Following is another example of the many MIRACLES we experienced in 1995 during the massive grassroots effort to halt the Conference of States. We received a call on March 24th from Betty Freauf in Oregon. A friend had called her and said, “Quick! Turn on your radio. Senator Shannon is being interviewed by Denny Smith!”. Bear in mind we were all being assured by the promoters of the C.O.S. there were definitely NO plans to make a call for a Constitutional Convention at the “historical event”.
Here’s what Oregon State Senator Marilyn Shannon said on March 24th, 1995 – on KYKN radio – regarding SJR 7, Oregon’s Conference of States Participation Resolution:
“Unfortunately, my name is on the bill and I’ll tell you what changed my mind. When the bill was explained to me — and to be a sponsor — it was going to be a Conference of the States and it wouldnever turn in to a Con-Con. However, the day that it came out of committee [senator] Rod Johnson himself came to me and said,
‘Marilyn, I’m so excited. It came out of committee today and we have all of the mechanisms in place to call for a Con-Con if they don’t listen to us’. “
Betty had recorded the program; played it for us by phone; we transcribed and sent it flying across the fax network and into the Internet site which had been set up specifically to disseminate information. These bits of information shared across the States and onto the desks of State legislators were the straws… one by one… which broke that big camel’s back. The cat is out of the bag — they’re NOT invincible and WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!