Archives For 1st Amendment

Final Stretch for FOIA Petition Signing…

The Freedom to Petition Our Government! Readers, we are in striking distance of the required numbers needed for our FOIA/transparency petitions. There are only a couple of weeks left to gather signatures, so please keep going! The petitions must be turned in by July 5, 2024. Every signature counts as we are approaching the close of this opportunity to keep […]

Numbers Needed for FOIA Petition Signature Gatherers…

For those of you gathering signatures on the FOIA petitions, this email contains important information to help every Arkansan — including the number of petition signatures needed in each county. Here in Arkansas, we, the people, still have the power to initiate constitutional amendments and state statutes, or acts. We need to take action and […]

Government Secretly Tampering with FOIAs

The Arkansas Attorney General has recently created a new group called The Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Review Working Group Why was a NEW FOIA group needed at this time, especially on the heals of this last hurtful and demonically inspired legislative session? There was a legislatively created state task force already in place […]