Archives For 1st Amendment

The Safe Drinking Water Act Prohibits Fluoridation throughout the Country…

Continuing on the subject of drinking water fluoridation:                Readers, fluoride is listed as a contaminant!  .Fluoride is considered an environmental contaminant… yet Public Health officials want us to believe that when it is added to the municipal drinking water, it miraculously changes into a beneficial nutrient good for your teeth […]

Covid-19 Infant Injections, Monkeypox, & Coercion…

Global Genetic Genocide — Deaths by Dirty Injections INFANTICIDE: 10 Million Babies and Toddlers are Targeted for Slaughter by the Biden Administration with Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Injections — article by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News. From the article: The COVID-19 vaccine population reduction program is now entering its final phase, as the White House […]

Follow the Money and Collusion about Vaccines! Part 1

Big Pharma, The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Arkansas Department of Health (ADH), American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and your ALEC Legislators ARE NOT Your Friends We have the right to choose what goes into our bodies! Stand up for no forced vaccinations in America! Notice to Arkansas legislators: No […]