Archives For Coronavirus

Crypto in the Hands of Billionaire Philanthropists

Some people saw decentralized Bitcoin as a means to financial freedom and a means to rid ourselves of the fiat currency from the Federal Reserve because we are looking for a way to financial freedom. But what happens when crypto is in the hands of billionaires and billionaire philanthropists? See this 4-minute YouTube video about the […]

UN Agenda 2030 at Work in Arkansas and Other States!

Our country is in drastic decline! What’s going on? . Why can’t we turn America around? . Could it be because the global elite are determining policies and controlling us, our elected officials, corporations, organizations, universities, churches, and even the United Nations? . In this shadowy culture of philanthropy, promoted and used by the privileged […]

Kill the UN Communist WHO Treaty

Heads up! . An Immediate Call to Action! . Kill the UN Communist WHO Treaty . . . Click here to watch the WHO Roundtable video: Exposing ‘Mission Critical For Humanity’ | May 16th. This ill-fated UN WHO Treaty and the foul amendments to the rules (adopted in 2005) that govern the WHO — called the International […]

Action Alert: Why the FOIA Must Be Preserved… and more on WHO!

Arkansas’ Sunshine Laws Under Attack In this article, we hope to be able to show you reasons why we cannot afford to lose this battle regarding our freedom of information. So, here are some serious consequences that could happen IF we cannot stop Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, her husband, Bryan, and the minions she uses […]

FEMA’s Emergency Alert 10/4/23 & China’s Plans for World Domination!

Things are heating up, and our elected officials, including RINO Republicans, are leading America straight to the breaking point. Many traitorous politicians are working to see our standard of living significantly lowered here in the United States. Within the deep state, you can find the communists and the global elites lurking around to bring about […]

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