Archives For 1st Amendment

Legislators, Ban Toxic Fluoride and Save Our Children

REVIEWING SAFETY FOR OUR CHILDREN! Finally, we are seeing class action lawsuits against manufacturers that have been knowingly and deceptively marketing toxic toothpaste and mouthwash for our children! We have heard time and time again that fluoride is “safe and effective”.    But it’s not safe. And it’s not effective. . And fluoride cannot be boiled out of the water […]

The Safe Drinking Water Act Prohibits Fluoridation throughout the Country…

Continuing on the subject of drinking water fluoridation:                Readers, fluoride is listed as a contaminant!  .Fluoride is considered an environmental contaminant… yet Public Health officials want us to believe that when it is added to the municipal drinking water, it miraculously changes into a beneficial nutrient good for your teeth […]

Explosive Evidence on Toxic Fluoride has been Buried by the Government for Years…

Act 197  of 2011 mandated the forced fluoridation of all of Arkansas’ public water supplies servicing more than 5,000 people. . . This was both unethical and unjust… and it is time for the legislators to admit that they were misinformed. . image credit Senior Federal Judge Edward Chen (pictured above) recently ruled thatfluoride poses an […]

Press Release: A Lawsuit Brought Against the City of Ft Smith & City Admin Carl Geffken

Secure Arkansas is glad to see this lawsuit brought forth, as too many city officials are overstepping the bounds of their authority and obligating their city or town beyond established limits. We, the people, must watch out for an excessive exercise of power by governmental authorities and hold them accountable. We have seen many instances of corruption […]

Federal Lawsuit Victory over U.S Water Fluoridation!

In a major blow to the EPA, a federal judge has ruled that fluoride may pose a risk to children’s IQ.. A U.S. federal court has now deemed fluoridation an “unreasonable risk” to the health of children, and the EPA will be forced to regulate it as such. . For quite some time, professionals, researchers, and […]

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