Get ready… It looks like we have a FOIA Petition coming soon. We are looking forward to having a new amendment added to our Arkansas Constitution in the near future. Linked down below in this article is the proposed amendment. There’s still a lot of work to be done, so stay informed.
The Western Arkansas Transparency in Government (TIGG) will sponsor a town hall meeting to discuss and get public comment regarding the new amendment to the Arkansas Constitution known as the “Arkansas Government Transparency Amendment”, which will enshrine the Arkansas Freedom of information Act in our state constitution and provide additional safeguards to protect our sunshine laws.
The meeting will be held:
Tuesday, October 24th
at 5:45 pm
at the Fort Smith Public Library (Community Room), 3201 Rogers Avenue, Fort Smith.
The event is free, and the public and elected officials are encouraged to attend and participate.
The Fort Smith Town Hall will be the first of a series of meetings across the state. There will be a town hall meeting in Fayetteville on October 26th and in West Memphis on October 30th. Details will be announced on those meetings soon.
Western Arkansas TIGG founder, Joey McCutchen, will moderate the town hall meeting which will feature FOIA experts from across Arkansas who will discuss and explain the substance and importance of the amendment.
McCutchen said, “The language of the Arkansas Government Transparency Amendment will make the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act one of strongest, if not THE strongest, government transparency and sunshine laws in the entire country.”
Be sure to attend these informative town hall meetings about this constitutional amendment that we want placed on the ballot.
Linked below is the “Arkansas Government Transparency Amendment” for you to read:
In closing, if you are not a fan of government doing things with your tax money, your rights, and your freedoms; government that follows hidden unscrupulous agendas, then it’s important to have transparency in government and always keep our government accountable.
If we can make every action of every governmental official known, then we can end the tyranny of the state. Openness and transparency work as an obstacle to power that tends to dominate policy and its surroundings.
Elected officials, it’s expedient for you to help maintain the rights of your constituents. By having the ability to get consistent access to the data or information we need, that’s the first step in transparency. Also, transparency involves not only providing information, but doing so in a way that is helpful to the public.
Greater governmental transparency is essential to us because it impacts our lives on a daily basis. This should be our #1 issue when voting for a candidate.
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Secure Arkansas
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