Archives For 1st Amendment

States & Communities Lashing Out at Water Fluoridation

Secure Arkansas believes that it’s high time to reveal more history and corruption behind the industrial toxic waste called fluoride that is being dumped into our drinking water supply and is poisoning people all across the country. Our own state of Arkansas is working to rid our population of this dangerous chemical: see our previous article, which mentions legislation to repeal […]

Ozark Mtn Regional Public Water Authority Reports on Latest Fluoridation Case Hearing…

Concerning water fluoridation, many of you have asked about the report from January 12, 2022 federal court hearing. Here is what happened a few days ago. This battle has been going on for a long time, but we do see light at the end of the tunnel. It seems the Judge is looking at the National […]

Sandra Young M.D. Explains to ADH Why She Opposes Water Fluoridation

On July 23, 2015, the Arkansas Department of Health conducted their quarterly meeting in Little Rock.  Sandra Young, a recently retired medical doctor and Secure Arkansas’ Physician’s Advisor, was able to speak at the end of the meeting, and she explained why she opposes water fluoridation.  Watch the 8 minute YouTube video here.  Listed below […]

WARNING to Carroll Boone Water District Board and ALL of Arkansas

The above is the warning that comes with the fluoride product. This is also the same product that the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) says is “safe”. Are you going to believe the ADH, or are you going to believe the warning that comes on the fluoride product packaging? ADH must do their own research […]

Stop the Push for a Mandate for Water Fluoridation

Secure Arkansas has been made aware of a push for a mandate for water fluoridation. The mandate bill has not been filed, but it is coming soon. We must try and stop this action NOW.

We are asking everyone to first contact all members of the Senate and House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committees, then contact your own senator and representative AND TELL THEM TO VOTE NO TO A WATER FLUORIDATION MANDATE.