Listen to Secure Arkansas’ online fluoride forum which originally aired March 2, 2015 @ 7pm central.
Opening music written, performed, and recorded by Secure Arkansas –
Listening to some interesting intro music!
Submitted By: Kenny Wallis
There is no sound?
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Ron Flick, refresh your page if you need to. Also, turn up your volume. That should help with the sound issue.
Submitted By: Jennifer
Make sure the sound on your computer is unmuted, and that the audio is playing. Click the refresh link if you don’t hear any sound.
Submitted By: Kenny
I reloaded the page and then hit the play button
Submitted By: Grady
I refreshed 10 times and the mike is FULL volume…I have zip
Submitted By:
If you are successful at the State level by the mandate, do you have a plan at the local level to develop champions to request they follow the safe water drinking act on putting additives into .water supply?
Submitted By: Bernie Miltenberger
Ron, do you see the volume bar in the “Listen To Our Live Broadcast” box at the top left? Slide that to the right. It will raise your volume.
Submitted By: Jennifer
(1) What is the “Parts Per Million” Content of Fluoride in Tooth Paste?
(2) What are the Current Sources of Fluoride for Water Fluoridation?
Submitted By: Clark Jordan
Not working Jen. Please send me the link when done and I will try to catch the replay. Went on You tube to check speakers…everything working fine??
Submitted By:
I’ve refreshed, re-loaded, and no sound. Have also tried to move the tab along the volume track. Won’t budge. What nest.
Submitted By: Tom Ryals
Will do, Ron. Can you try listening with earphones? Volume seems to be better with those.
Submitted By: Jennifer
Why is fluoridation assumed to be the only program used to improve oral health? How many millions of dollars does the Federal, State & local programs spend on oral health? How many millions more does the private market spend advertising toothpaste, mouthwash, teeth whitening, & other oral health products?
Submitted By: Kenny
Try using the Google Chrome browser, if you’re not already using it
Submitted By: Jennifer
working now
Submitted By:
with studies coming down on both sides of this issue for reputable scientists, how can you I’m good conscience put fluoride in the water?
Submitted By: Joe walls
This is for Dr. Pollick. Many believe that the reason we do not need fluoride in our tap water is because we are receiving it in other ways, such as soft drinks, etc. Is there a danger we can receive too much fluoride?
Submitted By: Alan
Fluoride is the main ingredient in RAT POISON. It is a poison. Hitler was the 1st one to pump fluoride into drinking water.
Submitted By: krystal
Hitler pumped fluoride into drinking water to make the people docile in order to make them easier to be controlled.
Submitted By: krystal
What was the website address for the research that the doctor mentioned?
Submitted By: Patricia
The government’s business with municipal water is water purification. How can the State presume to practice medicine without a license? The law dictates, the citizen cannot be medicated without his consent.
Submitted By: Thomas Ryals
Dr. Pollick is wrong about the NRC and the thyroid. The NRC conducted the very first review of fluoride toxicology data and revealed that fluoride, even at low levels in water supplies, can harm the thyroid – especially those who are deficient in iodine
Submitted By: Sam
Patricia, we will try to get the websites and sources mentioned by the doctors on the broadcast and email them out later with a link to the recorded broadcast.
Submitted By: Jennifer
The early human fluoridation experiments that started in 1945 were done in a similar fashion as the thyroid research. Yet, fluoridationists, including Dr. Pollic, use them as the gold standard that proves fluoridation is safe and effective.
Submitted By: Sam
There is a bill in the Arkansas Legislature that would allow communities to adjust the levels of fluoride in their water. It will be in the Senate Public Health Committee Wednesday
Submitted By: Kenny
Dr. Pollick. What is being taught today in dentistry school regarding water fluoridation and how many hours are devoted to this topic?
Submitted By: Alan
EPA methods cannot be trusted to determine safe dosage.
Submitted By: Patricia
THYROID: Fluoride competes with the uptake of iodine. Iodine is a necessary nutrient for the functioning of the thyroid. Fluoride is a halide as is iodine. What happens is that the thyroid filters our blood. Every 7 minutes ALL of the body’s blood passes through the thyroid to be cleaned. If there is no iodine, the thyroid cannot clean the blood. Since the poison fluoride fits into the receptor site in the thyroid, if the thyroid is full of the poison fluoride, then the thyroid slowly deteriorates and cannot filter the blood b/c of lack of iodine. WE ALL NEED TO TAKE IODINE. Check out Dr. Brownstein.
Submitted By: krystal
HB1355 does not specify a minimum required quantity of fluoride. This seems to be a subtle way of giving communities the option of adding zero fluoride.
Submitted By: Thomas RyalsH
If it’s impossible to deprive people of fluoride because it is ubiquitous in the environment as Dr. Pollick says, does Dr. Pollick have any evidence that any American needs more fluoride?
Submitted By: Shelly
Naturally occurring fluoride is NOT the same as the agriculture WASTE that is fluoride that is what they want to pump into our drinking water. That’s right, the fluoride they pump into drinking water comes from agricultural waste. IT IS POISON.
Submitted By: krystal
Natural fluoride is generally calcium fluoride. Calcium is the antidote for fluoride poisoning. Hydrofluosilicic acid is the most used fluoridation chemicals. It’s allowed to contain lead, arsenic and other toxins
Submitted By: Shelly
Many, many people feel like we have become “collateral damage” in this ongoing “war against tooth decay”. While people who want fluoride can very easily get it, (and while, in fact, many people are getting far too much fluoride just through food and other everyday sources), the health and safety of pregnant women, babies, the elderly, those with thyroid and kidney conditions, among others, is being disregarded. For low income citizens, eliminating fluoride from tap water is both unaffordable and impractical. Much more complicated and expensive technology is needed than simple filters which filter out chlorine, etc. Why is it that dentists and policy makers are so willing to sacrifice the welfare of so many individuals for something that is so controversial and in comparison to the harm it is doing, so very unnecessary. Do dentists and policy makers care at all about how quickly public confidence in their authority and ethics are eroding? Do they understand that this infringement on individual rights and freedoms of citizens is leading to more and more unrest and are they ready to face the inevitable consequences?
Submitted By: Natalie Mannering
I’ve read about fluoride’s effect on the brain. Any comments on that?
Submitted By: Rick Scott
The majority of water studies examined by the Harvard team investigated fluoride levels which the US EPA says is safe – less than 4 mg/l.
· One study, sponsored by UNICEF, found reduced IQ at just 0.88 mg/l – a level within the “optimal†fluoride range added to the drinking water of over 200 million Americans.
Seven found reduced IQs among children drinking water with fluoride levels between 2.1 and 4 mg/l — levels that 1.4 million Americans drink everyday.
Four found effects at levels between 1.8 and 2.0 mg/l — levels that over 200,000 Americans drink eve
Submitted By: Pollick’s Fact-Checker
If the dental community is in favor water fluoridation in order to help those who are financially disadvantaged, why is it that only around 30% of dentists accept Medicaid. Seems to me if they were interested in helping poor people there would be more providers accepting Medicaid.
Submitted By: Alan
Will you save all the comments/questions and send them out to everyone?
Submitted By: Patricia
The NZ study Dr. Pollick speaks about which claims to exonerate a link between fluoride and lowered IQ, is scientifically flawed and reveals blatant examiner bias.
The study’s co-author, pro-fluoridation activist and dentist Jonathan Broadbent, claimed: “Our findings will hopefully help to put another nail in the coffin of the complete canard that fluoridating water is somehow harmful to children’s development.” However, the limitations of Broadbent’s study mean it is inconclusive at best.
Even if this study was high quality science, which it is not, it could not cancel out over 100 animal and 45+ human studies showing fluoride can cause brain deficits. Broadbent’s research has serious weaknesses.
For example:
1) The study’s small sample size of non-water-fluoridated subjects (99 compared to 891 water-fluoridated subjects) means it has low ability to detect an effect. Even worse, 139 subjects took fluoride tablets, but Broadbent does not say which. Since fluoride tablets are only recommended for children living in non-water-fluoridated areas, there may have been little difference in total fluoride intake between his comparison groups. Broadbent’s failure to consider total fluoride exposure may thus explain why he found “no effect”.
2) Broadbent falsely criticizes 27 previous studies linking fluoride to children’s lower IQ – implying they didn’t adjust for any potentially confounding variables like lead, iodine, arsenic, nutrition, parent’s IQ, urban/rural and fluoride from other sources. In fact, several of the studies did control for these factors. A good example is Xiang’s work, which has controlled for lead, iodine, arsenic, urban/rural, fluoride from all sources, parent’s education, and socio-economic status (SES). Ironically, Broadbent failed to adjust for most of these factors in his own study despite having access to information on many of them.
3) Of the four factors Broadbent did adjust for, most were only crudely controlled. For example, SES was determined solely by the father’s occupation and classified into just 3 levels. Inadequate adjustment for SES could obscure a lowering of IQ caused by fluoride, because almost all of the non-water-fluoridated children came from one outlying town that had lower SES than the fluoridated areas.
More information on how fluoride affects the brain
Submitted By: Pollick’s Fact-Checker
Yes, Patricia, they are being saved to our database
Submitted By: Jennifer
For anyone who does not think fluoride is poisonous, just take a look at the back of any toothpaste tube that contains fluoride. You will quickly see that it says, “WARNING: only use a pea sized amount. In case of accidental overdose, contact poison control center”.
Submitted By: krystal
If fluoridated toothpaste packages state to only use a PEA SIZED amount to prevent overdose, then how can we know that pumping fluoride into our drinking water will not overdose a baby or a small child? All households would be getting the same amount. If a 200 pound man drinks a glass of water, and then his 2 year old drinks a glass of water, they will get the same amount. How do we regulate that?
Submitted By: krystal
If fluoridated toothpaste packages state to only use a PEA SIZED amount to prevent overdose, then how can we know that pumping fluoride into our drinking water will not overdose a baby or a small child? All households would be getting the same amount. If a 200 pound man drinks a glass of water, and then his 2 year old drinks a glass of water, they will get the same amount. How do we regulate that?
Submitted By: krystal
This is what the NRC reported about fluoride/thyroid
“several lines of information indicate an effect of fluoride exposure on thyroid function.†p.234
“it is difficult to predict exactly what effects on thyroid function are likely at what concentration of fluoride exposure and under what circumstances.†p.234-5
“Fluoride exposure in humans is associated with elevated TSH concentrations, increased goiter prevalence, and altered T4 and T3 concentrations; similar effects on T4 and T3 are reported in experimental animals..†p.262
“In humans, effects on thyroid function were associated with fluoride exposures of 0.05-0.13 mg/kg/day when iodine intake was adequate and 0.01-0.03 mg/kg/day when iodine intake was inadequate.†p.262-3
“The recent decline in iodine intake in the United States (CDC 2002d; Larsen et al. 2002) could contribute to increased toxicity of fluoride for some individuals.†p.263
“Intake of nutrients such as calcium and iodine often is not reported in studies of fluoride effects. The effects of fluoride on thyroid function, for instance, might depend on whether iodine intake is low, adequate, or high, or whether dietary selenium is adequate.†p.265
Submitted By: Pollick’s Fact-Checker
Didn’t the tobacco industry once tell the public that there health benefits from smoking cigarettes? The fluoride industry is the next tobacco civil suit.
Submitted By: Alan
Fluoride goes directly into the receptor site of the thyroid gland where iodine should be. If iodine is not there, hypothyroidism occurs. Fluoride prevents iodine uptake to the receptor site in the thyroid. The thyroid cannot function without iodine.
Submitted By: krystal
“It may…be that fluoridation of drinking water does not have a strong protective effect against early childhood caries (ECC),” reports dentist Howard Pollick, University of California, and colleagues, in the Winter 2003 Journal of Public Health Dentistry(1).
The dental profession promises steep cavity declines in populations who drink water with fluoride added, especially in poor children who risk decayed baby teeth. “Water fluoridation has been identified as the most highly recommended preventive strategy for early childhood caries,” according to the American Dental Association.(8)
But, Pollick, a staunch fluoridation proponent and co-chairman of the California Fluoridation Task Force, found that poor children had the most cavities regardless of fluoridation status.
A majority of Asian-American children that Pollick and his research team studied, lived in areas with fluoridated water; yet they suffered with the highest prevalence and the greatest amount of cavities.
Pollick’s team studied 2,520 California preschool children as part of the California Oral Health Needs Assessment of Children Study which convinced California legislators to mandate fluoridation statewide in 1995(1a).
Without x-rays, dentists detected cavities in 33% of Head Start (HS) children and 13% of non-Head Start (non-HS) children. To qualify for Head Start, a program for low-income children, a family of four must earn under $18,400 a year(2).
In Head Start, Asian children averaged of 8.9 dmfs (decayed, missing, or filled tooth surfaces); Latino children averaged 7.3 dmfs; African-American children averaged 5.1 dmfs. While non-Head Start white children averaged only 1.0 dmfs. The U.S. average is 1.4 dmfs(3)
“…the primary sampling units were selected on the basis of fluoridation status: three were fluoridated urban regions, two were rural (nonfluoridated), and five were non-fluoridated urban regions,” Pollick and colleagues write.
“Our analysis did not appear to be affected by whether or not children lived in an area with fluoridated water,” reports Pollick et al.
A study of 1,230 Head Start children aged 3-5 years in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas found that, when the data were looked at separately in rural and non-rural children, there was no difference in cavity rates between optimally and non-fluoridated areas, reports Pollick and colleagues.
The National Maternal & Child Health Association says that in two studies of preschoolers in Head Start and other programs in Maryland and Arizona, half the children were found to have visible tooth decay. Research suggests that in some cases, the condition remained untreated in up to 92 percent of Head Start preschoolers.(7)
Low-income children consume the poorest diets, and are generally deficient in nutrients, such as tooth-essential calcium(4). Another study shows calcium, not fluoride, supplements reduce cavities(5).
Federal surveys identify low calcium intake as a public health concern; 53% of 2-5 year-olds consume inadequate calcium(6).
Submitted By: Pollick Fact-Checker
Submitted By: krystal
Submitted By: krystal
Isn’t true that fluoride levels greater than .2 mg/l in the rivers, lakes and streams will reduce the life and reproductive rate of the fish/
Submitted By: John
Submitted By: krystal
Natural fluoride in the water is NOT THE SAME THING as the toxic brews of chemicals coming from China which include arsenic, lead, cadmium, radionucleides and chemical runoff that has the word “fluoride” in it but is in fact Fluosilicic acid. It is insulting to the intelligence of the public to continue to compare these to natural fluoride. There is also no way to monitor the amounts of these toxins in each batch. The truth is, dentists and policy makers are simply attempting to cover their tracks because it is too embarrassing to admit that they have been hoodwinked by the chemical industries all these years, and they fear liability issues, while the chemical industry magnates are laughing up their sleeves for having made vast fortunes at the expense of the gullibility of the public and those who are supposed to be protecting the public.
Submitted By: Natalie Mannering
Yes! We need the debate.
Submitted By: Patricia
Submitted By: krystal
Submitted By: krystal
The Use Of Flouridation
For Mass Mind Control
The following letter was received by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee Wisconsin, on 2 October 1954, from Mr. Charles Perkins, a chemist:
“I have your letter of September 29 asking for further documentation regarding a statement made in my book, The Truth About Water Fluoridation, to the effect that the idea of water fluoridation was brought to England from Russia by the Russian Communist Kreminoff. “In the 1930`s, Hitler and the German Nazi`s envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place. …
“Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual`s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. [A convenient light lobotomy]
“The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children`s teeth. If this were the real reason there are many ways in which it could be done that are much easier, cheaper, and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty.
“When the Nazis under Hitler decided to go into Poland, both the German General Staff and the Russian General Staff exchanged scientific and military ideas, plans, and personnel, and the scheme of mass control through water medication was seized upon by the Russian Communists because it fitted ideally into their plan to communize the world. …
“I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years` research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine–any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically.” CHARLES E. PERKINS, Chemist, 2 October 1954.
Quoting Einstein`s nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a prisoner of war during WWII) in a letter printed in The Catholic Mirror, Springfield, MA, January 1952:
“It appears that the citizens of Massachusetts are among the ‘next’ on the agenda of the water poisoners.
“There is a sinister network of subversive agents, Godless ‘intellectual’ parasites, working in our country today whose ramifications grow more extensive, more successful and more alarming each new year and whose true objective is to demoralize, paralyze and destroy our great Republic–from within if they can, according to their plan–for their own possession.
“The tragic success they have already attained in their long siege to destroy the moral fiber of American life is now one of their most potent footholds towards their own ultimate victory over us.
“Fluoridation of our community water systems can well become their most subtle weapon for our sure physical and mental deterioration. ..
“As a research chemist of established standing, I built within the past 22 years, 3 American chemical plants and licensed 6 of my 53 patents. Based on my years of practical experience in the health-food and chemical field, let me warn: fluoridation of drinking water is criminal insanity, sure national suicide. Don`t do it.
“Even in small quantities, sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to which no effective antidote has been found. Every exterminator knows that it is the most efficient rat-killer. … Sodium fluoride is entirely different from organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate needed by our bodies and provided by nature, in God`s great providence and love, to build and strengthen our bones and our teeth. This organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate, derived from proper foods, is an edible organic salt, insoluble in water and assimilable by the human body, whereas the non-organic sodium fluoride used in fluoridating water is instant poison to the body and fully water soluble.
The body refuses to assimilate it. “Careful, bonafide laboratory experimentation by conscientious, patriotic research chemists, and actual medical experience, have both revealed that instead of preserving or promoting `dental health,` fluoridated drinking water destroys teeth, before adulthood and after, by the destructive mottling and other pathological conditions it actually causes in them, and also creates many other very grave pathological conditions in the internal organisms of bodies consuming it. How can it be called a “health” plan? What`s behind it?
“That any so-called “doctors” would persuade a civilized nation to add voluntarily a deadly poison to its drinking water systems is unbelievable. It is the height of criminal insanity. “No wonder Hitler and Stalin fully believed and agreed from 1939 to 1941 that, quoting from both Lenin`s Last Will and Hitler`s Mein Kampf:
“America we shall demoralize, divide, and destroy from within.” …
“Are our Civil Defense organizations and agencies awake to the perils of water poisoning by fluoridation? Its use has been recorded in other countries. Sodium fluoride water solutions are the cheapest and most effective rat killers known to chemists: colorless, odorless, tasteless; no antidote, no remedy, no hope: Instant and complete extermination of rats. …
“Fluoridation of water systems can be slow national suicide, or quick national liquidation. It is criminal insanity–treason!”
Dr. E.H. Bronner, Mfg. Research Chemist, Los Angeles.
Submitted By: krystal
I hope someone has informed the Arkansas Senate committee about these talks, as they are going to be making a decision soon as to whether the power to decide will be returned to the people.
Submitted By: Natalie Mannering