Archives For 1st Amendment

Ft. Smith Meeting 9/12/24 Regarding Smart Cities!

The Globalists and their Sustainable Developers want your city!  . We must recognize this threat. . Our only defense to this global agenda is us!  . Let’s stand with our communities! .If you want to keep your freedom, please attend this meeting locally. Share your questions and concerns.  . Our U.S. Constitution protects our unalienable rights,but […]

State Unconstitutionally Overriding “Exclusive Original Jurisdiction” of County Governments

We have a question for you. If your bully-ish neighbor came over to your house and started telling you how to run your household, how to raise your children, how to drive your car, how to cook your dinner, or even how to run your business, trying to intimidate you, and you never even asked […]