork producer and food-processing company based in Smithfield, Virginia, in the United States, that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chinese conglomerate WH Group.
Get informed! Corporations in the U.S. are owned by China to gain greater control of food and supplement supply chains! Many of our western leaders and consumers are clueless, but our federal government and big corporations know exactly what’s happening. Remember the baby formula shortage? Looking at farm subsidies: China can buy farms in the US, with the intention of exporting the produce back to China, and the US will still pay farm subsidies to those farms. They just employ our farmers to work their farms, from what we understand.
Alarming must-watch You Tube video: “What companies has China bought in the food supply chain and nutritional supplement market? ”
If we don’t unite to stop the Marxist globalists, we will be working for Communist China via the United Nations. The U.S. may have to consider Trading With The Enemy Act because it is still in force. This Act established the Office of Alien Property Custodian to manage the property of US enemies, such as patents filed in the US.
The Communist Chinese are buying up the Bahamas, too. Paradise, just 50 miles from our Florida tip where Chinese are illegally smuggled into the Caribbean every year! See this November 2021 article: A strategic challenge for the US: China and The Bahamas.
The threat that China poses to U.S. interests in the Bahamas was not lost on Gen. Glen VanHerck, Commander, United States Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command (USNORTHCOM). In testimony before Congress this year, he stated: “China continues to pursue an aggressive geopolitical strategy that seeks to undermine U.S. influence around the globe and shape the international environment to its advantage. In the USNORTHCOM area of responsibility, China has made deliberate attempts to increase its economic and political influence with our close partners in Mexico and The Bahamas.”
Monday, May 15, 2023, ten or more Chinese nationals were apprehended in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida. The federal officials characterized the landing as a “suspected maritime smuggling event.”
US, Partners Mount ‘Extensive Effort” Against China Influence Operations — Newsmax 5/15/2023. From the article:
A day after authorities arrested two people on charges of links to a Chinese “secret police station” in New York, a U.S. official said the United States is engaged in an “extensive effort” with international partners to counter Chinese influence operations.
This April 21, 2022 headline says a lot! Israel Adds Chinese RMB Yuan To Its Central Bank Holdings, Reduces US Dollar and Euro Assets
The Deputy Governor of the Bank of Israel has announced it will reduce its US dollar holdings and add the Chinese RMB Yuan to its basket of foreign currency reserves. The bank has previously only held US dollars, Euros and British Pounds.
So, the Israeli Central Bank expects the US Dollar and Euros value to decline! Could the huge influx of Communist Chinese be in place to pick up the spoils of this magnificent country? Now we ask our Arkansas elected officials, is this the time to be generous with them? Shouldn’t we hold the line and protect our state and local assets?
FBI Warns… FBI Protecting Fundamental Freedoms from Chinese Government Attacks
The government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is trying to surpass the U.S. as a global superpower and influence the world with a value system shaped by undemocratic, authoritarian ideals and actions.
The PRC exploits every opportunity—financial, technological, educational, and diplomatic—afforded by our country’s free and open society to develop and maintain a strategic edge.
The PRC also holds U.S. officials and businesses hostage to positions that are in line with China’s best interests, primarily financially. The PRC engages in outright criminal activity, violating U.S. federal law regarding campaign finance, for example, in an attempt to corrupt our democratic processes.
SEC’s Gensler directly links crypto and bank failures
An excerpt:
WASHINGTON — Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler tied together cryptocurrencies and the recent banking crisis as he asked Congress for more resources to police the crypto market.
Now we are finding out about the Communist Chinese crypto mining sites that are hurting innocent communities around our country and state. Arkansans are waking up, though.
So, why did China kick out their Bitcoin miners? Did resources dry up? Yes, in China some of their hydropower dams dried up, and China was short of power. They thought that crypto mining was an extremely harmful practice there. What do we think?
America is being set up to fail on all fronts. Everyone loses! If states are worried about their supply of electricity, then all states better have ears to hear… It could be that crypto mining might be affecting your power supply. Grievously, our electrical grid is in great danger!
Texans need to brace themselves for what’s coming. Shockingly, one of the heaviest users of Texas’ electricity is Chinese crypto mining. It’s syphoning them dry!
These are many of the reasons why EVERY crypto mining site should be shutdown immediately!
America is becoming severely affected by energy restrictions and water shortages, now more than ever! Blackouts, brownouts, and complete electrical failure are headed our way.
President Biden is pushing for fossil fuel plant retirements
while aiming to increase grid demand through his electric vehicle policies.
See this article dated May 12, 2023: Biden’s latest climate action threatens US power grid. It says:
The Biden administration on Thursday released a sweeping plan to curb fossil fuel-fired power plant emissions, sparking concerns from experts about future U.S. power grid reliability.
The Texas state government is pushing legislation to boost electricity supplies during peak demand summer periods, but which grid experts are warning would be counterproductive and trigger more unreliability.
California’s electric grid faces years of potential blackouts and failure as state leaders continue pushing aggressive measures to transition to renewable energy sources, policy experts tell Fox News Digital.
The state’s grid, which is still mainly powered by fossil fuels, is undergoing a major shift from natural gas and coal power to renewable power like wind and solar. Simultaneously, state officials are pushing an electrification of the economy, particularly in the transportation sector through electric vehicle mandates, which is expected to increase pressure on the grid.
“There’s a burden to the consumer that’s going to get very heavy,” he continued. “Even if they can pull it off without blackouts, the burden to the consumer is going to be ridiculous.”
Unfortunately, retiring coal plants will intensify the risk of power outages. Get prepared, this dreaded situation is coming, dear reader. We cannot afford to have the Communist Chinese plugged-in to our electrical grid! Period! If you value your standard of living, we have got to cut the Chinese communists loose.
Again, the crypto miners use tons and tons of valued electricity. Our electricity will be affected by their heavy usage of it.
Nearly every element of our technology-based digital smart grid has become dependent on Communist Chinese-made components that have shady beginnings or ownership. Why are we highly dependent on our communist adversary?
Malefactor Biden betrays America again. See this article from the Washington Free Beacon: Biden Pledges $1 Billion to UN Climate Fund That Funnels Millions to China.
Remember, Communist China should be stripped of its “developing country” label in the United Nations which helps them receive our U.S. taxpayer money.
The United Nations is dictating the transitions that they want to see done for the New World Order to come into full Marxist bloom here and around the world.
Evaluating water scarcity is another significant threat to our resources.
There are 7 states running dangerously low on water! Oh yes, the Chinese have seen a map like this.
It’s important to understand that California is only one of the states running out of water. Here are the other states in trouble:
This is worrisome because the Ogallala Aquifer is the largest aquifer in the United States and is a major aquifer of Texas underlying much of the High Plains region.
Withdrawal rates from the Ogallala Aquifer.
From the website:
Ogallala Aquifer of the central United States is one of the world’s great aquifers, but in places it is being rapidly depleted by growing municipal use and continuing agricultural use. This huge aquifer, which underlies portions of eight states, contains primarily fossil water from the time of the last glaciation. Sadly, needlessly overwhelming the groundwater will impact the production of oil, gas and agriculture.
Using common sense, allowing Bitcoin mining will be devastating for many states. Arkansas is being ransacked now. Foreign entities are in Arkansas to get a foothold.
Shutting down the environmentally-damaging crypto mining is a no-brainer because the practice is non-essential. Every community will suffer if a crypto mining site is installed there. Wherever a crypto mining site is installed they will also tap into a precious water resource in order to cool their extremely demanding computers. There are absolutely no benefits for the community. Your property will be worthless if it is found located anywhere around the crypto and wind farm sites in your area and could even face eminent domain problems, especially with the ridiculous Nimbus Wind Farm in Carroll County, Arkansas.
Warning to local governments: Please beware of signing any wind, solar, bitcoin or battery mining Non-Disclosure Agreements or Contracts. Local and state governments MUST step up and deal with the problem.
Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders still stands silent! When will she call a Special Session for Arkansas to deal with the bad legislation you signed into law recently making it easy for communists to come into our state? Legislation like HB1799 (now Act 851) and HB1654 (now Act 819) needs to be repealed? It was introduced last- minute before anyone knew about these deadly bills and was fraudulently put through the legislature at lightening speed, breaking rules already set in the Arkansas General Assembly. See our previous articles.
HB1799 sponsored by Rep. Rick McClure from Malvern and Sen. Joshua Bryant from Rogers. The nasty bill went through the Committee on ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – HOUSE. It was chaired by Rep. Stephen Meeks from Greenbrier where his outraged constituents are dealing with the Communist Chinese crypto mining sites and the harsh consequences of the Chinese entrenched on the land there and of passing this vile bill.
HB1654 sponsored by Rep. Aaron Pilkington from Knoxville and Sen. Jonathan Dismang from Beebe. This other nasty bill went through the Committee on REVENUE & TAXATION- HOUSE. It was chaired by Les D. Eaves from Searcy. What are both of these gentlemen doing to remedy this situation? We need a written statement from our Republican lawmakers.
Water is essential to life and we need to properly oversee our water resources here in America.
This Communist Chinese businessman Zhong Shanshan knows this. He made his fortune selling bottled water, has topped the billionaires’ list in China, and he is the richest person from water. Zhong also chairs Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy, a maker of Covid-19 tests.
Here’s an unnerving 2012 Wall Street Journal article talking about dealing with China and shipping them water when the U.S. was drought stricken at the time.
Now we need to observe how the Communist Chinese are moving into our country corporately. It looks like Communist Chinese firms and investors own a controlling majority in approximately 2,400 U.S. companies.
Can a Chinese company own a US company? Shockingly, yes! This needs to be remedied and addressed in legislatures across the country! Immediately!
Generally, there are no restrictions on foreign ownership of a company formed in the United States. Unfortunately, the procedure for a foreign citizen to form a company in the US is the same as for a US resident. Unbelievable, dear reader! It is not necessary to be a US citizen or to have a green card to own a corporation or LLC. It’s easy for foreigners to infiltrate. Click here. Foreigners are creating LLCs everywhere these days.
Check out this article the American Companies Owned by Chinese Investors:
AMC – Popular cinema company AMC, short for American Multi-Cinema, has been around for over a century and is headquartered in Leawood, KS. …
General Motors. …
Spotify. …
Snapchat. …
Hilton Hotels. …
General Electric Appliance Division. …
So much for made in America!
Also another shocker, see this link because it gets worse: Iconic American Companies Owned by Chinese Investors.
This list linked above will break your heart and includes: Alliance Healthcare Services Inc. AND sadly, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (no wonder the mRNA Covid 19 injections were pushed there), Chesapeake Energy Group, 21st Century Fox, Cleveland Cavaliers, and Sea World, just to name a few.
In 2022, Fortune’s Global 500 list of the world’s largest corporations included 145 Chinese companies in total. That same year, Forbes reported that three of the world’s ten largest public companies were Chinese, including the world’s largest bank by total assets, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
Now, let’s look at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) once again.
Tragically, our legislators rely on ALEC corporate lobbyists to explain the details of a bill. And why should corporations get a tax break for their lobbying? Remember, ALEC is mostly funded by corporations and special interest groups that have hordes of lobbyists set for our state capitols. Regretfully, global elitist money has a chokehold on America.
And now we see from this older 2018 article that the American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) has a newer member called Alibaba, a fast-growing Communist Chinese corporation. They will now be one of the corporate helpers in ghost-writing our American laws. Trust us, most legislators that associate with ALEC will never know who is behind the legislation they are carrying! State Representative Ken Ivory, a Republican from Utah, worked to get this Chinese corporation in ALEC.
Here’s a snippet:
CHINESE E-COMMERCE GIANT Alibaba has joined the American Legislative Exchange Council, a private group set up for corporations and other interest groups to ghostwrite legislation sponsored by legislators in state capitols around the country.
Traitorously, the Communist Chinese government maintains deep ties to the family of the RINO Republican U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, from Kentucky. After the 2016 election, the Bank of China appointed McConnell’s sister-in-law to a board seat. McConnell, his wife Elaine Chao McConnell, and her family members financially benefit from doing business with communist China. Elaine Chao has been accused of abusing her power while in office as former transportation secretary. Her family’s shipping company, Foremost Group, has had deep ties to the communist Chinese elite.
A government watchdog has alleged that former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, wife of Republican Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, abused her power and should be prosecuted. In this January 11, 2017 photo, Chao testifies during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee as her husband, McConnell, looks on.CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY
Looking at the crypto-crisis locally, in our previous alert, we posted a picture about Green Digital LLC and their address (according to the Secretary of State’s website) in Damascus, Arkansas, and which has a Registered Agent of Gang Hu. The photo we included showed the entrance. Here is a better, more accurate picture of the building itself from
And here is a schematic of it (top view):
Who is this Gang Hu operative?
Gang Hu replaced the previous director to oversee 200 targeted Bitcoin Mining Facilities in 10 U.S. states. Remember, Greenland Holding Corp aka Greenland Group is owned 46.37% by the China Communist Party (CCP), and other shareholders are communist members. He is a trusted communist since he has worked for their top ranked Belt and Road initiative company since 2003 and so trusted is he, that Gang Hu was made CEO of Greenland USA in 2015.
Gang Hu is here in Arkansas with a principal office just outside of Greenbrier. Most working on these Bitcoin Mining operations are Chinese operatives because the CCP would not trust just anyone to be employed by their CCP-owned company and definitely not this one.
It’s time for us to kick all of the Bitcon miners out and shut down their operations for good!
Arkansas farmers, are you forgetting about this case of espionage?
U.S. government worker pleads guilty in plot to steal rice for Chinese
Incidents of Communist Chinese espionage far outnumber those by any other country! China will continue to step outside the expectations of the of the United States and the New World Order.
May 12, 2021, Top counterintelligence official Mike Orlando on foreign espionage threats facing U.S.-“Intelligence Matters”
Here’s a very informative 2019 paper that critically analyzes the US foreign policy approach to China.
Clearly, this country is in trouble! You’ve just read many credible sources warning us about what can happen if ACTION isn’t taken.
Governor, legislators, and other elected officials — you can help turn things around. Will you? We do NOT want to sit here and become victims. Our state and country are under siege, and we are surrounded by enemies…
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas
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