Archives For 1st Amendment

What about the Chinese Communists Taking Over America…?

Communist Chinese Espionage is Everywhere… Secure Arkansas is extremely concerned about the Communist Chinese nationals that have been loosed to purchase land and to hook up to our electrical grid with their bitcoin mining facilities. The bitcoin facilities consume gobs of power and pollute areas, driving off wildlife, and they are causing property values to […]

Communist Sympathizers

A picture speaks a thousand words… Our country has been heading down a dark path that leads us directly to communism and captivity. Presidents and governors here in America have foolishly played footsie with communist China, and evasively, Arkansas Congressman French Hill is more concerned with Putin than he is with China’s Xi Jinping. . […]

How the Communist Chinese are Hijacking America, Locally

Arkansas’ worried, deceived, and desperate residents are demanding a Special Session to be called immediately regarding:  Act 851 (HB1799) To create the Arkansas Data Centers Act of 2023; and to clarify the regulation of the Digital Asset Mining Business. Sponsors: Senator Joshua Bryant of Rogers and Representative Rick McClure of Malvern. This traitorous Act deals with the […]

States That Have Lost Their State Sovereignty…

Warning: When the State borders are no longer in the State Constitution, it is the signal that the State has lost its sovereignty (and its state citizenship). Now, a central government has been formed which is the step into international communism through the United Nations. Remember the first 3 words of the U.S. Constitution? “We the […]

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