Archives For Patriot Alert

Public Reminder for the Fluoride Bill Weds. Feb. 12th!

Public Reminder for the Fluoride Bill SB2: Special Order of Business! . A disturbing but informative report published by the Department of Health and Human Services’ National Toxicology Program found that excessive fluoride consumption is linked to a two to five-point IQ reduction in children. Fluoride IS neurotoxic! Senate Committee on Public Health, Welfare, and LaborWednesday, February 12, 2025 at 10:00 […]

Stop the Arkansas Power Grab On Initiatives Bills!

Please Oppose SB207-SB212  sponsored by Senator Kim Hammer of Benton, Arkansas. . Why is Senator Hammer working to end citizens petitions in Arkansas and make the initiative and referendum process HARDER? — These freedom-robbing bills all deal with the Arkansas initiative/referendum process, another slap-in-the-face to the voters. Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Tuesday, February 11, […]

Support the Over-the-Counter Ivermectin Bill

Ivermectin:   . This Wonder Drug Medicine Has Saved Millions of Lives! . A Nobel Prize-Winning Medication . . Here is proposed Arkansas legislation regarding Ivermectin: SENATE BILL 189  AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE IVERMECTIN FOR HUMAN USE TO BE SOLD WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION OR CONSULTATION WITH A HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Readers, what a blessing it […]

First Week of Feb. – Arkansas Legislative Alert

First Week of February 2025 at the Arkansas Capitol . Here are some important pieces of legislation this week. We’ve listed the bills according to their location (committee OR full Senate or House), and each bill is hotlinked to the Arkansas State Legislature info. You can copy/paste the committee members’ email addresses into your email SEND TO […]

THIS WEEK: Arkansas Legislative Action Alert

Here is some of the legislation coming up in committees on Tuesday morning, Jan. 28, 2025. We need to watch these bills and contact our legislators about them. These are among those that we’ve found are most important. . We’ve listed the bills according to the committees in which they’ll be introduced, and each bill is hotlinked […]

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