The statement below comes from Christie Herrera of ALEC.
“Senate Bill 709 not only strengthens the legislature’s policymaking authority when it comes to health reform decisions, but it also promotes transparency on the costs of the federal healthcare law on individuals and the state of Arkansas.”
Any politician involved with ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) has in all likelihood sold out to big business. In exchange for helping ALEC to push their model legislation through their states, they are paid off with large campaign donations from ALEC members. All these payoffs can be verified by checking out elected officials financial
filings with the Secretary of State. It was ALEC that was behind SJR1, Article V Amendment Convention bill. Thank goodness SJR1 was
killed in committee.
It was ALEC that was behind SB709, Healthcare Reform Accountability Act. Please check out who the sponsors and co-sponsors of these two bills were. All of the sponsors and co-sponsors of SB709 have sold out. The Healthcare Reform Accountability Act will be reintroduced again in Arkansas next session
by a current Senator running for office.
New film brings warning
Introduced by the director (from his speech at the world premiere in New York City, June 15, 2012). If you can’t watch the whole video, you need to watch at least the first 30 minute talk of Gary Null. Here is the link to the video:
WAR ON HEALTH: The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny
In the near future, American medical practice may change dramatically for the worse. No longer will maximal dose natural supplements –vitamins, natural compounds, and scientifically proven medicinal herbs — be available over the counter in local health and grocery stores. Holistic practice, which relies upon non-prescription natural treatments instead of Big Pharma drugs prescribed life-long, will diminish. American healthcare will be imprisoned. Patients will be forced to abide by a single medical paradigm defined by corporate drug and food executives and dictated by a government enforcement agency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is the bleak scenario if the FDA succeeds in limiting Americans’ options to prevent and treat diseases.
‘War on Health’ is the first documentary detailing and challenging the FDA agenda and its allegiance with the international Codex
Alimentarius, which hopes to establish a monolithic food and health regime. Betraying its founding mandate to assure drug, food and
chemical safety in the interests of public health, the FDA today is a repressive bureaucracy serving pharmaceutical and agricultural greed and profits. Vaccines, medical devices, prescription drugs are fast
tracked at alarming rates through the FDA at the expense of scientific oversight to assure their efficacy and safety. The result is hundreds of thousands of premature deaths annually from pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and medical devices and an epidemic of medical incompetence and fraud sanctioned by federal health officials.
Featuring many pioneering American and European attorneys, physicians, medical researchers and advocates of health freedom, War on Health lifts the veil on FDA’s militaristic operations against organic food providers and alternative physicians. The film’s conclusion is
perfectly clear: the FDA is a tyrannical cult founded upon the denial of sound medical science with little intention to improve the nation’s health and prevent disease.
Written and Directed by Gary Null
Produced by Valerie Van Cleve
Associate Producer: Richard Gale
Editor: Richie Williamson
Offline Editing: Valerie Van Cleve, L.A. Jones
Camera Operators: Marcello Coppuchino, Peter Bonilla, David Grier, L.A. Jones, Gregory Jason Russ, Jake Hammer Mesmire, Edson Tanakae, Valerie Van Cleve, Richie Williamson
Breaking Up with ALEC is Hard to do For Johnson & Johnson
MAY 3, 2012
These Johnson & Johnson products were previously recalled as Procter and Gamble became the 13th major American firm to announce that it was dropping its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Johnson & Johnson is one of the companies that has so far stood by ALEC, despite ALEC’s role in pushing “model” laws that make it harder for Americans to vote and that advance the NRA’s gun agenda.
Firm Tries to Distance itself from Extreme ALEC Agenda
Instead of quitting, Johnson & Johnson prefers to try to distance itself from certain elements of the ALEC agenda, which may explain ALEC’s PR move to dump its “Public Safety and Elections Task Force,” where corporate lobbyists and elected officials voted behind closed doors on templates for changing gun and voting laws.
Bill Price, a spokesman for the New Jersey-based Johnson & Johnson
said the company financially supports ALEC and other organizations because of “a broad range of issues and, while we express our views to organizations with which we work, we may not align with or support every public position each of these broad-based groups takes.” Johnson & Johnson’s Vice President for State Government Affairs Don Bohn represents the company on ALEC’s corporate “Private Enterprise” board as of 2011.