Archives For 1st Amendment

The Importance of our FOIA Sunshine Law

This recent Order of Dismissal shows us why we need to be able to do a FOIA Request in order to maintain transparency in government. Click the link below to read about John Turner vs the City of Branch. Signed Agreed Order of Dismissal – John Turner v City of Branch We congratulate attorney Joey […]

Exposing the Swamp! HB1610 in Senate Committee

Why are Arkansas Republicans Putting FOIAs in Jeopardy? HB1610 says we cannot have open and public government in Arkansas, which is a dismissive slap in the face to taxpayers! Anything that weakens transparency should be considered dangerous. Can you imagine closing taxpayer-funded meetings, especially with the trying times we are living through these days? If […]

ACTION ALERT: STOP HB1610! On the House Floor today 3/30/23

HIGH ALERT! HB1610 is on the House floor today! March 30, 2023 <=== Call to ACTION Who is your Arkansas State Representative? Go to this website: and type your street name, city, and state in the first box and your zip code in the second box. Click Search, and the name & contact info of your Rep. will pop up […]