Archives For 1st Amendment

States That Have Lost Their State Sovereignty…

Warning: When the State borders are no longer in the State Constitution, it is the signal that the State has lost its sovereignty (and its state citizenship). Now, a central government has been formed which is the step into international communism through the United Nations. Remember the first 3 words of the U.S. Constitution? “We the […]

America is being Destroyed by the Illegals, Cartels, & the CCP

America is being Destroyed by the Illegals, Cartels, and the CCP While our Tyrannical Government (Both Republican & Democrat) Stands By! . America is in a great state of emergency. The crisis at the border is war-like. It’s chaotic and highly volitional because we ARE being invaded by an unprecedented number of illegal aliens, jihadists, […]

Communist China: a National Security Threat in Arkansas… and in other states

Extreme Times Call for Extreme Measures It’s time to secure Arkansas! Communist China IS a threat to our national security. They have been infiltrating our homeland while we slumbered and slept. This alert is a short briefing for everyone, including our governor. We want you to take this seriously and not overlook this issue. See this […]

The Effort to Dismantle Our Constitution

Under article V of the Constitution, our founding fathers established two methods for future generations to add amendments to the Constitution.

Why Every GOP Should Co-Sponsor Illegals Bill – HB 1292

Representative Jon Hubbard filed HB1292, The Illegal Alien Bill. As of now, it has four Co-sponsors: Deffenbaugh, Eubanks, Harris, Stubblefield. Here are several reasons why every Republican should sign on as a co-sponsor to this bill.