Archives For Sustainable Development

The Great Reset is at Your Front Door

Predators Stalking America… The Great Reset is at Your Front Door! . Let’s assess the damage and see how much they have devoured and what else they want to take from us. They are coming for YOU! . Heads Up! America’s landscape is drastically changing. Destroying America is easier than you think… IF one has a […]

Heads Up, Fort Smith: Restructuring of the American Landscape

More land grabs are coming, eminent domain will be used, and readers, we are being watched in more ways than one… Globalism has overtaken America and our cities! The American Landscape continues to be completely restructured for the global elite’s UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Below is how the International United Nations has been working […]

UN Agenda 2030 at Work in Arkansas and Other States!

Our country is in drastic decline! What’s going on? . Why can’t we turn America around? . Could it be because the global elite are determining policies and controlling us, our elected officials, corporations, organizations, universities, churches, and even the United Nations? . In this shadowy culture of philanthropy, promoted and used by the privileged […]

BlackRock Bullies the States & Wants to Control the Economy…

BlackRock is a bully! We live in a Constitutional Republic, but BlackRock is closing in on Americans, continuing to bully everyone… and obsessed with creating a police-type state under a system of global governance. It looks like BlackRock is one of the arms of the UN and its United Nations Global Compact used to help enforce the all-encompassing Climate Change and […]

Conspiracy To Defraud!

It’s time to expose more corruption in the housing market… occurring all across the country. This article is meant to bring public awareness and publicize the fraud. Are some appraisals fraudulent, and are they being done lawfully? In many cases, appraisers can determine whatever value they want on property, and you could be made to pay […]

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