When they call it FLUORIDATION !
The fluoride used for water fluoridation is NOT natural! It is a toxic waste byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer industry.
In a 2003-2004 report, the Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, affiliated with the University of Florida, which is an independent state research agency for science and engineering for Florida’s environment and economy, gives a history of fluorides, acids, heavy metals, and radionuclide contaminants. In the fourth paragraph, it gives the source and process evolving the fluoridation agent fluosilicic acid/fluorosilicic acid and also notes the presence of uranium and radium in the phosphate ore. This IS the hazardous, corrosive chemical that is being used in Arkansas for water fluoridation. These industries are not allowed to dump this toxic waste in the streams, rivers, on the land or in the air. Instead of paying millions of dollars to properly dispose of their toxic byproduct, it is sold to the water industry to be used to medicate everyone and everything in uncontrolled doses through our water supply. If you think about it, what better way to get rid of their pollution than by dilution and they make money off of it too!
You may ask yourself, why is fluoride the hazardous waste byproduct of the fertilizer Industry? They have to remove it because, guess what, the plants don’t like it and will not grow!
Don’t believe this industrial fluoride is harmful? The Indians on the Awkwesasne Reservation spent years trying to figure out what was poisoning their cattle and land. In contrast, well-connected developers in San Antonio got LOW Fluoride water for a Golf Course. TOXIC fluoride for children? LOW Fluoride for golf courses? How does this make sense? To view both stories on the same youtube video click here.
The supposed logic regarding the rationale behind adulterating water with this known hazardous waste byproduct is fundamentally ILLOGICAL! Understanding history could help save us, our animals and the environment from a lot of pain, suffering and damage to our ecosystem that is being caused by these big industries. Click here to view another youtube called Industrial Fluoride Pollution: A Historical Perspective and see for yourself the damage that has been caused by this pollutant. If this is harming cows and horses and can etch glass and eat concrete, what is it doing to us? We may never know because the medical and dental industries are NOT looking.
These animals should be a wake-up call because they are OUR canary in the coat mine.
Can you honestly say, after reading the statements and listening to the videos that fluoride is just a simple non-toxic chemical? We don’t think so!
Call, write and fax your state representatives and state senators. We must demand that Arkansas Act 197 be repealed before more damage is done!