If you had to choose, would you rather have your child lose a permanent tooth or 4.5 points from their IQ?
Obviously, no parent would want either, but if you faced that kind of rock-and-a-hard place choice for your child, what would you pick?
My guess is most parents would say that enhancing and protecting their child’s intelligence would take precedence over the loss of a molar.
A new Canadian research study that has garnered international interest should cause policymakers to ask themselves the above question before they consider adding fluoride to their community’s water supply or to consider removing [it] from water where it is currently added.
The article hyperlinked in the first sentence of this alert addresses a studyentitled: Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada.
This brings up some important questions, such as: what happens BEFORE the child is born and is still in utero? What about fluoride and pregnancy?
Image courtesy Dr. Mercola
Attention, Mothers-to-be! Take a few minutes to listen and become informed on this alarming podcast (August 19, 2019): JAMA Pediatrics Editors Summary, which corresponds with the study regarding maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy mentioned above.
Listen as the editors express how very concerning and startling the evidence is against fluoridation, and how the neurological damage is “on par with lead”. They recommend that pregnant women avoid drinking fluoridated water, and Secure Arkansas agrees with their recommendation. The study associates maternal intake of fluoride during pregnancy with lower IQ scores in children 3 to 4 years of age.
Christine Till, lead researcher and associate professor in the faculty of health at York University in Toronto, said that a 4.5 drop in IQ scores has an enormous negative impact on society.
Hardy Limeback, a retired University of Toronto professor of dentistry who once supported fluoridation but now is a leading advocate against said:
“This study puts to bed the question about the risk versus the reward of water fluoridation,” he said from his home in Ontario. “This study essentially shows that fluoride is as toxic as lead to a developing brain and therefore shouldn’t be added to our water supply.”
In the editorial piece by Harvard Professor Dr. David Bellinger that accompanies the study, the professor provides an overview of recent fluoride/IQ research and highlights the strengths of the study as well as the need for additional research…and attaches the following warning:
The hypothesis that fluoride is a neurodevelopmental toxicant must now be given serious consideration… It is instructive to recall that the hypothesis that subclinical lead exposures pose a neurodevelopmental hazard was bitterly contested in the 1980s and 1990s, and it was only the weight of evidence that eventually accumulated that led to the now widely held consensus that no level of lead exposure is safe…If the hypothesis is true, the implications are worrisome. Exposure to fluoride has increased substantially in recent decades…If the effect sizes reported by Green et al and others are valid, the total cognitive loss at the population level that might be associated with children’s prenatal exposure to fluoride could be substantial.
Lastly, the following article is from Natural News reaffirming the position that fluoride causes damage to unborn infants.
Why are supermarkets still selling fluoridated water for infants? And why aren’t cities that still fluoridate their water being sued?
We want to encourage you, our readers, to print out a copy of the study and take it to your local water district or municipality and even your legislators to demand answers.
Tell these “public servants” that you do not want to expose your family to neurotoxic chemicals that mainstream science has determined is dumbing down the population, and especially the male population.
You can also head on over to your local grocery store or supermarket with the same information and ask: why are you still selling fluoridated baby water, now that it’s been proven that fluoride lowers IQ and causes brain damage?
Americans need to stand up and say, enough is enough.
Is it not time for the people and not the legislators to decide whether their communities are fluoridated or not?
Click here for a list of communities which have rejected fluoridation since 1990.
In closing, if you are pregnant, please consider your baby’s health and well-being and do not drink the harmful fluoridated water!
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas