This Kansas City Conference is loaded with powerful speakers!
Address of the conference:
Harmony Vineyard Church
600 NE 46th Street
Kansas City, Missouri
This is a free conference in Kansas City, Missouri — Friday evening Sept. 22 and all-day Saturday Sept. 23, 2023.
It is open to the public and can help prepare and equip you for the days ahead.
Lectures and information will be presented throughout the day. People are welcome to come and go as needed. Therefore, you will be able to hear selected speakers as you wish.
During the Saturday event, everyone needs to bring their own food and water, or you will need to go to a restaurant for your meals. Come prepared, should you wish to stay the entire day…
Friday evening 9/22/23:
Church begins at 6:30 pm
7:30 – 8:30 pm Pastor Jason Porter discusses What Has Happened to the Church in America? There will be a time for the audience to interact with Pastor Jason asking questions as well as comments from the audience.
Saturday 9/23/23:
Church begins at 9:00 am
10:00 – 10:45 am Dran Reese, President and Founder of Salt and Light Counsel — a program teaching a Biblical World View, Business Woman, Entrepreneurship. Looking at Public School Exit. What are American Schools Doing to Our Children’s Psyche? Mental health issues are on the raise in our youth. What can parents and grandparents do to save their children and youth from the adverse effects of distorted reasoning?
10:50 – 11:35 am David Hazell: My Father’s World: David is a Mentor, Visionary, Speaker, Author of School Curriculum. He will touch on: Socialism, the Take Over from Within. Are Public Schools Killing our Children’s Souls? Address comments, We just can’t afford private school. What is a possible option? Let’s talk Microschool Start UP.
Discussion: Dran and David will have a discussion and take questions from the audience for 25 minutes. They will be available afterwards, if further questions and/or comments.
12 noon -12:45 pm Dr. Lee Merritt: What’s Available in the Naturopathic Care Cabinet. Dr. Lee Merritt is know across the world for her COVID research and treatment. There is not a question IF Pandemic (Plandemic) number 2 will occur, it is when. Be ready, Here we Go Again.
1:00 – 1:30 pm Jodi Widlhalm: Working with OUR Legislative Officials: How to Influence YOUR legislative body. Jodi has a great deal of experience in working with legislators in Missouri, BUT these tactics can be applied to any state. How to work with a community leader and legislator: Is it worth the time and effort to take part in the Republic Process? How to spot when legislators are “putting you off and what to do about it. ”
1:30 – 2:30 pm Physicians Round Table: What has happened in our communities to Health Care? What can we do? What labs do I ask for? What medications should I avoid? What should I have on hand to keep myself and my family stronger? This will be a discussion as well as questions and comments from the audience.
2:30 – 4:30 pm Dr. Bryan Ardis : What’s in YOUR Vaccine: How Are We to Heal? I Can’t Think Straight After COVID. What can I do? How do I build my immune system up? Dr. Ardis will talk for 1 hour followed by Q and A. He must leave right afterwards for a flight.
4:30 -5:30 pm Christie Glesener: Business Woman. Christie and her husband have Shofar International Foundation. She also does voter education on issues we all need to be monitoring. Christie has become an expert on the adverse effects of 5G Radiation, Microwave Radiation, and Radio Radiation. She will be discussing 5G’s effect on blood disorders, vascular disorders, dermatology, oxygen consumption. Are 5G towers more dangerous than earlier cell tower generations, and if so, why? These topics Christie will be covering this as well as many other subjects. She also will have a Q&A which may go over her time, but we realize this is a very important subject which is affecting each of us.
→ You can register here for this dynamic meeting! ←
For those not able to attend the conference in Kansas City, you can watch the event Live Streamed on the Patriots with Grit channel by clicking here!
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