Stand Up to American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Americans For Prosperity (AFP), Convention Of States (COS), Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party Caucus, Tea Party Express, Tea Party, Tea Party Nation, National Tea Party Federation, Tea Party Leadership Fund, and Freedomworks. ALEC is heavily involved with the Convention Of States (COS) a.k.a. Con-Con. Most of the legislators that went to Mount Vernon for the COS meeting in December 2013 were ALEC members. Congress will not obey the U.S. Constitution today. What makes you think that Congress would obey the Constitution if changes were made?
Is the Convention Of States connected to the Council On Foreign Relations?
Michael P. Farris is Head of Convention of the States Project, better known as a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con), and President of in which Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member Grover G. Norquist is the Director. Mr. Farris is also the advisory board member of Christian Freedom International. George Soros is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations with Grover P. Norquist.
Are the Convention Of States’ Key Supporters Connected to Common Core?
Some of the same key supporters of Convention Of States (COS) also support Common Core. To see the connection of Common Core to ALEC, Huckabee, National Governors’ Association and U.S. Department of Education, click here. Secure Arkansas’ opinion is that Mike Huckabee still appears to be supporting Common Core because he has a very complex stand on education. We agree with this Oklahoma educator who wrotean informative article to show Huckabee’s stance. Here is just one eye-opening paragraph from her article:
Huckabee admitted right up front on his show that he is losing a good sized chunk of his TV audience.
He then admitted and described a few, but not all, of the problems that are coming from Common Core Standards themselves. Huckabee said, “The term Common Core needs to disappear from the lexicon of education policy.”
But a name change won’t change the philosophy or the centralized control policies that have been put into place.
Remember the past? The names have changed, but the government control is the same. First, it was “Outcome-based Education”… then “Goals 2000″… then “No Child Left Behind”… and now “Common Core”.
We question Huckabee’s stance on Common Core, especially if he’s still endorsing the Convention of States. Here’s a link that shows his letter to Oklahoma lawmakers urging them to back Common Core. Also, Mike Huckabee is co-chairman of Alliance for a Healthier Generation which Bill, Hillary, & Chelsea Clinton Foundation co-founded. Click here to follow the dots. Mike Huckabee is also an advisory board member of Secure America Now with CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) member John R. Bolton and CFR member Devon Gaffney Cross. Click here to follow the dots. Click here to see info about Huckabee and others endorsing the COS project.
Click here for another article that Exposes Common Core ALEC corporate connections. Some of these groups are the same ones supporting the Convention Of States (COS). For an ALEC/Common Core refresher course, click here.
Do you really trust these groups attempting to change our U.S. Constitution? It looks as though our state lawmakers have taken all the federal grant money they can get their hands on and have jeopardized our children with Common Core curriculum in this so-called Race to the Top.
Google became a member of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in 2013.
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