Archives For Healthcare / FDA

States & Communities Lashing Out at Water Fluoridation

Secure Arkansas believes that it’s high time to reveal more history and corruption behind the industrial toxic waste called fluoride that is being dumped into our drinking water supply and is poisoning people all across the country. Our own state of Arkansas is working to rid our population of this dangerous chemical: see our previous article, which mentions legislation to repeal […]

Action Alert: Why the FOIA Must Be Preserved… and more on WHO!

Arkansas’ Sunshine Laws Under Attack In this article, we hope to be able to show you reasons why we cannot afford to lose this battle regarding our freedom of information. So, here are some serious consequences that could happen IF we cannot stop Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, her husband, Bryan, and the minions she uses […]

Who is Digging into Our Phone & Bank Records; Censoring, Collecting Data & Conducting Surveillance??

The Weaponizing of Our Federal Government! Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, and/or other vital information. Our founding fathers realized the importance of freedom of speech, so they gave it a dignified place in the First Amendment of our U.S. Constitution. Censorship is bad enough, but let’s not forget the government’s obsession with […]

Kansas City Conference Sept 22 & 23, 2023

. . . . . . This Kansas City Conference is loaded with powerful speakers! . Address of the conference: Harmony Vineyard Church 600 NE 46th Street Kansas City, Missouri This is a free conference in Kansas City, Missouri — Friday evening Sept. 22 and all-day Saturday Sept. 23, 2023. It is open to the public and can help prepare and […]

ACTION ALERT: STOP HB1610! On the House Floor today 3/30/23

HIGH ALERT! HB1610 is on the House floor today! March 30, 2023 <=== Call to ACTION Who is your Arkansas State Representative? Go to this website: and type your street name, city, and state in the first box and your zip code in the second box. Click Search, and the name & contact info of your Rep. will pop up […]

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