By Beverly Fox
State Coordinator, Arkansas Federation of Animal Owners
Arkansas Federation of Animal Owners (ARKFED) is a coalition of individuals and organizations, whose members own, raise, enjoy, produce, and sell animals and animal products. We believe in and support the proper care and humane treatment of all animals, but we also believe that the Animal Rights movement is a misguided attempt to deprive American citizens of their basic Constitutional rights to property ownership.
Under the guise of animal welfare, the animal rights activists attempt to eliminate your individual choices concerning property ownership. If their radical agenda is allowed to continue, the results will eliminate all animal ownership, including pets and all animal usage, including agriculture. If you allow this radical movement to succeed, America will eventually be as dependent on overseas sources of food as we are dependent on overseas sources of energy.
Please Join Us:
Together, we can stop the devastating effects of the radical animal rights agenda and protect your Constitutional rights to animal ownership.
My job is to share information about the issues at hand so that you can make an educated decision about them. Please stay tuned.
— Beverly