Archives For Article V Amendment Convention

Action Alert: “Died Suddenly”…?

“Died Suddenly”…? Do NOT Trust BigPharma, Government Health Agencies, or Fake News There’s only one word that comes to mind when looking into the lethal Covid-19 injections:  genocide! Yes, genocide for the masses. The people that have “died suddenly” after the vile injection is staggering. So, the fallout from the injections is piling up, and we […]

Lawsuit Filed Over Capitol Guards Monument

Deleting History … What does that mean to “We The People”? Our patriotic duty is to protect American Constitutionalism and preserve our historical monuments, not to stand by and watch them be overthrown by the “woke” generation. Removing our statues, monuments, and history hurts our American values and our country. International globalists of the New […]

Part 2: Deep State Lobbyists Pushing an Article V Convention — U.S. Constitution in Jeopardy

We mustn’t fall for the “Convention of States” AKA Constitutional Convention (Article V Convention). It is a scam being promoted by the Deep State and all their well-paid cohorts, lobbyists, and politicians. Our U.S. Constitution is not the problem. The U.S. Constitution must simply be enforced. No need for an Article V Convention. To all […]

Deep State Lobbyists Pushing an Article V Convention — U.S. Constitution in Jeopardy

Judi Caler has written a short but very essential article entitled “Bluffing Their Way to an Art. V Convention, Part 1″ which you can read here.  We have also included it in its entirety below. Legislators, it’s especially critical that you read this right away, if you value our U.S. Constitution and the freedoms that so many […]

Legislators, Rescind All Applications Calling for a Federal Convention

Legislators, Rescind All Applications Calling for a Federal Convention because States are being forced into a position they don’t want All previous calls or applications for a convention MUST quickly be sponsored so that they can be rescinded this 2019 legislative session!  Click here for an example of a resolution to RESCIND all calls for an Article V Convention. […]

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