SB 359 has already passed through the Senate and is on its way to the House. We must act NOW to stop this.
The House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 1, 2011, in Room 130 at 10:00 am. PLEASE come to the capitol for this meeting and bring your friends and family. We MUST make a big showing! Try to be there earlier to talk to your Representatives before the meeting starts.
Please call all of the House Public welfare Committee members personally. So many emails are being sent we want to make sure they get the message to vote NO on SB359. Also, send emails and faxes.
Find your district here and contact them personally by phone. Ask them to not only vote NO but to help convince other Representatives to vote NO.
Click here to find your House member by District
The Bill (HB 359) Sponsors are:
(D) Senator David Johnson D-32
(D) Rep. Linda S. Tyler D-45
The Co-Sponsors are:
(D) Rep. Fred Allen D-33
(D) Senator Jack Crumbly D-16
(D) Senator Joyce Elliot D-33
(D) Rep. Billy W. Gaskill D-78
(R) Senator Jonathan Dismang D-29
(D) Senator Linda Chesterfield D-34
(D) Senator Jim Luker D-17
(D) Rep. Mark Perry D-44
(D) Rep. Randy Stewart D-23
(D) Rep. John W. Walker D-34
(D) Rep. James L. Word D-16
(D) Rep. Butch Wilkins D-74
(D) Senator David Wyatt D-12
(D) Rep. David Fielding D-5
(D) Rep. Henry “Hank” Wilkins D-17
(D) Senator Jimmy Jeffress D-24
(D) Rep. Greg Leding D-92
(R) Senator Michael Lamoureux D-4
(D) Senator Robert Thompson D-11
(D) Rep. Tommy Lee Baker D-55
(D) Rep. Kathy Webb D-37
(D) Senator Paul Bookout D-14
(D) Rep. Efrem Elliott D-11
(R) Senator Jake Files D-13
(D) Rep. Clark Hall D-13
(D) Rep. Johnnie J. Roebuck D-20
(D) Rep. Fredrick J. Love D-35
(D) Rep. Reginald Murdock D-52
(D) Senator Stephanie Flowers D-5
(D) Rep. Tracy Steele D-39
(D) Rep. Darrin Williams D-36
(D) Senator David Burnett D-15
(R) Senator Eddie Joe Williams D-28
(D) Senator Gene Jeffress D-25
(D) Rep. Barry Hyde D-40
(R) Rep. Allen Kerr D-32
(D) Rep. Buddy Lovell D-56
(D) Senator Percy Malone D-26
(D) Senator Mary Anne Salmon D-31
(D) Rep. Tommy Thompson D-60
(R) Rep. Jon Woods D-93
Link to SB359
Link to SB359′s Bill Status History
Link to the Arkansas State Legislature
Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee – Senate