Archives For 1st Amendment

Americans Overwhelmed by Inflation…The Perfect Storm: Introduction to the Crisis

Most Americans are in distress, financial shock, and losing jobs. The middle class is under attack by the government and corporations/ the global elite. Is America headed for an economic crash that could be worse than the Great Depression? Criminals are roaming free all across America, especially in our own government. Our human rights to […]

Summary for 10/26/23 Town Hall for Proposed Buffalo River Re-Designation

Globalists take aim at the Ozarks once again! The Town Hall held on October 26, 2023, at the Newton County Library in Jasper, Arkansas had a great turnout and good speakers. Attendance was very high that night with around 1,200 people there, and 1,400 or more on Facebook Live and 500 on the Zoom meeting. […]

Critical Things We Need to Know about the Buffalo River Potentially Changing Designation…

As 2030 approaches on the calendar of time, we see there have been many cunning agendas, plans, and mandates set for all of humanity and the landscape upon which we live.  Today, we hope to give you a little peak of what the ungodly globalists have in store for us as time progresses… as they […]