Archives For 1st Amendment

Legislators, Ban Toxic Fluoride and Save Our Children

REVIEWING SAFETY FOR OUR CHILDREN! Finally, we are seeing class action lawsuits against manufacturers that have been knowingly and deceptively marketing toxic toothpaste and mouthwash for our children! We have heard time and time again that fluoride is “safe and effective”.    But it’s not safe. And it’s not effective. . And fluoride cannot be boiled out of the water […]

Americans Overwhelmed by Inflation…The Perfect Storm: Introduction to the Crisis

Most Americans are in distress, financial shock, and losing jobs. The middle class is under attack by the government and corporations/ the global elite. Is America headed for an economic crash that could be worse than the Great Depression? Criminals are roaming free all across America, especially in our own government. Our human rights to […]

Follow the Money and Collusion about Vaccines! Part 1

Big Pharma, The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Arkansas Department of Health (ADH), American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and your ALEC Legislators ARE NOT Your Friends We have the right to choose what goes into our bodies! Stand up for no forced vaccinations in America! Notice to Arkansas legislators: No […]