Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development Terms on Illegal Aliens
In our previous email regarding illegal immigration, we talked about how the crisis of illegal immigration policy is ordered by the United Nations. In this follow-up email, we’ll introduce more documents to you that show their agenda more in depth. They’re calling these people “migrants” and “refugees” to avoid calling them what they truly are: ILLEGAL ALIENS. Be sure to read this whole article to find out the reason behind their terminology…
This revealing U.N. document shows that the agenda of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding “migrants” [illegal aliens] involves equalization and social justice. These words were spoken at a formal sit-down lunch event on Oct. 3, 2013, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. As you read this so-called global document, our hope is that you DO NOT buy into their propaganda. It drips with words that may sound sweet as honey, but they are, in actuality, venom.
As we’ve mentioned so many times before, one goal of U.N. Agenda 21 is to bring about income equality and social justice, etc…. However, this sounds more like communism than freedom.
“The post-2015 agenda must apply to all countries and to all people; it should recognise that migrants [illegal aliens] often live in poverty, marginalised and discriminated against in all host and transit countries, including in countries with the highest human development standards. No society can develop to its true potential when legal, social or political barriers prevent entire sectors of that society from contributing to it.” [bracketed information ours]
Open Borders / illegal aliens = U.N. Agenda 21. This goes against our national and state sovereignty and promotes the enslaving of humanity.
Here’s another document that we found that was used for the orchestrated plan. National Center for Border Security and Immigration, the University of Texas at El Paso – Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) Project – March 20, 2014 (funded and supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate Office of University Programs under Grant Award Number 2008-ST-061-BS0001-05). It discusses the transit points, number of beds available, time that the unaccompanied children will be there, etc.
Secure Arkansas does not agree with the pope, the United Nations, or the President, who seem to be working together to coordinate this global crisis.
This article says “months before” but in our estimation, it was YEARS before…
This link brings you to a page that shows an advertisement run on in January 2014 for “Escorts for Unaccompanied Alien Children”… by the Department of Homeland Security! How did the Department of Homeland Security know that escorts would be needed to “resettle” these people MONTHS BEFORE they started swarming over our Southern border?
Once these illegal aliens get across the border, if they’re detained, it’s our understanding that they know exactly what to say to border & customs officials in order to be given asylum (be allowed to stay in this country)… because they’ve been coached and given a script! Some are calling these scripts “illegal alien cheat sheets”.
There was a new rule about illegal aliens issued by the Department of Homeland Security on June 18, 2013:
“If you are in expedited removal proceedings and found to have a credible fear of persecution or torture, you may seek asylum before an Immigration Judge (IJ).” Once the illegal alien makes this statement, they are given a summons to appear before an Immigration Judge within 14 days. They are then released with the understanding that they should honor the summons. Most illegal aliens NEVER appear at their hearing.
If these illegal aliens are granted refugee status or asylum, according to the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), this ENTITLES them to a list of government programs . These include: Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Emergency Medicaid, Full-Scope Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicare “Premium-Free” Part A (hospitalization), Title XX Block Grants, and Other Federal Public Benefits. Guess who funds these programs? Yep! YOU and I: taxpaying Americans! These benefits are what motivates an illegal alien living in the United States to pay a human smuggler/trafficker $7,000 to bring a child to the U.S. from elsewhere, like Central America.
Cornell University Law School says this about “refugees”:
“The Refugee Act of 1980 defines the U.S. laws relating to refugee immigrants. Under the Refugee Act, the term “refugee” refers to aliens with a fear of persecution upon returning to their homelands, stemming from their religion, race, nationality, membership in certain social groups, or political opinions. Anyone who delivers a missing American POW or MIA soldier receives refugee status from the United States.”
Now you see why illegal aliens are coached to say that they are afraid of their government and afraid to live in their home country: this grants them refugee status/asylum… AND all of the taxpayer-funded benefits attached to that status.
Here’s an article that tells about an illegal alien with 7 kids who got food stamps, housing, and social security benefits for 20 YEARS… and she celebrates it!
The White House is paying recruiters to sign people up for food stamps!
Here’s what we found at the USDA Food and Nutrition Service website, which correlates with information we found on the National Immigration Law Center website (referenced above):
The 2002 Farm Bill restores SNAP eligibility to most legal immigrants that:
Certain non-citizens such as those admitted for humanitarian reasons and those admitted for permanent residence may also eligible for the program. Eligible household members can get SNAP benefits even if there are other members of the household that are not eligible.” [highlight emphasis ours]
In that document, we found a link to this pdf file from the SNAP FNS (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Food and Nutrition Service) which gives information and Guidance on Non-Citizen Eligibility:
There are many terms that describe non-citizens. We have listed some of those terms and their more formal, legally-based definitions below.1 However, no one term describes all of those who are eligible for SNAP. The purpose of this Guidance is to serve as a general guide to non-citizen SNAP eligibility and to use exact terms throughout affects readability. Accordingly, throughout this Guidance, we use the term non-citizen to describe any individual present in the United States who is not a United States citizen, including but not limited to qualified aliens, lawful permanent residents, and undocumented immigrants [illegal aliens].” [highlight and bold emphasis ours]
Lastly, we read earlier this month that Fayetteville “wants to become a ‘sanctuary city’ for those children in need”. Read the article. We’ve opened the floodgates, people. Why should Arkansans (or residents of ANY U.S. state) be forced to subsidize illegal immigration?
Before you decide that you want to have all of these people in our country, do YOU WANT TO HOUSE THEM AND PROVIDE FOR THEM?
To be continued…
Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure the Republic