Eureka Springs passed a resolution on Monday, January 26, 2015 that asks the Arkansas Health Department officials to certify that any additives which are added to the city’s water supply, including fluoride, are safe and lead-free. From EPA’s own data, they state: “There is no safe level of exposure for lead”. The MCLG for lead is ZERO. Lead is one of the many contaminants in fluoride that is used for the public water fluoridation.
Eureka Springs City Council passes fluoride resolution
Eureka Springs resolution includes a letter signed by council members that states:
“We ask that the proof be in the form of a letter, both from the supplier and the Carroll-Boone Water Board, showing a complete, independent analysis from reputable laboratories both here and in the country of origin, of the compound, containing all the trace ingredients, a guarantee that the compound is safe for use internally and externally, if added to the water supply, and a guarantee that they will be liable if the compound is proven to be damaging to the health of the individual consumer. We believe that, if this should not come to pass, we have the legal right to ask for an alternative to this water.”
To view the City of Eureka Springs fluoride resolution, click here.
by Becky Gillette
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
The lead in our drinking water.
Eureka Springs City Council is considering a proposal by alderman Joyce Zeller to send a letter to the Arkansas Department of Health asking the state to enforce a state law prohibiting adding lead to drinking water. Lead is a well-recognized neurotoxin particularly damaging to the unborn, babies and young children. It can cause severe mental and physical problems. It makes no sense to deliberately add lead to drinking water.
While the fluoridation countdown clock is ticking, it should be a high priority for elected officials in Eureka Springs to protect residents from fluoridation chemicals that can contain lead and other toxins. The type of fluoridation chemical chosen by Carroll-Boone Water district (CBWD) is sodium fluorosilicate sold by the Belgian company, Prayon. A Prayon specification data sheet for sodium fluorosilicate states that the product contains an average of 10 ppm and up to 50 ppm of lead.
A study published in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health in April 2014 said the fluoridation products studied contained arsenic or arsenic in addition to lead, barium and “a surprising amount of aluminum.” The study concluded that such contaminant content “creates a regulatory blind spot that jeopardizes any safe use of fluoride additives.”
Pro-fluoridationists might say that the resulting lead content of the drinking water meets EPA limits. But since each batch of chemicals can vary considerably in the amount of toxic contaminants – and manufacturers are not doing batch testing – there is no way to know that.
There is a second problem: Fluoridation chemicals can leach lead out of plumbing systems, which is of particular concern in Eureka Springs with its old pipe distribution system. An article published in Neurotoxicology in 2007 is titled, “Confirmation of and explanations for elevated blood lead and other disorders in children exposed to water disinfection and fluoridation chemicals.”
“Living in communities with silicofluoride treated water is associated with two neurotoxic effects: (1) Prevalence of children with elevated blood lead is about double that in non-fluoridated communities,” the article states. “SiFW is associated with serious corrosion of lead-bearing brass plumbing, producing elevated water lead at the faucet.”
The study discusses how the chemical exposure could result in dental fluorosis. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study showed that 41 percent of U.S. youths had dental fluorosis. Pro fluoridations say this is no big deal; this is just a “minor cosmetic effect.” However, the article published in Neurotoxicology states dental fluorosis is not merely cosmetic, but a “canary in the mine” foretelling other adverse health and behavioral effects.
A recent study in the peer-reviewed medical journal Lancet confirmed earlier studies that linked fluoride in water to decreased IQ levels in children. And there is no doubt that lead can decrease IQ levels.
Researchers found that when silicofluoride is mixed with disinfectants such as chlorine or chloramines, it leaches even more lead from plumbing system. Thousands of children in Washington, D.C., got lead poisoning after chloramines and fluoridation chemicals were mixed. Because water is tested leaving the treatment plant – and not at the tap – this wasn’t discovered for a long time.
The Environmental Working Group states that fluorosilicates have a unique affinity for lead. “Lead fluorosilicate is one of the most water-soluble forms of lead,” EWG said. “In fact, fluorosilicic acid has been used as a solvent for lead and other heavy metals in metallurgy. What happens when fluorosilicates in water pass through lead-containing pipes and metal fixtures? Not surprisingly, the fluorosilicates extract high levels of soluble lead from leaded-brass metal parts.
“Where does this lead go? Into our drinking water and right on into our bodies, where they wreak havoc by poisoning our heart, kidneys and blood, causing irreversible neurological damage and impairing reproductive function.”
–Becky Gillette
Our understanding of the lead/fluoride relationship (based on the studies and articles we have read) is this:
When fluoride is added to a municipal water system that is already being treated with chloramine, lead-levels in that water system can increase by up to 800-900% (compared to lead levels for water treated with chloramine alone.) [This impact of the combined additives of chloramine and fluoride to water actually can result in lead levels (at the tap) measured as high as 900 ppb – which is 6,000% of the current EPA hazard level for lead in water (of 15 ppb.)]*
The mechanism by which this is happening is the combined chemical action of chloramine mixed with fluoride causing an increased corrosivity—acting on pipes, meters, fittings and fixtures along the water delivery pathway (from the source to the tap), creating an increase in the amount of lead being leached from any lead and lead-containing brass alloys in the pipes/meters/fittings/
There is no safe level of lead exposure for a child – especially when it comes to ingestion of lead in food and water. As a result of the potential impact of fluoridated water leading to increased lead exposure in children, it is our recommendation that fluorosilicates not be added to water systems and that the choice to use fluoride (as an oral supplement or topical treatment) be left to the individual family/ parents, based on the needs of their particular child and the results of research or inquiries done by that family and their medical providers.
As parents of children who were lead-poisoned as babies—and who have a consequent demonstrable immunological”fragility”, we personally have chosen not to use any kind of fluoride in our children’s diet (specifically in their daily water intake), so as to limit any future additional related exposure to lead. This is one reason we appreciate living in Portland, Oregon – as Portland does not fluoridate the public water supply, and Portland voters have repeatedly overwhelmingly rejected efforts to fluoridate the water supply.
First and foremost, the Lead Safe America Foundation encourages parents to learn all they can about an issue or component of an issue so they can make informed choices for themselves and their family.
Water fluoridation is no different – especially and specifically when considering the impact on your child’s total/ aggregate lead exposure.
Int J Occup Environ Health. 2014 Apr-Jun;20(2):157-66. doi: 10.1179/2049396714Y.
Thank you & good evening members of the court and fellow citizens.
As an introduction, I’ll begin with a disclaimer. There is a lot of information I wish to place before you, but it would take more time than should be used this evening. I shall begin with a QUESTION: Have any of you ever seen or handled fluoride in any form, or do you remember seeing the Skull & Cross Bones on the container with the WARNING “This product is hazardous to your health” ? The hazards can be listed as physical skin contact or ingestion. Data indicates that exposure rates at any level in water ingested may have effects that may last a lifetime. Fluoride is toxic to all forms of life.
Fluorides accumulate in the brain over time to reach neurologically harmful levels.
Neurotoxicology and Teratology, Vol 17, No,2, p.176, “Neurotoxicity of Sodium Fluoride in Rats”, Muellenix, Denbesten, Schunior, Kernan, 1995.
At present, we cannot get any of the fluoride manufacturers or suppliers to provide a chemical analysis of the fluoride product. This fluoride product is a toxic hazardous waste. Since there is no chemical analysis ( MDS ) in an emergency spill or fire, small / rural fire departments may not be equipped to handle the event or rescue attempt if necessary. The firefighters could be put at risk themselves. Purchasing proper equipment & training could be costly. Proper manpower may not arrive on time to assist in a rescue attempt.
Past experiences with government efforts should be brought to memory when considering this subject. Data from the U.S. military was used to promote smoking in the 40’s and 50’s which was only a way to protect the tobacco industry. The use of LEAD in gasoline was finally removed after much publicity brought forward about pollution damage to the young and fragile brain cells in the uterus. Even today, there are ongoing publicity efforts to educate those that are suffering from cancer (mesothelioma) because of contact with asbestos.
We at Secure Arkansas have fought other attempts where the EPA has already described fluoride as pollution to our waterways when it comes out of our sewer systems.
There is ample evidence that the use of fluoride and other products ( i.e.: Agent orange used to deforest areas in Vietnam) has contributed to healthcare disasters in the past and will continue to in the future. It appears to be because of politics and efforts to protect the industries that are making money from the sale of said products or services associated with these and other hazardous materials.
AS for statements by dentist that fluoride is a cure-all, there may be other factors to consider:
Improved public health education including personal hygiene
In the late 1950s, colleges and universities across the United States started state mandated programs designed to improve the health of Americans. These classes are generally called “Health Education” and cover the areas of diet, exercise, and personal hygiene. The personal hygiene section includes oral health and the value of brushing your teeth with a fluoridated toothpaste. These three areas of human health development are also important factors in reducing dental disease in the United States. It should be noted that fluoride used by dentists and in toothpaste is pharmaceutical grade. It is unfortunate for all Americans that U.S. healthcare authorities have intentionally disregarded the value of “Health Education” in this discussion about dental disease while they focus on water fluoridation which CANNOT be ethically defended politically, medically, or from a scientific perspective. Please remember the fluorides being dumped into public water supplies are industrial wastes from the aluminum refining and phosphate fertilizer industries that are contaminated with lead, arsenic, and radioactive isotopes. These industrial wastes have been shown in scientific studies, including the report from the Union of Scientists at the EPA (click here for more info), that are regarded as human carcinogens (cancer-causing agents).
“NTEU Chapter 280 and its individual Executive Board members have signed on to the following Statement of Concern about the science of fluoridation. The goal is to stimulate a Congressional hearing on this national policy, which has not been aired before Congress and the public since 1978. Since 1978, a wealth of peer reviewed literature has been published on the carcinogenic, genotoxic and neurotoxic effects of fluoride, as well as on the efficacy of fluoridation. We believe that a full, open debate on the merits of the science underpinning fluoridation – and EPA’s drinking water standards – is long overdue.”
Coalition of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Unions
“We, the undersigned representatives of a majority (eleven) of EPA’s employee unions, are requesting that you direct the Office of Water to issue an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking setting the maximum contaminant level goal for fluoride at zero, in accordance with Agency policy for all likely or known human carcinogens. Our request is based on the overall weight of the evidence supporting the classification of fluoride as a human carcinogen, including new information from Harvard on the link between fluoride in drinking water and osteosarcoma in boys that was conveyed to you in a meeting with union officials on May 4, 2005.”
The dental profession has grown significantly since the early 1940s, and regular evaluation and treatment by a dentist is an important component in general health improvement which is also a major factor reducing dental disease. Dentists use pharmaceutical-grade fluoride in their practice to augment the use of fluoridated toothpaste that also contains pharmaceutical grade fluoride. If a dentist were to use industrial waste fluoride as a topical treatment on the teeth of their patients, they would be charged with medical malpractice and possibly criminal negligence if this fact was discovered. They would also face civil lawsuits if patients found out toxic waste fluorides were used in their dental treatment. But authorities at the USPHS, CDC, ADA, and AMA say it’s OK to drink fluoride poisoned water without any studies that show these industrial wastes reduce dental disease AND are safe for long-term human health. This practice defies logic, is clearly unethical, and must be stopped.
David C. Kennedy, D.D.S., Past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) and Professional Member of SDCDS, CDA, ADA said this:
“This public health fraud will result only in increased misery–kidney disease, hip fractures, cancers and even death to its many unfortunate victims. Not only will fluoridation not reduce the dental care costs, it will exponentially increase the fluorotic damage to underprivileged children.”
Delta Dental of Arkansas, as I understand, is even offering grants to offset some costs for the forced use of fluoride in the Arkansas systems. IF I am correct, Mountain View has accepted a $96,000+ grant to install and use equipment that adds fluoride to their water system, while accepting fiduciary responsibility (for any liability that may occur from the use of the said equipment) for the use of Delta Dental Foundation LLC grant Funds.
I am asking that you proceed with gathering information to draft a resolution in opposition to the fluoride mandate that all public water systems install and fluoridate water without any recourse or input from the citizenry they serve.
To view the Fluoride resolution presented to the Craighead County Quorum Court, click here.
Please consider taking one of these resolutions to your own Quorum Court or City Council so a message can be sent to our Arkansas legislature before session is over.
You MUST keep this issue before our legislators, so continue to call and send your emails to show your concern. Their contact information is liste below.
Title |
Name |
Phone |
District |
Representative |
Charles L. Armstrong |
30 |
Representative |
Eddie L. Armstrong |
37 |
Representative |
John Baine |
7 |
Representative |
Bob Ballinger |
97 |
Representative |
Scott Baltz |
61 |
Representative |
Rick Beck |
65 |
Representative |
Nate Bell |
20 |
Representative |
Camille Bennett |
14 |
Representative |
Mary Bentley |
73 |
Representative |
Charles Blake |
36 |
Representative |
Justin Boyd |
77 |
Representative |
Ken Bragg |
15 |
Representative |
David L. Branscum |
870-448-2408 |
83 |
Representative |
Mary Broadaway |
870-236-9800 |
57 |
Representative |
Karilyn Brown |
501-580-9000 |
41 |
Representative |
Charlie Collins |
479-283-9303 |
84 |
Representative |
Donnie Copeland |
501-297-4857 |
38 |
Representative |
Bruce Cozart |
501-627-3232 |
24 |
Representative |
Andy Davis |
501-837-5109 |
31 |
Representative |
Gary Deffenbaugh |
479-719-8197 |
79 |
Representative |
Jana Della Rosa |
479-236-3060 |
90 |
Representative |
Jim Dotson |
479-644-0740 |
93 |
Representative |
Charlotte V. Douglas |
479-276-7777 |
75 |
Representative |
Dan M. Douglas |
479-619-9231 |
91 |
Representative |
R. Trevor Drown |
479-857-2498 |
68 |
Representative |
Lance Eads |
not available |
88 |
Representative |
Les Eaves |
501-827-1344 |
46 |
Representative |
Jon S. Eubanks |
479-438-0533 |
74 |
Representative |
Joe Farrer |
501-743-6855 |
44 |
Representative |
Deborah Ferguson |
870-735-7098 |
51 |
Representative |
Kenneth B. Ferguson |
870-413-8942 |
16 |
Representative |
David Fielding |
870-234-6143 |
5 |
Representative |
Charlene Fite |
479-414-1818 |
80 |
Representative |
Lanny Fite |
501-794-2228 |
23 |
Representative |
Vivian Flowers |
501-329-8356 |
17 |
Representative |
Mickey Gates |
501-623-1100 |
22 |
Representative |
Jeremy Gillam |
501-729-0042 |
45 |
Representative |
Justin Gonzales |
870-245-6365 |
19 |
Representative |
Bill Gossage |
479-667-2122 |
82 |
Representative |
Michael John Gray |
870-347-6000 |
47 |
Representative |
Michelle Gray |
870-368-4729 |
62 |
Representative |
Kim Hammer |
501-840-3841 |
28 |
Representative |
Justin T. Harris |
479-871-8542 |
81 |
Representative |
Ken Henderson |
479-970-4850 |
71 |
Representative |
Kim Hendren |
479-787-6500 |
92 |
Representative |
Mary P. “Prissy” Hickerson |
903-826-3119 |
1 |
Representative |
David Hillman |
870-830-3004 |
13 |
Representative |
Monte Hodges |
870-281-6878 |
55 |
Representative |
Grant Hodges |
479-381-9513 |
96 |
Representative |
Mike Holcomb |
870-489-7177 |
10 |
Representative |
Douglas House |
501-590-1055 |
40 |
Representative |
Lane Jean |
870-234-5433 |
2 |
Representative |
Joe Jett |
870-276-5319 |
56 |
Representative |
Bob Johnson |
501-982-1975 |
42 |
Representative |
Jack Ladyman |
870-340-7280 |
59 |
Representative |
Sheilla E. Lampkin |
870-723-6449 |
9 |
Representative |
Greg Leding |
479-966-9201 |
86 |
Representative |
Tim Lemons |
501-605-7565 |
43 |
Representative |
Kelley Linck |
870-404-2741 |
99 |
Representative |
Fredrick J. Love |
501-612-3939 |
29 |
Representative |
Mark Lowery |
501-837-5221 |
39 |
Representative |
Robin Lundstrum |
479-957-1959 |
87 |
Representative |
Stephen Magie |
501-327-4444 |
72 |
Representative |
Julie Mayberry |
501-888-8222 |
27 |
Representative |
Mark D. McElroy |
870-644-3822 |
11 |
Representative |
George B. McGill |
479-651-2107 |
78 |
Representative |
Ron McNair |
870-754-7962 |
98 |
Representative |
David Meeks |
501-277-9340 |
70 |
Representative |
Stephen Meeks |
501-314-9250 |
67 |
Representative |
Josh Miller |
501-365-3599 |
66 |
Representative |
Reginald Murdock |
870-295-3208 |
48 |
Representative |
Micah S. Neal |
479-935-5550 |
89 |
Representative |
Milton Nicks, Jr. |
870-739-5360 |
50 |
Representative |
Betty Overbey |
479-885-6479 |
69 |
Representative |
John Payton |
501-362-5815 |
64 |
Representative |
Rebecca Petty |
479-621-3464 |
94 |
Representative |
Mathew W. Pitsch |
479-883-2072 |
76 |
Representative |
James Ratliff |
501-454-5200 |
60 |
Representative |
Chris Richey |
870-995-2499 |
12 |
Representative |
Marcus E. Richmond |
479-299-4416 |
21 |
Representative |
Laurie Rushing |
501-545-6066 |
26 |
Representative |
Warwick Sabin |
501-374-0000 |
33 |
Representative |
Sue Scott |
479-621-1265 |
95 |
Representative |
Matthew J. Shepherd |
870-862-2087 |
6 |
Representative |
Brandt Smith |
870-351-7459 |
58 |
Representative |
James J. Sorvillo |
not available |
32 |
Representative |
Nelda Speaks |
870-421-2552 |
100 |
Representative |
James Sturch |
870-612-7589 |
63 |
Representative |
Dan Sullivan |
870-275-2929 |
53 |
Representative |
Brent Talley |
870-983-2717 |
3 |
Representative |
Dwight Tosh |
870-926-0423 |
52 |
Representative |
Clarke Tucker |
501-379-1767 |
35 |
Representative |
DeAnn Vaught |
870-832-2638 |
4 |
Representative |
John T. Vines |
501-624-1252 |
25 |
Representative |
John W. Walker |
501-614-9772 |
34 |
Representative |
Dave Wallace |
870-919-8046 |
54 |
Representative |
Jeff Wardlaw |
870-226-9501 |
8 |
Representative |
David Whitaker |
not available |
85 |
Representative |
Richard Womack |
870-403-6287 |
18 |
Representative |
Marshall Wright |
870-633-3141 |
49 |
Senator |
Cecile Bledsoe |
479-636-2115 |
3 |
Senator |
David Burnett |
870-563-5667 |
22 |
Senator |
Ronald Caldwell |
501-682-6107 |
23 |
Senator |
Eddie Cheatham |
870-364-5659 |
26 |
Senator |
Linda Chesterfield |
501-888-1859 |
30 |
Senator |
Alan Clark |
501-262-3360 |
13 |
Senator |
Linda Collins-Smith |
870-378-1434 |
19 |
Senator |
John Cooper |
870-761-0130 |
21 |
Senator |
Jonathan Dismang |
501-766-8220 |
28 |
Senator |
Joyce Elliott |
501-603-9546 |
31 |
Senator |
Jane English |
501-257-7670 |
34 |
Senator |
Jake Files |
479-648-9216 |
8 |
Senator |
Scott Flippo |
870-421-3420 |
17 |
Senator |
Stephanie Flowers |
870-535-1032 |
25 |
Senator |
Jim Hendren |
479-787-6222 |
2 |
Senator |
Bart Hester |
479-531-4176 |
1 |
Senator |
Jimmy Hickey |
870-772-4444 |
11 |
Senator |
Jeremy Hutchinson |
501-773-3760 |
33 |
Senator |
Keith Ingram |
870-735-9580 |
24 |
Senator |
Missy Irvin |
870-269-2703 |
18 |
Senator |
David Johnson |
501-682-6107 |
32 |
Senator |
Blake Johnson |
870-323-1766 |
20 |
Senator |
Bryan King |
870-438-4565 |
5 |
Senator |
Uvalde Lindsey |
479-444-6752 |
4 |
Senator |
Bruce Maloch |
870-235-7040 |
12 |
Senator |
Bobby J. Pierce |
870-942-1031 |
27 |
Senator |
Jason Rapert |
501-336-0918 |
35 |
Senator |
Terry Rice |
479-637-3100 |
9 |
Senator |
Bill Sample |
501-624-3445 |
14 |
Senator |
David J. Sanders |
501-682-6107 |
15 |
Senator |
Gary Stubblefield |
479-635-4314 |
6 |
Senator |
Larry Teague |
870-845-5303 |
10 |
Senator |
Eddie Joe Williams |
501-286-9366 |
29 |
Senator |
Jon Woods |
479-200-3100 |
7 |
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Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas