Archives For 1st Amendment

Govt Report: Fluoride Linked to Kids’ Lower IQ (and CDC in Denial)…

At last, we see an admission . from the Department of Health and Human Services . that fluoride (a toxic chemical) . is poisoning our children! . Our children need fluoride removed for healthier tap water. . image credit A landmark National Toxicology Program (NTP) report on fluoride neurotoxicity has confirmed what experts have long suggested: that fluoride […]

Ozark Mtn Regional Public Water Authority Reports on Latest Fluoridation Case Hearing…

Concerning water fluoridation, many of you have asked about the report from January 12, 2022 federal court hearing. Here is what happened a few days ago. This battle has been going on for a long time, but we do see light at the end of the tunnel. It seems the Judge is looking at the National […]

Ozark Mtn Regional Public Water Authority Reports on Latest Fluoridation Case Hearing…

Concerning water fluoridation, many of you have asked about the report from January 12, 2022 federal court hearing. Here is what happened a few days ago. This battle has been going on for a long time, but we do see light at the end of the tunnel. It seems the Judge is looking at the National […]

Ozark Mtn Regional Public Water Authority Reports on Latest Fluoridation Case Hearing…

Concerning water fluoridation, many of you have asked about the report from January 12, 2022 federal court hearing. Here is what happened a few days ago. This battle has been going on for a long time, but we do see light at the end of the tunnel. It seems the Judge is looking at the National […]

OMRPWA EPA TSCA Fluoride Lawsuit Hearing TODAY 1:30pm 1/12/2023 (watch via Zoom)

Heads up! Secure Arkansas expects the whole fluoride cover-up to be exposed soon! This is a quick notification from Andy Anderson of OMRPWA regarding forced water fluoridation so you can listen in on this important meeting this afternoon. The Ozark Mountain Regional Public Water Authority (OMRPWA) has been bravely guarding the water in their area for their fortunate […]

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