Archives For 1st Amendment

Part 2: Secure Arkansas’ 2014 Input to Assoc. of Ark. Counties

As we mentioned in our previous email, Secure Arkansas spoke to the Association of Arkansas Counties for their Annual Conference held August 20 – 22, 2014 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Secure Arkansas was on the agenda on August 20 to address the Critical Habitat issue facing Arkansas with the Neosho Mucket and the Rabbitsfoot mussels.  This issue […]

New EPA Regulations Cost Home Owners More

New regulations designed more for control than for safety are laying the groundwork for future controls in our own homes, according to a press release dated April 23, 2010, by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

RED ALERT: Back-door Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

As long rumored they would, in cooperation with pro-amnesty groups, the Obama administration has gone around Congress and arbitrarily issued a new deportation policy for illegal aliens.