Archives For 1st Amendment

Update on Harrison’s Proposed Crypto Mine 5/25/23 and more!

Harrison’s Proposed Crypto Mine Update 5/25/23, info about non-public city “education meetings”… and MORE! Will the City Attorney of Harrison, Arkansas Nancy Cartwright, Harrison Mayor Jerry Jackson, and the board members give up the almighty dollar and do what’s best for the community, or will they try to relocate the dangerous Communist Chinese crypto mining site […]

America is being Destroyed by the Illegals, Cartels, & the CCP

America is being Destroyed by the Illegals, Cartels, and the CCP While our Tyrannical Government (Both Republican & Democrat) Stands By! . America is in a great state of emergency. The crisis at the border is war-like. It’s chaotic and highly volitional because we ARE being invaded by an unprecedented number of illegal aliens, jihadists, […]

UPDATE & Correction — ACTION ALERT: States Setting the Stage for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

UPDATE: In our alert posted 3/19/2023, we inadvertently stated in error that South Dakota passed HB1193, legislation which would’ve amended provisions of the UCC… but they didn’t! This is great news! Thankfully, Governor Kristi Noem vetoed the bill on 3/9/2023, and you can read her well-written response to the House Speaker and members of the House […]