Water Words: Americans already over-fluoridated
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Lovely County Citizen
by Becky Gillette
It is interesting to look for unintended consequences with government mandates, like the one in Arkansas that requires fluoridation of our water supplies. With Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stating an estimated 41 percent of children ages 12 to 15 are over-fluoridated, why in the world would we need to spend millions of dollars to add more fluoride in the water?
And it appears that the CDC is covering up the true extent of fluoride-damaged children to protect profits for fluoridation suppliers instead of people. While the CDC officially reports that 41 percent of 12-15 year-olds have fluorosis, their own statistics show 60 percent actually are affected by dental fluorosis — white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth — the outward sign of fluoride’s toxicity to the human body.
Whether we are talking about 41 or 60 percent of children being over-fluoridated, the Arkansas Dept. of Health has ignored the new lower fluoride limits recommended by CDC, and instead allows the higher levels implicated in dental fluorosis.
Another unintended consequence of Big Brother deciding everyone in the country is the same no matter what age or health and should receive the same dose of fluoride, is that the risk of overdose is high because there are already large concentrations of fluoride in our food. Even though we here in Eureka Springs currently don’t have fluoride in the water, we could still get far more fluoride than is good for us through the foods we eat.
Crystal Harvey, who is state coordinator of Safe Drinking Water for Secure Arkansas, said the optimal range for daily intake of fluoride — the level that maximizes protection against tooth decay but minimizes other risks — is generally considered to be 0.05 to 0.07 milligram for each kilogram of body weight.
“Consuming foods and beverages with large amounts of fluoride can put a diet above this range,” Harvey said. “[These] are typical trace levels of fluoride, measured in parts per million (ppm), found in foods and drinks tested at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry: 3.73 ppm, brewed black tea; 2.34 ppm, raisins; 2.02 ppm, white wine, 1.09 ppm, apple-flavored juice drink, 0.91 ppm, brewed coffee, and 0.71 ppm, tap water (U.S.-wide average).”
As you can see, a lot of foods contain many times more fluoride than the recommended one milligram of fluoride per day.
If fluoride is added to our water, people who have hypothyroidism will be forced to buy an expensive reverse osmosis water filter to take out the fluoride. Research shows that fluoride can cause problems with the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism has become so common it is being called an epidemic. Could all the fluoride in food plus what is deliberately put into the water be one of the causes of this epidemic?
A comprehensive review of the scientific literature on fluoride exposure and thyroid toxicity was conducted by a panel appointed by the National Research Council of the National Academies (NRC). It found that fluoride exposure was associated with low levels of thyroid and parathyroid hormones, and an abnormally enlarged thyroid glandes (goiter). They also found that fluoride tended to concentrate in the thyroid more than in any organ but the kidneys.
“Fluoride has detrimental effects on the thyroid gland of healthy males at 3.5 mg a day. With iodine deficiency, the effect level drops to 0.7 milligrams a day for an average male,” retired environmental scientist Robert Carton said. Carton has 30 years’ experience working for the EPA.
The Carroll Boone Water District board will meet at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 19, at their plant headquarters at Beaver Lake to discuss whether to institute fluoridation of our water system even though grant funds that were supposed to be available to pay for the fluoridation mandate have fallen far short.
Please consider attending the meeting or contacting members of the board to ask them to delay implementation of this mandate at least until full grant funds are available.
Address for board meeting is 11510 HWY 187,Eureka Springs in the office building.
Carroll Boone Water District Board:
Gene Bland
P.O. Drawer 30
Eureka Springs 72632
(479) 253-9660
Gene Chafin
P.O. Box 105
Berryville AR 72616
(870) 423-1903
Harold Collins
171 CR 938
Green Forest AR 72638
(870) 438-5338
James Yates
3778 Wingate
Harrison AR 72601,
(870) 741-5878
Mark Billings
4101 Turtle Creek Cove
Harrison AR 72601
(870) 741-3488
Franc A. Brooks III, DDS
2102 First National Drive
Harrison AR 72601
(870) 741-0812