Archives For Illegal Immigration

The Great Reset is at Your Front Door

Predators Stalking America… The Great Reset is at Your Front Door! . Let’s assess the damage and see how much they have devoured and what else they want to take from us. They are coming for YOU! . Heads Up! America’s landscape is drastically changing. Destroying America is easier than you think… IF one has a […]

UN Agenda 2030 at Work in Arkansas and Other States!

Our country is in drastic decline! What’s going on? . Why can’t we turn America around? . Could it be because the global elite are determining policies and controlling us, our elected officials, corporations, organizations, universities, churches, and even the United Nations? . In this shadowy culture of philanthropy, promoted and used by the privileged […]

Americans Overwhelmed by Inflation…The Perfect Storm: Introduction to the Crisis

Most Americans are in distress, financial shock, and losing jobs. The middle class is under attack by the government and corporations/ the global elite. Is America headed for an economic crash that could be worse than the Great Depression? Criminals are roaming free all across America, especially in our own government. Our human rights to […]

Biden Administration Abusing a Humanitarian Parole Program!

Biden’s propped-up propaganda speech will air tonight, March 7, 2024…    so, be sure to read this article! . ANY AND ALL HUMANITARIAN PAROLE PROGRAMS MUST BE SUSPENDED IMMEDIATELY! . A nation without borders is NOT a sovereign nation! . Illegal aliens have been invading the United States by the millions with no sign of […]

Endorsing JP Candidates for Garland County Quorum Court 2024

The Garland County Quorum Court needs some NEW blood! Early voting has already begun, and the Primary is Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Always vote in the Primary Election in order to weed out the RINOs (Republican In Name Only)! The three strong, dependable, and dynamic ladies mentioned below deserve your vote in this year’s primary. […]

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