Archives For 1st Amendment

Legislators, No Article V Convention Apps!

Today, Secure Arkansas sends out this article in hopes that it will bring great conviction to the true American people, as we are living in perilous times and are targeted on many fronts. Most states and their legislatures, all over the country, have done a good job of rejecting ANY excuse to call for a treacherous […]

States That Have Lost Their State Sovereignty…

Warning: When the State borders are no longer in the State Constitution, it is the signal that the State has lost its sovereignty (and its state citizenship). Now, a central government has been formed which is the step into international communism through the United Nations. Remember the first 3 words of the U.S. Constitution? “We the […]

URGENT Action Alert: Exposing the Article V “Federal” Convention

Hold Firm Against an Article V “Federal” Convention HB1748  AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE LAW CONCERNING A CONVENTION CALLED UNDER ARTICLE V OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. This dangerous bill is brought to you by Rep. Mary Bentley from Perryville and Sen. Gary Stubblefield from Branch. Another last minute filing (March 28) at the […]

RINO Republicans Taking Aim at our Constitutional Process; Update on HB1419

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at 3 things the Arkansas RINO Republicans are doing which will violate our constitutional process: HB1419 SB260 A Constitutional Convention/ Article V Federal Convention 1. Update on HB1419 sponsored by Rep. Kendon Underwood from Cave Springs and Senator Jim Dotson from Bentonville — Sadly, it passed! Restricting The Ballot […]

More U.N. Agenda 21 Around the State…

Among the United Nations-created Agenda 21’s bevy of bastard babies are Sustainable Development, Smart Growth (a term used to describe Chaffee Crossing on its website), MPO’s (Metropolitan Planning Organizations…Ft. Smith belongs to the BI-State MPO), Providence Communities (one is being planned for the Ft. Chaffee area), Metro 1313, ICLEI (International Council for Environmental Initiatives—N. Little Rock Mayor Hayes is CEO for the U.S. division), Quality of Place (used to describe Chaffee Crossing), Green Space (on Chaffee Crossing website), Public/Private Partnerships (Fascism), New Market Tax Credits , COG’s (Councils of Governments), ad infinitum.

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