Archives For 1st Amendment

FOIA and Other Questions for Ark. Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Our way of life is under attack… Have you noticed? Our freedoms are dwindling! Freedom of the Press, our right to free speech, and our right to know about the crimes committed by our government are being oppressed and covered up. Currently in 2024, we have RINO Republicans in our Arkansas legislature, along with our […]

Who is Digging into Our Phone & Bank Records; Censoring, Collecting Data & Conducting Surveillance??

The Weaponizing of Our Federal Government! Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, and/or other vital information. Our founding fathers realized the importance of freedom of speech, so they gave it a dignified place in the First Amendment of our U.S. Constitution. Censorship is bad enough, but let’s not forget the government’s obsession with […]

Update on Harrison’s Proposed Crypto Mine 5/25/23 and more!

Harrison’s Proposed Crypto Mine Update 5/25/23, info about non-public city “education meetings”… and MORE! Will the City Attorney of Harrison, Arkansas Nancy Cartwright, Harrison Mayor Jerry Jackson, and the board members give up the almighty dollar and do what’s best for the community, or will they try to relocate the dangerous Communist Chinese crypto mining site […]

ACTION ALERT: States Setting the Stage for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

Follow the Apocalyptic Monetary Policies in the States Republican Legislators, we ask you to consider this: Why would any state pass legislation pushing central bank digital currencies (CBDC)? Please read the entire Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) banking legislation thoroughly before you vote on or sponsor these bad bills. (Most of this legislation has just recently been filed […]

Recent Apocalyptic Chemical Disasters in the U.S…

The desolation of the United States Have you noticed all of the calamitous chemical disasters in the U.S. lately? The timing is highly suspicious! Could the February 3, 2023 disaster have been pre-planned? Now the cover-up begins? You decide. In this current emergency, what happened in Ohio and around the Pennsylvania border? NTSB Issues Investigative Update on […]

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