Step Up To The Plate and Make Some Calls
or someday, we will have to answer to these precious children.
They are trusting us to make safe decisions for them.
Fluoride is NOT safe!
*Watch the video we’ve linked below.*
HB1355 is on the legislative agenda once again for Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the Senate Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee. There are 8 people in that committee: it takes 5 votes to get it out of committee and sent to the Senate floor. Keep calling the 8 committee members and urging them to vote YEA when HB1355 is brought up. This issue deserves a vote on the Senate floor!
We’ve kept this email alert brief on purpose so you can take the time to WATCH THIS 15 min. video – Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy.
Lastly, here’s an article that was recently published from Harrison, Arkansas.
(We’ve included a snippet below.) They are warning parents of babies to watch out for fluoride.
“Harrison Public Works director Wade Phillips told the City Council on Thursday that the Carroll Boone Water District is about to start fluoridation, but parents of infants and small children should be notified of a precaution concerning dental fluorosis.”
The article concentrated on damage to children’s teeth. Dental fluorosis is a terrible thing, but we must not forget the potential damage to babies’ brains, bones, kidneys, thyroid, and development. Given the facts about the DANGERS of water fluoridation, how can anyone look into the eyes of a child and choose to poison them willfully?
If you won’t call the Senators for yourself, please call for the sake of the children.
Here are some links to a few of our many past articles regarding water fluoridation:
Will Ark. Surgeon General Bledsoe Keep Our Children From Harm?
Senators: fluoride is NOT “safe and effective for everyone”, especially our little ones.
Secure Arkansas supporters: BEFORE 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 25, 2015, CALL/EMAIL/TEXT the 8 members of the Arkansas Senate Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee and urge them to VOTE YES on HB1355 for local control of water fluoridation. Their contact information is listed below.
Staff Member Phil Price |
Secretary Juanita Witham |
Attorney Michael Feehan Jessica Beel |
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Our health is important!
Securing the blessings of liberty,
Secure Arkansas