Archives For 1st Amendment

UPDATE: New Madrid Fault & Earthquakes –CERN, Preparedness, & the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse

IMPORTANT UPDATES: Secure Arkansas thought we needed to update our article as of April 7 and mention earthquakes, since the eclipse’s Path of Totality goes over the New Madrid fault line. On April 5, 2024, New York and New Jersey had a 4.8 earthquake, and even on April 6th, there were after-shocks. Also, on April 5th, there […]

ACTION ALERT: American Sovereignty in Danger with International Health Regulations

U.S. Sovereignty is in danger as member nations in the WHO Negotiate a Pandemic Treaty… and they vote on the New Amendments today and tomorrow! May 23-24, 2022 Choose to Stand for Health Freedom America is in great danger of devastating dictatorial rules from the World Health Organization (WHO)! Our U.S. Health Policies and sovereignty are clearly at stake. We […]